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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Master of the Mojave
Fallout: New Vegas locations project
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The Aerie
The Aerie
The Aerie Location
Map MarkerThe Aerie
Cell NameNVDLC02SecTAerie
ref idxx007375
Gametitle-FNV HH
Gametitle-FNV HH

See that tower? Back When, folks used them to talk to each other on the air. Not like with signal drums, they could actually talk! Amazing, huh?


The Aerie is a location in the Zion Canyon.


It is similar in appearance to the Ranger Substations, and since the word 'aerie' means a nest for an eagle, osprey, or peregrine falcon, it is likely that The Aerie is the control nexus for Ranger Substation Eagle, Osprey and Peregrine. Located southwest of Sun Sentinels and south of North Fork Campground, this structure is very similar to all of the Ranger Substations and has a large radio tower beside it. An easy way up is to head north from Two Skies Cave and climb the hill.

Notable loot[]

  • Park Ranger hat on the toppled over chair.
  • Future Weapons Today under the bed.
  • First aid box with some random medical supplies in it.
  • Gun case with some random ammunition and usually a hunting rifle, lever-action shotgun or a caravan shotgun in it.
  • There is also a small ledge on the eastern side of the aerie near the painted cliff face. Access can only be gained by jumping down, most likely taking damage in the process. There is a gun case with a hunting rifle and some ammunition plus a toolbox with random items inside.
  • To the southwest of The Aerie on the east side of the river, under an overhang with a few broc flowers around, lies an Explosives crate that may contain C-4 plastic explosive and other explosive loot.


The Aerie appears in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on, Honest Hearts.


  • PlayStation 3Icon ps3 Building may not be solid except for the planks on groundfloor door, leaving player unable to climb the stairs into the building.
  • Xbox 360Icon xbox360 The Aerie will not appear on the compass, even after discovered.
  • Xbox 360Icon xbox360 Many plants and areas seem to be blocked off by invisible barriers although they may be picked via third person.
  • Xbox 360Icon xbox360 Some portions of this area you will sink into a bit, especially the above mentioned ledge. This does not seem to be harmful though, just clipping through the ground slightly,