The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Sierra Madre vending machine
SM vending machine
Base IDxx00abec
Gametitle-FNV DM
Gametitle-FNV DM

Sierra Madre vending machines are pre-War devices created by the Big MT Research and Development Center that are capable of manufacturing goods out of raw materials in the form of Sierra Madre chips. They are found exclusively at the Sierra Madre, though Elder Elijah managed to salvage one and set it up in the abandoned Brotherhood of Steel bunker in the Mojave.

Though named a vending machine, it is a tremendously versatile crafting device capable of providing necessary survival amenities. The vending machines are fully self-contained assembly stations, tied into the systems of the Villa and the Casino. They can construct items from templates loaded into their data banks (some restricted by security codes, only to be use in case of emergencies). Sierra Madre chips are used both as batteries and resources: Alloys and raw material embedded in the shell are recombined into the desired item. Notably, the vending machine is also capable of taking certain items and breaking them down into Sierra Madre chips. Selection is made through a holographic interface that displays the item being purchased, with the machine rapidly assembling it on the spot.[1]


The vending machines are a revolutionary piece of technology, originating from the Y-0 research center of Big MT. A generous research grant from Frederick Sinclair enabled their development, as the pre-War tycoon wanted to provide the Madre with total self-sufficiency, relying only on its own tech, with no outside interference.[2] Sinclair was quite explicit in his instructions: Only the revolutionary Sierra Madre vending machines could be installed – all other devices, no matter how common or popular, were banned.[3] All conveniences and necessary supplies were to be supplied by machines tied to the casino.[4] Redundant engineering and meticulous attention to detail ensured that the system would continue to function even in the event of an apocalyptic event, providing a stable food supply and all the necessary supplies in the case of a national catastrophe.[5] A secondary benefit was that this self-sufficient business model gave him total control over the economy of the Madre, such as it were.[6] To maintain control and keep a stock of the chips available, Villa employees only received a modest amount of chips with each paycheck.[7]

The versatility of the vending machines is notable. Their ability to take common and fissionable elements,[8] and use them to construct not just conveniences, but also tools,[9] perfectly edible foodstuffs and drink,[10] and even medicinal products in the case of an emergency indicates that the United States was on the verge of achieving a sustainable economy and resolving the resources crisis once and for all.[11][12] Unfortunately, the technology never really gained traction outside the occasional Worlds Fair, most likely due to the power requirements and cost.[13] and, of course, the Sierra Madre. In fact, Sinclair very nearly bankrupted himself bankrolling the development of the technologies necessary to build the Casino.[14]

Nonetheless, it was this prospective prosperity that, in part, drew Father Elijah to the Sierra Madre centuries after the Great War froze it in time. As potentially unlimited sources of "food, supplies, medical assistance, ammo... even currency," Elijah saw that the Sierra Madre "can kill nations and build them" if its Cloud, holograms and vending machines were applied in the correct manner. While the Cloud wipes the slate clean, collars ensure cooperation, holograms provide defense and the vending machines provide everything else.[15]


At the beginning, the vending machines only offer the standard array of items available to every Sierra Madre guest: Snacks, drinks, cigarettes, and doctor's bags. However, with the right emergency codes, their offer expands significantly and allows for manufacturing ammunition, drugs, medical supplies, and even weapon upgrades.[16]

The machines are programmed as crafting benches and will increase the crafted items counter by one with each use.


