The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Fallout 3 locations project
Fallout 3 locations project
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Small sewer
Arlington Sewer
Icon unmarked
Arlington Sewer loc
Map MarkerNone (nearest: Arlington Library)
Cell NamezGenericSewer (int.)
AlexandriaArmsExterior (ext.)
ref id00017f5d (int.)
00000e15 (ext.)

Small sewer is a small subterranean sewage treatment area[1] in Fallout 3.


The sewer is a small underground area located to the south-east of the Arlington Library and is divided into three levels, with two guard rooms and a locked storage room on the bottom level. The storage room can be accessed by a terminal and contains a safe, an armor crate and two ammunition boxes. The sewer also contains several hostile raiders of varying levels.

Notable loot[]


  • The sewer does not appear on the main map as a location, but the entrance is clearly marked as "sewer" on the local map. The entrance is a single door at the bottom of a flight of steps.
  • The easiest way to locate this area is to fast-travel to the Arlington Library, head south to the Talon Company outpost, before finally heading directly east. Alternatively, if the Point Lookout DLC is installed, fast-travel to the Riverboat Landing and head west; although you might observe Talon soldiers at the far end of the street, you should be able to reach the sewer without being spotted and engaged.
  • Despite the fact it's inhabited by raiders, there aren't any bodies hanging or graffiti on the walls; it looks to be almost intact, apart from some fallen shelves and boxes.
  • The raiders here re-spawn every 3 in-game days.


The Small Sewer appears only in Fallout 3.


  1. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide p.415: "9.X: Small Sewer (LAT 09/LONG -20)
    Small Sewer
    Southeast of Arlington Library near the Talon Company Camp is a sunken set of steps leading to a door. Open it, and enter a small subterranean sewage treatment area.
    Lower Storage Room
    There are metal boxes, a Stimpak, and the following items in here:
    * Ammunition Box (2)        *Frag Grenade
    * Chinese Assault Rifle (2)

    Locked Storage Area (Lowest Level)
    Open the locked door at the wall terminal or door. inside is a Metal Helmet, a floor safe, and these items:

    * First Aid Box      * Silenced 10mm Pistol
    * Ammunition Box (4) * Floor Safe Items
    (Fallout 3 Game of the Year Edition Tour of the Capital Wasteland).