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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
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Sonora Cruz
Sonora Cruz
Biography and appearance
RaceHuman, Hispanic
RoleLeader of the Regulators
LocationRegulator HQ
Dialogue FileSonora Cruz's dialogue
Base ID0006f211Ref ID0006f212
ActorShari Elliker

We're the Regulators. We've dedicated our lives to bringing the evil to justice. And out here in the Wasteland, there's only one brand of justice: the gun.

— Sonora Cruz, Fallout 3

Sonora Cruz is the leader of the Regulators in the Capital Wasteland. The Lone Wanderer can find her at Regulator Head Quarters in Fallout 3..


Leader of a hidden organization known as the Regulators (who are recognized by their long overcoats known as “dusters”), Sonora Cruz is a woman with a mission: to rid the Wasteland of troublemakers and ne’e-do-wells. Her unknown benefactors, who set up this clandestine operation around a decade ago, are willing to pay for scalps, or in the Regulators’ case, fingers.[1]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Perk nociception regulator
This character is essential. Essential characters cannot be killed.
Icon severed ear
This character drops an ear when killed (Contract Killer).

Other interactions[]

When the Lone Wanderer obtains the Lawbringer Perk, the Lone Wanderer can gain Karma and caps by completing bounties and bringing fingers to her from evil human or ghoul characters they have killed. If the Lone Wanderer's karma is "Very Good", you will get a bonus from her.


Icon armored vault suit
Sheriff's duster
Sheriff's hat
Assault carbine icon
10mm pistol
Icon briefcase
Carried items
Icon male severed head
Drops on death


  • Sonora is equipped with a unique 10mm pistol (ID 6f210) which does 100 damage per shot. It is only obtainable through console commands (she always flees from combat, so she never actually uses it).


Sonora Cruz appears only in Fallout 3.


  • Xbox 360Icon xbox360 PlayStation 3Icon ps3 PCIcon pc A common bug found on all versions results from the AI package of Sonora Cruz. Many hostile creatures will spawn around the Regulator HQ including deathclaws, radscorpions, sentry bots, and possibly a large squad of Enclave soldiers, prompting Cruz to enter flee mode. If encountered out in the wasteland, she will still talk as if she is within the Regulator HQ. A solution if Sonora is missing is to enter the Regulator HQ and then bring up the console. Type "prid 0006f212" which will target Sonora, then type "moveto player" which will bring Sonora directly to the players location. Another fix that usually works is to kill all enemies outside the Regulator HQ before entering.


  1. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.97: "Sonora Cruz
    Leader of a hidden organization known as the Regulators (who are recognized by their long overcoats known as "dusters"), Sonora Cruz is a woman with a mission: to rid the Wasteland of troublemakers and ne'e-do-wellsQuoted verbatim, error appeared in the original sourceIcon sic. Her unknown benefactors, who set up this clandestine operation around a decade ago, are willing to pay for scalps, or in the Regulators' case, fingers."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)