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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Special Delivery
Quest data
LocationBunker Hill
Parsons State Insane Asylum
Parsons Creamery
Given ByEdward Deegan
Editor IDMS09Mission01
Base ID000503b8
Related quests
leads to:
Emogene Takes a Lover

Special Delivery is a quest that can be obtained in the Commonwealth in Fallout 4.


Approached by a rather mysterious ghoul named Edward Deegan, the Sole Survivor has the opportunity to work for the even more mysterious Cabot family.

Once introduced to their new employer – Jack Cabot – the Sole Survivor must travel to the Parsons State Insane Asylum and speak to the guard captain. Whom will direct the Sole Survivor to recover the package and kill the thieves. Once the mysterious serum has been recovered it must be brought to Edward Deegan at the Cabot House.


  1. Travel to Cabot House to meet Jack Cabot.
  2. Travel to the Parsons State Insane Asylum and speak to the guard captain.
  3. Travel to the Parsons Creamery and kill the raiders, recover the mysterious serum.
  4. Return to Edward Deegan. Either hand the serum in for a bonus, or keep it (requires a Persuasion check).

Quest stages[]

Talk to Jack Cabbot I was offered a job from a ghoul named Edward Deegan. If I'm interested, I need to travel to Cabbot House in downtown Boston and talk to someone named Jack Cabbot.
Talk to Edward I've agreed to work for Jack Cabot. I should get my first assignment form his right-hand man, Edward Deegan.
Talk to guard captain I'm supposed to recover a missing "package". Edward suggested that the guard captain at Parsons State Insane Asylum may even know where to start looking for it.
Recover package The guard captain at the asylum thinks that the serum was stolen by some raiders camped out in the nearby Parsons Creamery.
Return serum to Cabot House I've recovered the missing serum. I should return it to Edward Deegan at Cabot House.
Fallout 4 quests