  • The codes for making alcohol do not work on vending machines outside of the casino area.
Item Chip cost Holotape location
BlamCo Mac & Cheese -5 -
Dandy Boy Apples -5 -
Fancy Lads Snack Cakes -5 -
InstaMash -5 -
Junk food -5 -
Pork n' Beans -5 -
Potato Crisps -5 -
Salisbury Steak -5 -
Scotch -10 Sierra Madre Resort & Casino security office on a metal shelf
Sugar Bombs -5 -
Vodka -10 Sierra Madre Casino floor counter top behind a very easy locked door
Wine -10 Sierra Madre Casino Floor behind the bar on top of shelf
YumYum Deviled Eggs -5 -


Item Chip cost/return Holotape location
Pack of cigarettes -10 -
(Return) pack of cigarettes +5 -
(Return) carton of cigarettes +20 -
(Return) pre-War casualwear +4 Found in multiple cash registers scattered around the villa and casino
(Return) dirty pre-War casualwear +2 -
(Return) Fedora +3 -
(Return) pre-War parkstroller outfit +4 -
(Return) dirty pre-War parkstroller outfit +2 -
(Return) pre-War relaxedwear +4 -
(Return) pre-War spring outfit +4 -
(Return) dirty pre-War spring outfit +2 -
(Return) Complimentary voucher +1000 Win 7500 chips in the Sierra Madre Casino.


Item Chip cost Holotape location
Demolition charge -75 Puesta del Sol north service tunnel by accessing the terminal in the corner, or Puesta del Sol south outside room 2F near the two lounge chairs.
Auto. rifle upgr. internals -250 Puesta del Sol south (on the roof where you leave Dean Domino before activating the Gala Event).
Bear trap fist HD springs -250 Salida del Sol south (in switch room where you leave Dog/God near some pipes on the right).
Holorifle adv. calibration -125 Puesta del Sol south (atop the central building, among a pile of drained microfusion cells)
Holorifle focus optics -175 Salida del Sol north (in the bell tower, along with super stimpak code).
Holorifle reinf. components -100 Puesta del Sol switching station (Near the elevator and "remote maintenance terminal").


Item Chip Cost Holotape Location
Doctor's bag -55 -
Med-X -20 Villa clinic in the second floor doctors computer terminal in the area nearby will have a hologram patrol.
Rad-X -20 Salida del Sol north, leading to the bell tower on the third floor of the only building in the area with three stories. On bookshelf near the "Casino lights carry me home" graffiti in a room with a computer terminal used in the history side quest
RadAway -20 Salida del Sol north, in the southeast area of the bell tower district, behind a counter in room with pool table that you enter from a staircase or the nearby hole in the wall. its the only way of access to and from the bell tower half of Salida del Sol north.
Stimpak -25 Villa clinic, on the lower floor in the check-in area on the main desk.
Super stimpak -100 Salida del Sol north, inside the bell tower on a ledge near to the light controls.
Weapon repair kit -20 Villa Police Station, on top of a file cabinet at the end of a corridor of prison cells, in the same area as dog is kept, or access the terminal in the accessed in Salida del Sol south foreman's service tunnels.


Item Chip cost Holotape location
.357 magnum (12) -24 Villa Police Station (Science 75)
.308 round (20) -60 Villa Police Station male restroom
(JS) Microfusion cell (6) ?


Item Chip Cost Holotape Location
Buffout -20 Puesta del Sol South ground level just east of the ruined cafe entrance
Mentats -20 Villa clinic right across from the Chief Physician's Office on the bottom shelf with a TV and typewriter on top of it.
Steady -20 Police Station entry on the coffee table right when you walk inm


  • Villa: East of Father Elijah's fountain.
  • Villa: West of Father Elijah's fountain.
  • Villa: Southwest of the entrance to Salida del Sol South.
  • Salida del Sol South: South end of the area.
  • Residential District: Turn right (or west) upon entering.
  • Residential District: Go up the staircase in front (or south) of you, climb down the stairs on the other side, and climb another staircase adjacent to it. Walk around the wooden balcony overlooking the cloudy area. The vending machine is left (or east) of the staircase on the other side of the building.
  • Puesta del Sol North: Turn right (or head north) immediately after entering from Villa.
  • Puesta del Sol South: Entering from eastern entrance (near Ruined Store), go southwest and turn north after the arch. Or, entering from Western Entrance (near the Ruined Cafe), head south, and turn east after the arch.
  • Sierra Madre Lobby: East of the entrance, on the second floor.
  • Sierra Madre Casino: Entering from the double door entrance of the Sierra Madre Lobby, walk around the stairs. This particular vending machine is special and is the only one in the game the player can buy alcohol from, provided they have the codes.
  • The Tampico: North of the inaccessible double doors.
  • In the Abandoned Brotherhood of Steel Bunker, in Father Elijah's room.

