This flamer comes equipped with a backpack to store the flamer fuel. Unlike other flamethrowers that have an ever burning pilot light, this flamer has a white-hot wire protrusion that ignites expelled gas.
Gameplay attributes[]
This weapon consumes an incredible amount of ammunition, as a single slight burst consumes 3 flamer fuel. It has no 'warm up time', like its counterpart, the rapid-torch flamer, and the residual flame does 8 damage per second for 5 seconds.
The slo-burn flamer can expend a grand total of 6636 units of flamer fuel before breaking. This amounts to about 332 full tanks, or 2212 total shots, because each burst consumes 3 fuel.
The slo-burn flamer can be found on the upper level of the southeast portion of launch platform base inside the Enclave mobile base crawler during the Who Dares Wins quest. It is on a platform with deathclaws that are in stasis fields. It is in 100% condition when found.