For more information on the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, see The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on Wikipedia. |
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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Honest Hearts produce honest actions.
”— Brigham YoungThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the LDS Church or, colloquially, the Mormon Church) is the largest denomination originating from the Latter Day Saint movement founded by Joseph Smith in Upstate New York in 1830.
Adherents, often referred to as New Canaanites, view good works and adherence to the teachings of Joseph Smith as the central tenets of their religion. The church has an open canon which includes five scriptural texts: the Bible (both Old and New Testaments), the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price. Other than the Bible, the majority of the LDS canon constitutes revelation dictated by Joseph Smith and includes commentary and exegesis about the Bible, texts described as lost parts of the Bible, and other works believed to be written by ancient prophets.
Groups of Mormons still survive in the wasteland, mostly in the area that used to be known as the state of Utah, which originated as a safe haven for the Mormons as they tried to escape persecution by establishing a community, which became Salt Lake City. This became the state of Utah when the United States of America won a war against Mexico. Though truly brutal groups like Caesar's Legion will not hesitate to enslave or kill Mormons, most tribals and other organizations leave the Mormons alone, knowing that they often will voluntarily give medical or other aid to groups who need it. The people tolerate the Mormons' preaching because finding help with relatively benign conditions is rare.
According to Daniel, a Mormon missionary, the LDS Church believes that God offers salvation from a spiritual wasteland. Before this life, people's souls existed elsewhere and after death, their souls will depart this world. During life, the burden of choice is upon all people and the choice taken in life will determine where they go in the spirit world and how they will face judgement.[1] As many once did, New Canaanites believe that God was made as flesh and blood on Earth as Jesus Christ, who sacrificed his life to save all of humanity from sin. All one has to do is accept Christ's love to be saved, which is why Mormon missionaries commonly visit tribes and "spread the good news."[1] The Mormons have faith that God watches over them and awaits their return home to the Kingdom of Heaven.[2] One should not be fooled; the Mormons may be religious, but they are not inherently pacifists.[3]
This section is about the post-divergence history of the LDS Church. For the history of the Church up until that point, see History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on Wikipedia. |
In 2062, many Mormon congregations came together to purchase spots in Vault 70, located in Salt Lake City, Utah. As part of the Vault experiment, Vault 70 was assigned a clandestine social experiment―specifically, for the jumpsuit extruders to fail within six months of the vault's sealing. The eventual total lack of clothing combined with Mormon religious sensibilities resulted in the single largest block of social data collected during the Vault program.
In 2190, 113 years after the Great War, Vault 70 opened and its residents used the three G.E.C.K.'s within to finally realize Joseph's Smith dream of a New Jerusalem, atop the ruins of Salt Lake City. Between 2220 and 2233, New Jerusalem's intolerant prophet and apostles repeatedly voted to have no commerce with outsiders from other, failed communities, refugees, or tribals. Finally, in 2233, many disgruntled and desperate refugees stormed New Jerusalem's gates and overwhelmed the militia; certain the Mormons were hoarding food and water while everyone outside the city walls suffered and died. Most of the Mormons were slaughtered. The survivors scattered into the desert.
Two years after the fall of New Jerusalem, the new living prophet, Judah Black, led most of the remnants of the Mormon community north to Ogden. There, they established the town of New Canaan. A year later, they and a group of squatters got the Jericho Water Plant running fresh water into the city. Judah Black died of old age in 2245, and two years after that, Jeremiah Rigdon emerged from a strange and powerful fever, claiming that an angel appeared to him in a vision, calling him to be the living prophet of God.
In 2246, the Mormon missionary Joshua Graham encountered two Followers of the Apocalypse, Bill Calhoun and Edward Sallow. The three eventually went on to become the founders of Caesar's Legion, bringing great shame to the Mormons. After Graham survived his execution after his failure at the First Battle of Hoover Dam, the Church accepted him back into the flock,[4] incurring the wrath of Sallow, now known as Caesar. In 2281, New Canaan was burned to the ground by the White Legs, a group of tribals who were tasked with the destruction of all of Graham's people as part of their petition to be absorbed into the Legion,[5] killing Bishop Mordecai in the process.[6] 30 of the survivors managed to find each other in the chaos, and traveled to Zion Canyon under the leadership of Daniel. There, they encountered 4 tribes - the Crazy Horns, the Dead Horses, the Sorrows and the Tar Walkers. By the time the Courier arrives in Zion, only the Dead Horses and the Sorrows remain, the other two having fallen already to the White Legs. Daniel and Graham see it as their responsibility to ensure the survival of the native tribes - by any means necessary.
