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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
FNV Sharecroppers Wide

Sharecropper farms on the outskirts of New Vegas, established as part of the act

The Thaler Act is an act of the New California Republic Congress concerning the expansion of agriculture in the Mojave.


Enacted by the Republic Congress, the Thaler Act is intended to stimulate the growth of agriculture in the Mojave Wasteland. Under its provisions, farmers may establish farms in the Mojave under the NCR's aegis. In exchange for money, military protection, and a supply of water overseen by the Republic, they are expected to supply crops to the NCR according to their individual quotas.[1] Failure to meet the quota will result in termination of the contract.[2][3]

The most important example of the act's implementation are the NCR sharecropper farms outside New Vegas. Working with bad soil and water rationing, the farmers have nonetheless managed to establish a large scale farming operation providing various crops to the entire region.[4][1][3]

Behind the scenes[]

  • The Thaler Act is conceptually similar to the Homestead Act of 1862. Under this act, the US government gave underdeveloped land west of the Mississippi River to farmers for free. In exchange, the farmers had to live on the land for five years and improve it.


  1. 1.0 1.1 The Courier: "What's the Thaler Act?"
    Trent Bascom: "Something the politicians back in Shady Sands came up with. They pay us to move here and farm the land. They even protect the fields."
    The Courier: "Why is this work a bum deal?"
    Trent Bascom: "Bad soil and rationed water. It's to be expected around here, but the rationing's off. Worst part is NCR won't admit it. Pretty hard to meet their crop quotas with twenty percent less water than we're supposed to be getting. Not that OSI cares about any of this."
    (Trent Bascom's dialogue)
  2. The Courier: "Can't you just grow less crops?"
    Trent Bascom: "I wouldn't be able to meet the quota, and the NCR would kick me out of my job, anyway. Nah, it's better I get out on my own terms."
    (Trent Bascom's dialogue)
  3. 3.0 3.1 The Courier: "What are NCR troopers doing here?"
    Trent Bascom: "They're part of the deal, the Thaler Act. We work the fields while they protect the crops and the water. Lotta folks come to New Vegas and lose everything in Freeside or the Strip. They get hungry, desperate, and try to take our hard work. Much as I sympathize, their theft would put me in a bad spot. I got a crop quota to meet."
    (Trent Bascom's dialogue)
  4. The Courier: "You work these fields?"
    Trent Bascom: "Sure do. Came from The Hub on account of the Thaler Act. Farming's decent work, but the whole thing's a bum deal."
    (Trent Bascom's dialogue)
Fo2 NCR Seal