The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Signal Strength
F76 signal Strength
Quest data
LocationTop of the World, Seneca Rocks Visitor Center, Horizon's Rest, 98 NAR Regional, National Isolated Radio Array
Editor IDMTNS01_Intro
Base ID00031163
Related quests
The Missing Link
leads to:
Flavors of Mayhem

Signal Strength is a quest in Fallout 76.


In order to follow Hank Madigan's trail, the dwellers need to reach the top of the Top of the World. Problem is, a raider named Rose is unwilling to let them access the uplink chamber, unless they repair the radio station for "her."


  • The player cannot access the top level unless they repair the signal. No problem, although it does require a bit of legwork. First, the player needs to head over to the Seneca Rocks Visitor Center and search the bodies there for Signal Repeater Notes and a signal repeater schematic. Look for Major Darion Jones, in military fatigues.
  • Then it's a matter of collecting the pieces: An RCX01-A39 duplexer at the 98 NAR Regional wreckage and an SMU-97 transponder at the Horizon's Rest.
    • The transponder is located up on the cliffs, inside the derelict airliner's pilot's cabin, on the wall.
    • The duplexer is in the overturned red NAR wagon just next to the State route at the crash.
  • Combine the two at any tinker's workbench to create a signal booster.
  • With it in hand, the player has to head to the National Isolated Radio Array and mount it in the auxiliary dish to the northeast. Problem is, doing so spawns a horde of robots by the chainlink fence to the west, just beyond which lies the hut where the player has to redirect the power, on the terminal.
  • After wiping the robots out, the player simply has to reroute the power and return to Rose at the Top of the World. She will let them up and allow them to "meet" Hank Madigan. Looks like she needs a couple more favors to really open up and allow the player to get what they need.

Quest stages[]

- Find the Signal Repeater Schematic
- Read Signal Repeater Notes
- Search for an RCX01-A39 Duplexer
- Search for an SMU-97 Transponder
- Construct the Signal Repeater at any Tinker's Workbench
- Go to the National Isolated Radio Array
- Install the Signal Repeater
- Divert power to the Repeater
-Quest finishedReturn to speak with Rose