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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
This talk page is only for discussing improvements to the page "Dean's Secret Stash".
It is not the place for general discussion or sharing stories about the topic of this article. Please use the forums for these purposes.

Shouldnt the name be changed to 'Dean's Secret Stashes'? --Drldrl 01:40, December 22, 2010 (UTC)

I was wondering about that myself. Also, whether the page should say "handprint" or "hand print." The spell check doesn't seem to like "handprint."Minor Edits 08:20, January 5, 2011 (UTC)

Amount of stashes[]

Not sure the list's accurate, haven't been able to get on the 360 to check yet but - locations 02:16, December 31, 2010 (UTC)

Okay, so i've checked, it is 15 total, found my missing 2 and the previous link lists them all pefectly. 04:16, December 31, 2010 (UTC)

refid's of stashes[]

Putting this here because I'm not sure how it should be worked into the article:

On PC, the best way to find stashes you've missed is to use the moveto command to warp yourself to the location of an object (by refid). Here is a list of refid's for the 15 stashes:

  1. xx00efee - Medical District
  2. xx010678 - Residential District
  3. xx011a86 - Salida del Sol North (1)
  4. xx011a87 - Salida del Sol North (2)
  5. xx011a88 - Sailda del Sol North (Wilderness 1,0)
  6. xx011a89 - Sailda del Sol North (Wilderness 1,1)
  7. xx011a8a - Villa (Wilderness -4,1)
  8. xx011a8b - Villa (Wilderness -2,2)
  9. xx011a8c - Villa (Wilderness -1,1)
  10. xx011a8d - Salida del Sol South (1)
  11. xx011a8e - Salida del Sol South (2)
  12. xx011a8f - Salida del Sol South (Wilderness 1,-1)
  13. xx011a90 - Clinic Main Floor
  14. xx011a91 - Police Station
  15. xx0126cc - Residential District (Wilderness -3,1)

Here is an example of how to warp to the first one (note that 01 is usually the DLC ID for Dead Money):

player.moveto 0100EFEE

Edit: Note that these are not marked as persistent references in the GECK, so you may have to enter the map that they're in before you can warp to them. I've listed the areas they're in to help with this.

Also, the baseid of the secret stash container is xx011a84 (NVDLC01DeanSecretStash). You might be able to use this to just spawn one in front of you (via placeatme?) in order to be an even worse cheater.

--User:HunterZ(talk|contribs) 17:41, 10 March 2013 (UTC)