The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Burning Mine
F76 Burning Mine 1F76 Burning Mine 2
F76 358
Part ofThe Ash Heap
  • Feral ghouls
  • Scorched
  • Mole miners
  • Technical
  • Dungeon
  • Subterranean location
  • Dungeon
  • Clearable
  • Ash Heap location
  • Fast travel destination
  • Mining theme
  • Responder Eyebot spawn
  • Large loot scale
  • Interior cell

    The Burning Mine is a location in Fallout 76.


    Located on the northeastern side of Mount Blair, this mine was set alight by the Hornwright Industrial Mining Company and has been burning ever since.

    Points of interest[]

    • The mine is easily recognizable by the partially collapsed, derelict warehouse and the red entrance door with a warning sign prominently posted before them. The control booth to the side contains minor loot... However, the building on top of the hill contains a prize: A power armor station and a power armor.
    • This is a fairly large and confusing interior, mostly due to the very limited visibility and the presence of toxic air and fiery veins underfoot. Take care when traversing and pack a gas mask or power armor helmet on the frame. Braving the area is worth for high level loot, no less than four bobblehead and magazine spawns each, and potentially even black titanium.
    • The mine is shaped roughly like an oval. The entrance area contains an improvised airlock with a power armor and a power armor station, together with two crafting stations for weapons and armor. Inside, the tunnel branches off to the left and right. To the left, the players can enter the infirmary (with usual medical loot) and the generator room (with a bobblehead in the recreation area upstairs), with the tunnel eventually leading to the upper level of the conveyor belt room with a fusion generator, a bobblehead spawn, and a magazine spawn.
    • The right-hand tunnel leads to the burning tunnels, which are challenging to navigate. Near the old elevator shaft is a bobblehead and magazine spawn, while down through the fire lies the bottom of the conveyor belt leading up from the work area. That's where two magazine spawns are located (on top and bottom respectively), together with a fourth bobblehead and a tinker's workbench.

    Notable loot[]

    • Power armor (2): Up the hill in the brick room and inside the mine, in the "airlock".
    • Bobbleheads (4): In the generator room, near the generators overlooking the fiery chamber, by the stairwell to the east, at the bottom of the conveyor belt in the northeast, near the three conveyor belts to the north.
    • Magazines (4): Near the bobblehead overlooking the fiery chamber to the east, at the bottom of the converyor belt to the northeast, near the tinker's workbench, and on the table near the room with the three blue conveyor machines.
    • Fusion core: In the generator in the room with the three blue conveyor machines.
    Dynamic spawns


    The Burning Mine appears in Fallout 76.

