A tall, lanky trapper, Slim Picket is a veteran wasteland hunter. He knows a great deal about the critters inhabiting the wasteland and doesn't mind sharing his knowledge, for a price. He and the other trappers settled into the ruined mall on the west end of the town, picking off rats and other critters for food and trade. However, the appearance of Keeng Ra'at in the excavated tunnels beneath the mall has caused a surge in both rat populations and their aggression. Slim had the trappers wall off all access points to the northern part of the mall in an effort to stem the tide.
If the player character's Outdoorsman skill is 28% or lower, Slim will offer to train them in the great outdoors. The bonus is equal to 2*Intelligence, with a minimum bonus of 7%. In unpatched games, Slim will not take the player's $100 he asks for, but actually give them a hundred.
Kill the rat god.: Slim will provide the key for the door to the northern part of the mall if the player agrees to find and kill Keeng Ra'at.