The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Superior Defender
Superior Defender
Point Lookout
RequirementsComplete The Local Flavor
EffectsDamage +5 and armor +10 when standing still
base idxx00d1fa
Gametitle-FO3 PL
Gametitle-FO3 PL

Superior Defender is a perk in the Fallout 3 add-on Point Lookout.


When the player character is standing or crouching in place, it adds +5 points of damage to weapons and +10 points to Damage Resistance. The benefits are reported in the Pip-Boy under the "Effects" screen.

The +5 damage is added to each bullet, making it far more powerful when used with automatic weapons, especially with the Minigun or the Gatling Laser, and their variants. The Minigun will have its damage almost tripled.

Behind the scenes[]

The icon resembles a Greek Hoplite.


  • PCIcon pc PlayStation 3Icon ps3 Because the player must be standing still to use the Pip-Boy, the +5 damage effect and DR bonus appears to be constantly in effect unless the player is in the air. The bonus is applied correctly, however. It is purely a visual bug.