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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
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Biography and appearance
RaceHuman, African American
Slavers (formerly)
RoleAbducted wasteland inhabitant
LocationMothership Zeta
Dialogue FileSomah's dialogue
QuestsNot of this World
Among the Stars
This Galaxy Ain't Big Enough...
SPECIALStrength: 6
Perception: 5
Endurance: 5
Charisma: 4
Intelligence: 5
Agility: 7
Luck: 6
Derived StatsHit Points: 565 → 665
DR: 12%
Tag SkillsMelee Weapons: 77 → 100
Repair: 75 → 100
Small Guns: 79 → 100
Level10 → 30
Base IDxx00096aRef IDxx000988
Gametitle-FO3 MZ
Gametitle-FO3 MZ

Somah is an abducted slaver found aboard Mothership Zeta in 2277.


Somah is one of the few Wastelanders unfortunate enough to have stumbled across Recon Craft Theta and been abducted. Prior to this, she was a slaver working in conjunction with Paradise Falls. She has a sweet, calm disposition that is undercut by a sadistic streak that shows through when she’s under stress. [1]

She’s used to being in charge, but is aware that she’s out of her depth aboard the Alien ship. Aside from providing supporting fire, she can repair any items that may need fixing.[1]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

This character is a temporary party member.
This character can repair items. Repair cap: 100
Perk empathy synthesizer
This character is involved in quests.


  • Not of This World: When you wake up from your abduction, Somah suggests a way of getting out of the holding cell.
  • Among the Stars: You have the option of bringing Somah with you as a companion to the robot assembly to help out.
  • This Galaxy Ain't Big Enough...: If Somah survived her section in Among the Stars, she will help in the last battle by keeping aliens off you while you fight the other mothership.

Effects of player actions[]

  • After the final quest she "leaves the ship" but is essentially removed.

Other interactions[]

  • After completing Not of This World and reaching the Engineering Core, she will Repair the player's items, but insists she be paid for her services. Somah's repair skill is based on the player's level and reaches 100 at player level 15, giving her the highest non-player character repair skill in the entire game at that point.


Icon armored vault suit
Merc veteran outfit
Assault carbine icon
Combat shotgun
Shock baton
Icon briefcase
Carried items
Icon male severed head
Drops on death


  • In the engineering core, Elliot may ask her what has happened since he was abducted. When he shows distress at her news of the Great War, she tells him to "suck it up and deal with it like the rest of us".


Somah appears only in the Fallout 3 add-on Mothership Zeta.


  • While you are fighting the hostile aliens on the ship's bridge, Somah goes down after a serious hit by the enemy ship. While she is down, you have an option to talk to her. When you select it, you will be able to loot her body (essentially pickpocketing her with a 100% chance of success and without karma loss).
  • After you've completed your spacewalk and passed through the second airlock, Somah and everyone else will join you (via teleporter). Sometimes Somah's forehead will be transparent and you can see only her eyes and hair.
  • Somah has been known to set off player placed mines, while the others do not appear to do so.
  • Dialogue options exist to learn of Somah's past by passing a speech check, using the Lady Killer perk or passing an easier speech check if you found recording 22. However, these conversation choices are not displayed in the game, as the options are mistakenly set to run all inventory, skill, and perk checks on Somah rather than the player.
  • If you begin fighting her without her explaining her plan to you, the aliens will still interfere, but you will not be able to exit the holding cells.
  • If you enter any area other than robot assembly, such as the cryo lab, Somah may continue to follow you and, if you go too far into the area, she may become stuck and halt the storyline of Mothership Zeta all together. The only solution to this is to kill her or reload a save from before you entered that area.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.97: "Somah
    Somah is one of the few Wastelanders unfortunate enough to have stumbled across Recon Craft Theta and been abducted. Prior to this, she was a Slaver working in conjunction with Paradise Falls. She has a sweet, calm disposition that is undercut by a sadistic streak that shows through when she's under stress. She's used to being in charge, but is aware that she's out of her depth aboard the Alien ship. Aside from providing supporting fire, she can repair any items that may need fixing."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)