The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Fo4 Switchboard CIC Vista
Icon unmarked
Map MarkerNone (nearest: Super Duper Mart
FactionsDefense Intelligence Agency (formerly)
The Railroad (formerly)
The Institute
Connects toLexington
Cell NameSwitchboard (interior)
ref id000b42e4 (interior)
TerminalsSwitchboard terminals:
Central Terminal
SigInt terminal
Research Terminal

The Switchboard is a location in Fallout 4.


Switchboard is the codename for an ancient Defense Intelligence Agency facility,[1] a black site and research lab that never officially existed.[2] Its primary research focus was the P.A.M. Intiative, geared towards creating a Predictive Analysis Machine that would allow for real-time data analysis and interpretation without the biases inherent to any human's analysis. Just a few months after P.A.M.'s activation, foreign operatives reported that the corrective measures employed in the Taiwan Straight region have already greatly stabilized matters after the Pascale Incident. The first few iterations of PAM's core code have increased the effectiveness of the program dramatically, with the development team eventually securing constant access to all military and civilian agency intelligence apparatus, tremendously boosting their predictive capabilities.[3]

The DIA began running simulations of a possible joint attack by the USSR and China as early as June 2067, with P.A.M. crashing every time it was asked to consider the possible goals of Communist China in Anchorage.[4] Of course, when it did not crash, the analyses it proposed were quite disturbing. Such was the case in 2075, when she posited that the Chinese intelligence apparatus is sufficient to conceal large scale research operations from American operatives, with a 91% chance of having conducted large scale experimentation with Stealth Tech. While the Americans have merely reverse engineered captured Hei Gui suits, the underlying science of this technology remained unknown. She proposed that "Ghost Fleet" reported in November 2074 may, in fact, be a fleet of stealth nuclear subs, supported by the fact that the Shaanxi province reported a spike in the imports of complex polymers and other synthetic compounds. The intelligence was shelved, as the General in charge considered it too fantastical.[5]

Even the Brotherhood does not have access to any records on the DIA or the Switchboard.[6]


Located underneath the derelict Slocum's Joe in Lexington, the facility is only fully accessible if the player has begun the Tradecraft quest with Deacon and Desdemona at the Railroad HQ. There are two entrance points: Through the sewer west of Lexington and through Slocum Joe's.


  • The sewer entrance is fairly straightforward. To open the gate use Deacon, Nick Valentine, or hack the Master-level terminal. Afterwards, it's just a matter of going deeper and deeper, fighting second gen synths along the way. Dead Railroad agents litter the corridors, with minor loot. The entrance is located inside the large pipe at the bottom. Through it, the facility's checkpoint Alpha can be accessed.
  • The main entrance is heavily fortified with synths, turrets, and mines, but leads directly to the laundromat underneath the cafe. The basement contains a direct elevator to Switchboard.

Facility proper[]

The facility proper is oriented around the central corridor, leading to the Slocum Joe's hidden exit. Directly opposite the entrance lies the entrance to the heart of the facility, containing the SigInt room, CIC, and restrooms.

The CIC overlooks the main hall of the facility, connecting to the generators (with a fusion core) and a small crew room adapted by the Railroad as living quarters. The CIC itself overlooks the SigInt pit where DIA analysts once worked tirelessly to shield America from her enemies. The records of DEFCON changes in 2077 prove just how hard they failed. Next to it lie the Signals Intelligence room and the restrooms.

The databanks and the Department X vault are opposite each other in the corridor. The latter contains the Carrington's prototype required for the Tradecraft quest.


Notable loot[]


Concept art[]


The Switchboard appears only in Fallout 4.


