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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
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Supply plant
Fo3TP Supply Plant interior
Icon unmarked
Supply Plant loc
World map: The Pitt
Map MarkerNone (nearest: Steelplant, local: )
Part ofSteelyard (The Pitt)
QuestsMill Worker achievement
Cell NameDLC01SupplyPlant
ref idxx0080aa
TerminalsSupply plant terminals
Gametitle-FO3 TP
Gametitle-FO3 TP

The supply plant is a building in The Pitt's steelyard.


The plant's pre-War management began to replace the workers with protectrons, initially claiming the robots would only be used for plant security. When the workers were laid off en masse despite the supervisor Tom McMullin's stalling efforts, they revolted and attempted to chase after their supervisor who they mistakenly believed to be at fault. McMullin, suspecting this as soon as he heard the management order, tried to escape but was chased into a small room where he locked himself in. When the new protectron work force arrived, the robots proceeded to kill the human workers. Alarmed by the noise, the supervisor left his room but went back soon after, shocked by what he had witnessed, planning not to leave the room again. As a skeleton is found in the room where the terminal with McMullin's accounts of the event are located it can be assumed he died in there. After reading McMullin's entries on the terminal, a friendly protectron will appear outside of the previously locked door.

Entry transcripts[]


The plant begins with a couple of hallways over some lightly radioactive waste. These halls lead to a room with a maintenance protectron pod along with mine carts and track. A tripwire next to the mattress drops frag grenades down the nearby chute as a trap. The tracks continue west to another maintenance protectron pod.

Here, there are two hallways the right one curves around to a dead end inhabited by wildmen and trogs and the left hall leads to an average-locked door to a room where McMullin made his final stand. Up the stairs is an area with a queen sized bed and a single wildman accompanied by several trogs. The Man Opener is on the bed. The hallway on the other side of the room leads to a door with the plant's exit on the other side.

Notable loot[]


  • Activating the switch at the 'end' that opens the shortcut back to the entrance will close behind you after some time or if you leave. However, you can simply aim at the switch through the door and activate it to get a shortcut through the 'end' area.
  • Don't bother looking, or jumping into the generator/turbine areas to the sides of the terminal in the Man Opener room as there is no loot hidden here, and there is a good possibility you will get stuck and have to reload.
  • A pitching machine and bases have been set up as a makeshift baseball field in the room containing the Man Opener.
  • Sleeping in the bed next to the trip wire will activate the explosion even if the trip wire has been deactivated.
  • After reading through the last log on the terminal, in which its described how the sound of the 'killer' protectron walking was heard you will instantly hear a protectron walking by after logging off the computer.


The supply plant appears in Fallout 3.

