The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Sunday Brothers' Cabin
F76 Sunday Brothers Cabin
F76 358
Part ofThe Mire
FactionsFree States (formerly)
  • Feral ghouls
  • Insects
  • Vicious dogs
  • Molerats
  • Radrats
  • Chance for normal spawns
  • Chance for scorched variant spawns
  • Technical
  • Dungeon
  • Point of Interest
  • Clearable
  • The Mire location
  • Fast travel destination
  • Outdoors theme
  • Large loot scale
  • TerminalsSunday Brothers' Cabin terminals

    Sunday Brothers' Cabin is a location in Fallout 76.


    This large two-storey cabin belonged to the Sunday brothers of the Free States, Juan and Jesus. When they decided to join the Free States, they turned their little cabin and bunker into a distillation center, producing moonshine for the Free States and their affiliates. They worked closely with Vault-Tec University students to create an accelerated distillation machinery, which came in very handy after the Great War. The Sunday brothers turned out to make a killing on the product, with the one issue being that their factory attracted the attention of ornery, mutated wildlife. The two of them defended their livelihood, setting up a nice little trade with Harpers Ferry, trading moonshine for ammunition.[1]

    It's there that Juan met Brianna Hawke, who would eventually prove their undoing. After the fall of Harpers Ferry to the scorchbeasts, Hawke and her survivors arrived at the cabin, following JD. Jesus believed that she was manipulating his brother and scared them away with a shotgun, refusing to share their supplies with them. However, Juan continued to give them supplies in secret. When Jesus discovered it, he decided to confront his brother. However, the situation spiraled out of control, escalating into regular warfare. It culminated in a gun battle during which Jesus shot his own brother, Hawke's group set fire to the fields around the cabin, losing most of their number to the flames, and Jesus himself dying of a gunshot wound on top of the rocky outcrop, by the distillers that gave them wealth - and misery.[2]

    Points of interest[]

    • The cabin has been expanded with a number of facilities, including additional shacks and a garage used for storing essential weapons. The main cabin has two floors and a cellar/bunker, which includes a safe, pantry, bunk room, and a lot of storage. The warehouse to the south contains a tinker's and brewing station, together with the Sundays' terminal and another safe.
    • There are also several mutfruit, razorgrain, corn, and rhododendron harvest nodes in the surrounding area.

    Notable Loot[]

    Holotapes and Notes
    Potential power armor
    • A suit of random power armor may spawn inside the maintenance garage.
    Plans and recipes
    • A recipe spawns on the top shelf of the bar counter inside the house.
    Dynamic spawns


    Sunday Brothers' Cabin appears in Fallout 76.