  1. Railroad HQ terminals: "2281
    Where to begin?
    Year started like shit. Coursers came out of nowhere. They found the Farm, lookouts only gave us 30 seconds of warning. Torched what we could, casualties light.
    Relocated to the Beast. Then one of the B team scouts, Tommy Whispers, made the find of the century. An old DIA facility, "Switchboard." Called him up to HQ (overdue), Glory's taken him under his wing (God help him). Tom relocated to the Switchboard or Facility X as he calls it. Then he sent an urgent message.
    My first meeting with P.A.M... Can't describe. She made some predictions, frighteningly accurate. Asked for data. Started feeding it to her. Very reluctant to help the cause. But after a long talk with Glory she's on board. No one knows what Glory said to PAM. Deacon jokes that PAM has a crush on Glory. Certainly PAM acts different when she's around. But there's nothing emotional about PAM.
    With PAM's prediction managed to anticipate a run-away.
    Year ended badly. We had a synth infiltrator at Mercer. Deacon caught her before P.A.M. But damage done. Blew the Beast and moved to Bolthole. Only an hour to spare before the Coursers came.
    2 escapees, 1 loss, 0 reclaims."
  2. Deacon: ""We're entering a secret Defense Intelligence Agency research lab. A place that never officially existed. It's called The Switchboard."
  3. Switchboard terminals: "> Section 1091/1092 Report
    The P.A.M. Initiative is already bearing fruit. Foreign operatives report that the corrective measures employed in the Taiwan Straight region have already greatly stabilized matters after the Pascale Incident. The first few iterations of PAM's core code have increased the effectiveness of the program dramatically, but without drastic action we're approaching a point of diminishing returns.
    The team asks for double the funding for the upcoming fiscal year. With additional cutting edge databanks we can boost the processing power of PAM three-fold. Additionally, the P.A.M. Initiative needs to be fully tapped into all military and civilian agency intelligence apparatus. The combination of these two spends should give us a decided edge against the Chinese."
  4. Research Terminal, > 2067 Jun 19: "OFFICIAL RECORD
    "P.A.M., run the 'USSR China Attack' scenario."
    > Processing...
    > Query. What goal does entity Chairman seek in this hypothetical set of facts?
    "Conquest. Run program."
    > Your answer does not logically follow. An ideal nuclear first strike scenario would still leave 59% of the American nuclear stockpile free for retaliation. Posit. You cannot conquer what is destroyed.
    "P.A.M., Chairman Cheng isn't always logical. He won't always make logical decisions. We've been over this."
    > Warning. Human variability results in a highly flawed statistical model.
    "P.A.M. Run the program."
    > Warning. Warning. <Emergency Shutdown>
    "Dammit. We've lost her. Power her down. Did we get crash logs on that?""
  5. Research Terminal, > 2075 Dec 17: "OFFICIAL RECORD
    "Could you repeat for the general what you just told me?"
    > Posit. Chinese stealth technology far outstrips our own capabilities. Posit. The Chinese intelligence apparatus is sufficient to conceal large scale research operations from American operatives. Conclusion. The Chinese have a 91% chance of having conducted large scale experimentation with Stealth Tech.
    "Large scale? What do you mean? What are their capabilities?"
    > American projects involving this technology (refer to "Stealth Boy") have merely reverse engineered captured Hei Gui suits. The underlying science of this technology is unknown. So the theoretical limits are also unknown. However the so-called "Ghost Fleet" that station A-31 and B-19 reported in November may indicate that testing has already commenced with submersible vessels.
    "Dear God. You think they have stealth subs?"
    > A second order approximation is inconclusive. Explanation. The logic chain of these assumptions have too much variability. Further data is required.
    "So you can't even give me a guess?"
    > Machine/human interface aborted.
    "Sorry, sir. We're working on some of her glitches. P.A.M... well, she gets real stubborn when she's doing too much guesswork."
    "Stubborn? She's a machine."
    "Sir. With each new version, well, she's getting quirky."
    "There's no way I'm taking this stealth sub nonsense to the Joint Chiefs unless I have proof. It's goddamned ludicrous to think the Chinese have been working on something this big and we've heard nothing." > Virtually no actionable intelligence has come out of the Shaanxi Province for 3.1 years. However, the province reports a spike in the imports of complex polymers and other key synthetic compounds. The quantity in question is consistent with stealth technology research on the macro scale.
    "Until you can give me something concrete, I don't want to hear another goddamned word about this.""
  6. Danse: "I don't recall the Brotherhood having any records on this agency. We should investigate further."