The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
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For the Capital Wasteland location in Fallout 3, see Scrapyard.
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Fallout 3 - Steel Yard
Icon district
Steel Yard loc
World map: The Pitt
Map MarkerSteelyard
Part ofThe Pitt
Other ExitsThe Pitt underground
Supply plant
Wernher's hideout
QuestsUnsafe Working Conditions
Mill Worker achievement/trophy
Wild Bill's Last Stand
Cell NameDLC01SMEStart (door to a.a.)
ref idxx001346 (door to ab. area)
TerminalsSteelyard terminals
Gametitle-FO3 TP
Gametitle-FO3 TP

The steelyard is a derelict steel processing industrial park in The Pitt.


Once a powerhouse of industry, The Pitt steelyard has been reduced to a grimy and gloomy place infested with trogs and wildmen. If not for the valuable steel ingots that are scattered around the yard, no human would ever come here. The Pitt raiders have sent countless slaves into the steelyard in search of these ingots, but not many slaves return, much less with an ingot to show for it.



The steelyard opens to a ramp leading to a grounded trainyard. A stairway leads up to a rusted landscape of pipes, scrap heaps and warehouses. An elaborate web of planks and scrap metal form bridges on the warehouses and pipes. In the east is a sluice leading to a moderately radioactive toxic waste dump site. In the far southwest of the landscape is a stairway leading up to the roof of a building where some wildmen have set up camp. This camp is also adjacent to Wernher's hideout.

A catwalk east of the camp leads north over a warehouse and up some stairs to the roof of a massive building. Nearby stairs spiral around a radioactive smokestack. Stairs continue far above the smokestack and would give a view over the entirety of the steelyard if one could see through the fire and smoke.

Supply plant[]

Main article: Supply plant

The supply plant is an auxiliary of the steelyard which contains extra supplies for the steel workers. It is filled with trogs and has some steel ingots inside.

Notable loot[]


  • When you enter the steelyard for the first time you will find a slave attempting to talk to his brother Billy who has turned into a trog. After about a minute Billy gets violent and attacks him. You can help him if you hurry by quickly opening the gate and killing Billy - or shoot through the fence - but be warned doing so will alert some trogs to your location. You will get no reward for helping the slave and he will then stand around the dead trog and cry about "poor Billy" or if you kill the trog as the slave bends over clapping for the trog to come to him, the slave will stay in that position until he dies.
  • Right next to the entrance of the supply plant there is a platform with four deactivated factory protectrons. Nearby there's a terminal to activate them, if the player has a high enough Science skill. The robots are not hostile to the player and will kill almost all of the trogs on the ground floor of the train yard, as well as any Wildmen patrolling the overhead pipes and catwalks. They will attract a good deal of the trogs and even when they are killed, they can be looted for ammunition, which is hard to come by in The Pitt.
  • Right in front of the entrance door after entering the steelyard there's a Pitt slave that is permanent. No humans go into this area so you can store items in the slave without fear of being stolen. This is a good way to keep the load light if you plan to collect all the steel ingots in the area.


The steelyard appears only in the Fallout 3 add-on The Pitt.

Behind the scenes[]

  • Northwest of the steelyard, out of the map, is a large river that has the color of the Nuka-Cola Quantum contaminated water in the Nuka-Cola plant.


  • PCIcon pc Xbox 360Icon xbox360 Sometimes, the area leading to the top of the blast furnace will be non-clip (untouchable) and impossible to climb. It may possibly occur on its own, but is more frequently associated with Xbox 360 consoles with the Point Lookout add-on loaded. Restarting the console may occasionally clear this problem (you may also need to load a save inside the Steelyard after the restart, as the building seems to be set as noclip whenever you enter the area).
  • PlayStation 3Icon ps3 A known bug for this quest is that if you don't find Wild Bill the FIRST time you enter the Steelyard he will be lost forever. This makes it impossible to get his unique weapon Wild Bill's sidearm, and his note explaining his fate to give to Milly for quest completion and reward. If his body doesn't appear the first time, re-loading the save at the Steelyard entrance should make him spawn in a reachable location.
  • Xbox 360Icon xbox360 A rare bug is when you fall into a blackhole on one of the roof above Wenher's hideout and fall to your death. A wildman can be seen on the opposite side of the roof. (If you land on top of Wernher's Hideout, you slowly land on other objects and get out of the map) restarting your Xbox may work (It happened again after a while and fixed it self after reloading a save) while reloading a save and dying will not.
  • Xbox 360Icon xbox360 The wall by Wild Bill can become non-clip. This makes it easy to fall through if you don't realize it has happened. It is possible to get back into the map by doing quite a bit of climbing and making your way towards the dead slave with the auto axe, but it is very difficult. If you do attempt this, be warned that if you approach the slave from outside the fence, the trogs may glitch under it and attack you. It is interesting to note that you can see the bottom of the reactor tower and the skeletons of the others that have fallen into it .