The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Giant Teapot
F76 Huge Teapot
F76 358
Part ofThe Forest
QuestsEvent: Tea Time
  • Red Rocket theme
  • The Forest location
  • Fast travel destination
  • Large loot scale
  • Clearable
  • Dungeon
  • Point of Interest

    The Giant Teapot is a location in Fallout 76.


    Since 1938,[1] The Giant Teapot has been a roadside attraction set up on the western road leading out of Charleston, the Giant Teapot and its robotic brewer, Sweetwater, once served the perfect Virginian tea. Now, the Mr Handy is trying to restart this proud tradition.

    Points of interest[]

    • This is a small spot, with a Red Rocket gas station - complete with the player's stash - a gift shop in an old colonial house, and of course, the Giant Teapot. The boilers are repeatedly filled and prepared by Sweetwater, allowing players to participate in the robot's tea time.

    Notable loot[]

    Potential bobbleheads
    • On the shelf of the counter, below the blue cash register, inside the Red Rocket Gas Station.
    • By the toilet, in the upstairs bathroom of the Gift Shop with the red painted wood siding.
    Potential magazines
    • Inside the small blue container tray, at the foot of the shelving; enter using the door to the right of the Nuka-Cola machine, and turn left, to check for the magazine.
    • In, around, or behind the open blue fridge on the south curved wall, inside the Giant Teapot.
    Dynamic spawns

    No location theme keyword variable specified - check the infobox!


    The Giant Teapot appears in Fallout 76.