Notable quotes[]

  • "No, there is one last thing I want from the Sierra Madre. Its bounty. The machines that fill its streets, its corridors. They provide, provide almost anything. Perhaps in the Pre-War era, they were commonplace, things to dismiss. Now, they are far more valuable." (Elijah)
  • "Those machines... Sinclair's little gifts, lasted longer than he did. If you need food, stims... put in a chip, hold out your hand." (Dean Domino)
  • "Pretty circle on machine, all glowing." (Dog)
  • "Those machines feed on Sierra Madre Chips. There's codes that unlock other things, too." (God)

Behind the scenes[]

Icon cut contentThe following is based on Fallout New Vegas cut content and has not been confirmed by canon sources.
  • There are records of two other basic items being planned as vending machine choices: the police pistol and Rebound. The exchange recipe for Rebound is completed, and could be activated if the associated note were placed, but there is no associated recipe for the police pistol.
Icon cut contentEnd of information based on Fallout New Vegas cut content.
  • There remains in the GECK for recipes associated with the SM vending machines called "surprise" recipes that would've allowed for the random generation of a food, drink, chem, card, aid and crafting items. However, due to the limitations of the Gamebryo engine, all recipes would just cause a game crash when used. Notably, the surprise recipe would've allowed the player to obtain all the Sierra Madre playing cards, but due to time, the surprise recipes couldn't be finished and were cut.


  • PCIcon pc PlayStation 3Icon ps3 Xbox 360Icon xbox360 Returning any pre-War outfit while wearing it will give you a permanent Agility bonus. The bonus can be stacked far beyond 10 Agility and though it stops increasing related skills and AP, weapon draw/holster and reload speed will continue to increase. While running some guns may glitch during the holster animation due to the speed of the animation causing the gun to glitch inside the player usually leaving the gun sticking out of the player's shoulder. The gun will return to normal if you draw and holster again while staying still or if you reequip the weapon.
    • Even though the glitch will increase the Agility to max, the Agility stats will remain the same in SPECIAL due to clothes that are wear items giving that extra bonus of skill. This attribute is not working as an implant.


The Sierra Madre vending machine appears only in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on, Dead Money.


