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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
This talk page is only for discussing improvements to the page "Billy-Bob".
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You cannot be serious. Big McLargeHuge 23:50, 16 February 2009 (UTC)

About what? He's a character that was going to appear in Van Buren. Ausir 23:58, 16 February 2009 (UTC)
That has to be the most ruhdiculous looking character anyone has ever seen. Ever. Billeh baaaawb! Vulpes-Wolf
If someone ever complains that Van Buren would be better then Fallout 3, I'll just point them to this page. Big McLargeHuge 00:16, 19 February 2009 (UTC)
The image wasn't actually going to be used in-game. It's just something that the designer used in the design doc before the artists did any work on the characters. And I don't see what's wrong with this character aside from that. I found it pretty funny myself. And I don't see why the game should be judged by the silliest comic relief character it has - Beth's FO3 also has its share of these.
I created this page and I still don't see how Van Buren would not be better than Bethesda's Fallout 3. Ausir 00:45, 19 February 2009 (UTC)
Well, he looks a lot friendlier than one of the Pitt's Troggs, that's for sure.-- 20:43, 28 March 2009 (UTC)