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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Techatticup mine
22380 20180918193538 1
22380 20180919123752 1
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22380 20180919123731 1
Icon cave
Techatticup Mine loc
Map MarkerTechatticup mine
FactionsCaesar's Legion
QuestsAnywhere I Wander
Cell NameTechatticupMine (exterior)
TechatticupMineInterior (interior)
ref id000dea89 (exterior)
000e70aa (interior)

The Techatticup mine is a location in Fallout: New Vegas, south-east of Nelson.


Located at an elevation of 2,477 feet (755 m), midway in Eldorado Canyon, the historic Techatticup mine was once the most productive gold mine in the Colorado Mining District, exploting an exceptionally productive deposit of gold through drift mining. After the veins ran dry, the mine was converted into a tourist attraction, complete with its own parking lot. The ravages of the Resource Wars and the Great War turned it into a waste dump for barrels full of radioactive debris. Two centuries later, the long-abandoned mine was turned into a temporary prison camp for a number of NCR troopers captured by the Legion under decanus Alexus.[1]


The mine is found at the end of the road leading south out of Nelson, in the rocks just above the parking lot, with a collapsed mine shaft visible on top of the rock formation that houses the mine. Two legionaries are posted outside as lookouts, with more Legion within. There's also a larger Legion field camp on the cliffs just to the east, overlooking the Colorado, from which they start patrols up and down the western edge of the Canyon.

The entrance opens into a hub chamber with an old cart filled with even older, half-rusted waste barrels. The chamber has two exits, leading left and right. The left-hand path leads down a long, winding chamber with two locked storage areas to the side (Average locks) and some supplies within (ammo boxes, two super stimpaks, and a copy of Boxing Times in the first, grenades, frag mines, and a set of Legion speculatore armor - explorer's hood and Legion recruit armor in the second). At the bottom is a large chamber that acted as dumping ground for the toxic waste, with Alexus and other legionaries scattered throughout.

The right-hand corridor leads to another waste dump with locked storage areas. These contain a pair of NCR troopers, along with numerous supplies on the shelves and in the sacks. The key to the doors is carried by the decanus.

Notable loot[]

Related quests[]


Techatticup mine appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.


  1. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.419: "[6.08] Techatticup Mine
    Also known colloquially in the past as Knob Hill Mine, this hole in the ground is at the turnaround at the end of the road from Nelson, and seems to have been a dumping ground, or storage area for radioactive waste that the Legion now occasionally utilities. Along the road, you may meet Private Renolds, talking about "that bastard" Alexus; a Legion commander who's take his squad hostage. This begins Side Quest: Anywhere I Wander, but you can free (or ignore or kill) the NCR in here without running into Renolds. Check the Hollowed-Out Rock at the entrance before proceeding."
    (Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition Tour of the Mojave Wasteland)