The Mormons are mentioned in Fallout: New Vegas,[7] and were due to appear in both Black Isle's canceled Fallout 3 and J.E. Sawyer's Fallout Role-Playing Game. Two Mormons (Daniel and Joshua Graham) appear in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on, Honest Hearts.
Behind the scenes[]
I think Mormons are interesting because they occupy such a unique position in American society. Since their early days, they've had a lot of conflicts with the people around them and rapidly pushed west, out of the Midwest, and eventually into what would become Utah. Events like Missouri Executive Order 44, Haun's Mill, and the Mountain Meadows Massacre show how violent that conflict could be at times. The society that they built in the Utah region was done with local tribes like the Paiute but apart from outside, mostly-European influences.
As a result of these conflicts and their eventual concentrated build-up of Utah, Mormons have been, and often still are, considered "other" by many Americans. Unsurprisingly, Mormon communities can be extremely organized and powerful. Unlike many other powerful religious groups, the geographic concentration of Mormons is quite dense, so I think it produces an interesting dynamic in American politics and culture. The military history of the Mormons (fighting against and for the federal government) and the central role of J.M. Browning in the development of many of the U.S. military's most notable weapons (the BAR, M1911 Pistol, and M2) throws another element into the mix.
See also[]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 The Courier: "Salvation? From what, the wasteland?"
Daniel: "A spiritual wasteland, yes. We believe that before this life, our souls existed elsewhere. And after we die, our souls will leave this world. During our time here, we have the burden of choice. The choices we make determine where we go in the spirit world, and how we will face judgment. New Canaanites believe, as many once did, that God was made flesh here on Earth as a man named Jesus Christ. He sacrificed his life to save us. Every sin, every terrible thing that you, me, or any one of us have done for all time, was washed away by his blood. We just have to accept his love. That's why we visit the tribes, to spread the good news. For all we know, we New Canaanites may be all that remains of Christ's followers."
The Courier: "Interesting."
Daniel: "Heh. That's actually a better response than I usually get from wastelanders. No offense. Tell you what. There's a lot going on right now but why don't you take this. Read it. Maybe you'll hate it. Maybe you'll be bored. But if you have questions, assuming we get through all this, let me know. It used to be my job to answer those questions. Maybe it will be again."
(Daniel's dialogue (Honest Hearts)) - ↑ The Courier: "Sounds kind of far-fetched, even for the wasteland."
Daniel: "Good news is an amazing thing in this world we've unmade. We're so used to going to sleep with nightmares that we can't imagine waking up to a dream. But that's what we believe, every word of it. It's the cornerstone of our faith and how we choose to live. With every step you take, you put one foot in front of the other and know that you'll be pulled back down to this Earth. We know that God is watching over us, waiting for us to come back home. To us, there's no difference. Walking and living. It's all belief, all faith."
(Daniel's dialogue (Honest Hearts)) - ↑ The Courier: "Do you know anything about their religion?"
Jed Masterson: "I ain't a prayin' man myself. They paid for their goods and dealt square with us, that's all I ever cared about. But don't think that just because they're religious that they're pacifists. They take care of their own, and they're damn fine marksmen too."
(Jed Masterson's dialogue) - ↑ The Courier: "How did you survive?"
Joshua Graham: "I survived because the fire inside burned brighter than the fire around me. I fell down into that dark chasm, but the flame burned on and on. The next morning, I woke up and crawled out of the northern edge of the Grand Canyon, that cursed place. It took me three months to reach New Canaan. It was as though the prodigal son had returned. They welcomed me like I had never left, never done anything to shame them. The fire that had kept me alive was love. Their love. God's love. I will never be able to repay the debt I owe to them, but I must try."
(Joshua Graham's dialogue) - ↑ The Courier: "You said you "used to" help the Sorrows with problems. What do you do now?"
Daniel: "I'm trying to make amends for allowing our problem to become their problem. The New Canaanites, I mean. The White Legs have always fought with us, and with Joshua returning, Caesar has motivated the White Legs to stamp out the New Canaanites entirely. That means the tribes we work with, too. It's already hap- I just want to prevent something terrible from happening to the Sorrows."
(Daniel (Honest Hearts)'s dialogue) - ↑ The Courier: "What does a bishop do? Is that your boss?"
Daniel: "Yeah, Bishop Mordecai is... Sorry. Mordecai was my bishop. He was killed by White Legs during the attack on New Canaan. He was responsible for our congregation there. I don't know who my next bishop will be. But that's a problem for tomorrow. There are plenty of troubles here for us today."
(Daniel's dialogue (Honest Hearts)) - ↑ Bert Gunnarsson and Driver Nephi are both Mormons, the latter having renounced his faith.
![]() | The contents of this page were entirely or partially copied from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia, and are therefore licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. The original version, its history and authors can be found at the Wikipedia page "Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints". |