Slop is a meal that is supplied to the slaves of the Pitt by the cook, Kai. According to Kai, slop consists mostly of trog meat and irradiated water,[1] although it appears as a bowl of noodles in the Pip-Boy and when dropped. She also implies that slop is very disgusting, but that it is better to eat it than to risk starvation.
Consuming slop will restore +25 hit points, but also gives an equal dose of radiation.
Kai, the only supplier of slop, will give the player a single bowl when asked.
↑The Lone Wanderer: "What are you doing? Shouldn't you be working?" Kai: "I am working. You must be new here. I serve the slop to the other slaves. You want food, let me know. The good news is that this crap is nearly unlimited. But it's mostly radiated water and Trog meat, anyway. You want some or not?" (Kai's dialogue)