A young inhabitant of the Den, Stacy was lucky enough to have a cat when she was young, but her friend disappeared around the time of the greatest famines... Likely ending up in a pot of stew.[1]
↑The Chosen One: "{120}{}{Why the glum flace?}" Stacy: "{134}{}{Oh, nothing really. Just sometimes I get thinking about my mom and cat. I miss them so very much.}" The Chosen One: "{135}{}{Cat?}" Stacy: "{137}{}{Yeah, Cuddles. She was such a sweet cat. I really don't feel like talking about it... Well, unless you'd like to buy me a drink. That might help.}" The Chosen One: "{139}{}{Of course I will. I'd love to hear about it.}" Stacy: "{146}{}{I hear there used to be ones that were as big as you and me. They used to eat animals as big as a brahmin. Now that's scary stuff.}" The Chosen One: "{148}{}{Yeah, it is.}" Stacy: "{149}{}{The kind I'm talking about is a small cute animal, bigger than a rat but smaller than a dog. Some are fluffy, like my Cuddles, but others have short hair.}" The Chosen One: "{150}{}{Really?}" Stacy: "{151}{}{They like to be pet like a dog does, but cats make this wonderful relaxing sound when you pet them.}" The Chosen One: "{152}{}{Strange.}" Stacy: "{153}{}{Cuddles always used to help me go to sleep at night. I think of her every night when I try to go to sleep.}" The Chosen One: "{155}{}{Go on.}" Stacy: "{156}{}{I had her when I was a kid, but she disappeared. I didn't know then what happened to her, I was too young.}" The Chosen One: "{157}{}{Why?}" Stacy: "{158}{}{Well, food was awfully scarce back then and people had to eat. It's quite sad really...}" The Chosen One: "{159}{}{What?}" Stacy: "{160}{}{People would hunt them because they were such easy prey. None of them are around anymore because of it.}" The Chosen One: "{162}{}{I can understand that.}" Stacy: "{163}{}{Those were the wild ones, but I'm sure that's what happened to mine. Now I know why Mom always kept a close eye on her.}" (Dcstory2.msg)