  1. The Courier: "What are the Vending Machines in the Villa?"
    Elijah: "Assembly stations. Schematics are stored within... dispensers with unlock codes. They use the Chips scattered around as batteries... alloys and raw material embedded in the shell. They resemble the vending machines of the Mojave, but they are crafting devices of tremendous versatility. Once an Old World convenience, now..., they are a means of survival. Use the Chips to power them. Select from the holographic display, the device will assemble it."
    (Elijah's dialogue)
  2. The Courier: "I don't believe you."
    Elijah: "You think I wanted to send you here without weapons, healing? No, the Sierra Madre lays you bare, strips and stores all your worldly possessions... It's automated to move things as the builder saw fit, Sinclair - even the guests. It's what divided your team, me, assigned us to "our floors." No contraband, nothing foreign in his paradise - even common Pre-War vending machines were banned from the Villa."
    (Elijah's dialogue)
  3. Dead Money loading screen hints: "Sinclair forbade any other food or vending machines in the Villa beyond the ones he'd installed there."
  4. Dead Money loading screen hints: "All of the Madre's and Villa's conveniences were supplied by machines tied to the casino."
  5. Y-0 research center terminals; Terminal, Requisition Order: Dispensers: "We finished up the design for the dispensers for the Sierra Madre villa as requested. That big-wig Sinclair went to the Big MT execs; he wanted emergency dispensers for his sheltered Villa in case war broke out and they needed to care for the survivors there. He's done everything he can to isolate the community and tighten security, now he just needs to guarantee a food supply and be able to ration out resources in the event of nuclear holocaust. I hear he even narrowed the streets so cars couldn't come inside town, let alone come up to the Villa."
  6. The Courier: "I've never seen machines like those before."
    Dean Domino: "Yeah, well, machines like those weren't unusual before the Bomb. Maybe to you, they're amazing, to me, they're grifters without the personality."
    The Courier: "Grifters?"
    Dean Domino: "Sinclair made sure if you spent money here, it went one direction - although that's not how he described it."
    The Courier: "How did he describe it?"
    Dean Domino: "Called it "self-sufficient." Like he was doing the residents a favor. Right."
    (Dean Domino's dialogue)
  7. Villa police station terminals; Terminal, Vending Machine Installation: "Oversaw the streetside Vending Machines installation today, all working, mostly because the casino crew was running the show.
    Finally complained to the Chief about the machines. They feel like a "company store." We only get a few casino chips with the paycheck, so we can barely buy anything. Chief says he's not sure the chips were Sinclair's idea, only if we had any problems with the machines, let him know immediately."
  8. The Courier: "You need a battery... a Fission Battery... and Scrap Metal? And you can counterfeit the chips?"
    Christine Royce: [She nods, impressed. Then she points at you, then her and makes a circle.]
    (Christine Royce's dialogue)
  9. Puesta del Sol terminals; Terminal, Special Orders
  10. The Courier: "What are the Vending Machines all over town?"
    Dean Domino: "Those little company stores? Sinclair's toy boxes, put in a casino chip, get a treat, like you're some dog doing tricks. Take any of the casino chips, put 'em into the machine, and you'll get something out - a snack, a cola, something to mend a tear in your shirt. Sometimes you have to know exactly what to ask for, other times, there's codes for... eh, unconventional items. For emergencies."
    (Dean Domino's dialogue)
  11. Villa clinic terminals; Terminal, Download Dispenser Code: Med-X
  12. Dead Money loading screen hints: "Where the Vending Machine technology came from is unknown. While they take Sierra Madre Chips, they seem to supply a number of non-commercial services."
  13. Villa police station terminals; Terminal, Dispenser Report
  14. Y-0 research center terminals; Terminal, Dispenser Funding Update: "Got the funding from Sinclair. Near as I can tell, he's willing to not only bankrupt himself for these devices, he's struck a deal with the Big MT executives, letting the Villa become a lab for the supposedly-harmless prototype tech here. I've seen the Big MT execs do this with other isolated towns (Hopeville Meteorological research up north), and the whole process, it's not what I signed up for."
  15. The Courier: "If you secure that, that's all you want?"
    Elijah: "No, there is one last thing I want from the Sierra Madre. Its bounty. The machines that fill its streets, its corridors. They provide, provide almost anything. Perhaps in the Pre-War era, they were commonplace, things to dismiss. Now, they are far more valuable. You know it. They helped keep you alive."
    The Courier: "I can't argue that."
    Elijah: "Sources of food, supplies... medical assistance, ammo... make more collars, even print currency. Make a nation. The Cloud allows me to wipe the slate clean. Collars ensure cooperation. Holograms - defense. The Vending Machines provide... everything else. The Sierra Madre can kill nations and build them, using its technology with the right applications."
    (Elijah's dialogue)
  16. The Courier: "What other items can you get out of the machines?"
    Dean Domino: "If it's an emergency, you can get chems for any... uh... condition. Sinclair left that for doctors and trained professionals, not the common folk. Even security and maintenance could get special supplies out of them. Staff had codes on little cards they could use to unlock them."
    (Dean Domino's dialogue)