The Sierra Madre Vault terminals are a series of terminals found in the Sierra Madre vault.
Vault Maintenance Access Terminal[]
Note: This wall terminal is located in the hallway of the main vault chamber that is separated by force fields over the windows. It is next to the door to the back hallway.
Open Maintenance Access[]
Note: Accessing this command unlocks the xxxx door to the maintenance hallway.
> Opening maintenance door...
Lock Maintenance Access[]
Note: Accessing this command .
> Locking maintenance door...
Unable To Access Maintenance Controls[]
Note: Accessing this command .
> Vault Security Systems Compromised...
Elevator Protocols: Warning.[]
Warning: If Vault security is disabled and the Vault terminal is breached, the elevator will automatically return to the Suites and lock permanently in place. After that, there is no way to operate the elevator, and the Vault area is sealed off. As requested by Mr. Sinclair, there is no manual or terminal override once the elevator is locked. Once initiated, it cannot be undone.
Until that time, the elevator may be operated freely from the terminal above.
> Accessing Log...
Note: This wall terminal is located on the wall of the catwalk area.
Sierra Madre Audio Subsystem
Shut Alarms Down[]
> Turning alarms off...
![]() | The following is based on Fallout New Vegas cut content and has not been confirmed by canon sources. |
Start Alarms[]
> Turning alarms on...
![]() | End of information based on Fallout New Vegas cut content. |
Hologram Control[]
Note: This wall terminal is located on a northwestern wall of the computer catwalk area.
Sierra Madre Security Network
Check Security Hologram Status[]
Note: This notice is only available after the Hologram security is set to patrol the water valve control.
> Currently patrolling Water Valve Control.
Note: This notice is only available after the Hologram security is set to patrol terminal control number 2.
> Currently patrolling Terminal Control #2.
Set Behavior: Water Valve Control Patrol[]
Note: Accessing this command sends a Hologram security to guard the hallway with the water valve control.
> Uploading new behavior pattern...
Set Behavior: Terminal Control #2 Patrol[]
Note: Accessing this command sends a Hologram security to guard the terminal control number 2.
> Uploading new behavior pattern...
Hologram Control[]
Note: This wall terminal is located on a north wall of the computer catwalk area.
Sierra Madre Security Network
Check Security Hologram Status[]
Note: This notice is the default setting of the Hologram security.
> Status: Guarding Electric Pod Access.
Note: This notice is only available after the Hologram security is set to patrol terminal control number 1.
> Status: Patrolling Computer Control.
Set Behavior: Computer Control Patrol[]
Note: Accessing this command sends a Hologram security to guard the terminal control number 1.
> Uploading new behavior pattern...
Set Behavior: Electric Pod Access Guard[]
Note: Accessing this command sends a Hologram security to guard the electric pod access.
> Uploading new behavior pattern...
Mr. Sinclair - E.B.E[]
Note: This entry is the final required reading for History's Sake. Although the terminal option to display the note is named as such, it erroneously points to the Hologram: Installation and Maintenance 1.1 entry from the Villa clinic.
![]() | The following is based on bugged content. |
Mr. Sinclair,
I took the points you raised in the call today to heart, and I hope my answers offered some reassurance. What we are providing is an exclusive, comprehensive technology, but more importantly, we want to address the concern you raised for protecting your guests from threats, specifically the growing communist threat from the Chinese.
Security is N.E.'s top concern. There is no reason to provide a service that you cannot defend, and should the current world situation lead to increased hostilities, an Emergency Broadcast Emitter has been placed inside select hologram emitters at the Sierra Madre. In case of nuclear attack, holograms will defend their stations with lethal force to protect the guests under their charge.
If you wish to make sure that those who come to your Villa and casino have the means to defend themselves, I assure you, you need look no further than the E.B.E., it is a proven technology, and anyone who decides to attack you or your guests will regret any aggression.
Martin T. Harris
P.S. Any chance we could ask you to have Ms Keyes sign an autograph for us? It won't reduce the price, although I could see about sending a few extra systems your way.
> Accessing Data...
![]() | End of information based on bugged content. |
Hologram Control[]
Note: This wall terminal is located on a southwest wall of the computer catwalk area.
Sierra Madre Security Network
Check Security Hologram Status[]
Note: This notice is the default setting the Hologram security is set to patrol.
> Currently patrolling default route.
Note: This notice is only available after the Hologram security is set to patrol the alternate route.
> Currently patrolling alternate route.
Set Behavior: Alternate Route Patrol[]
Note: Accessing this command sets the Hologram security to patrol the alternate route.
> Uploading new behavior pattern...
Set Behavior: Default Route Patrol[]
Note: Accessing this command sets the Hologram security to patrol the default route.
> Uploading new behavior pattern...
Turn Off Security Force Field[]
Note: Accessing this command disables the force field to the .
> Deactivating security force field...
![]() | The following is based on Fallout New Vegas cut content and has not been confirmed by canon sources. |
Turn On Security Force Field[]
Note: Accessing this command enables the force field to the .
> Activating security force field...
![]() | End of information based on Fallout New Vegas cut content. |
Shut Alarms Down[]
Note: Accessing this command .
> Turning off alarms...
![]() | The following is based on Fallout New Vegas cut content and has not been confirmed by canon sources. |
Start Alarms[]
Note: Accessing this command .
> Turning alarms on...
![]() | End of information based on Fallout New Vegas cut content. |
Vault Security Terminal[]
Note: This wall terminal is located in the northeast corner of the vault, in the corridor just past the security hologram control room.
Sierra Madre Security Network
Vault Security Protocols Information[]
Maintenance Staff Information:
Maintenance Staff Warning[]
Note: Vault Security Protocols.
Sierra Madre Vault Security
- Security On:
- Elevator Dispatch to Executive Suites.
- Security Turrets Active - Not Shielded.
- Electric-Barriers Seal Vault.
- Security Off:
- Elevator Dispatch to Executive Suites.
- Security Turrets Off - Shielded.
- Electric-Barriers Down.
> Displaying log...
Vault Security System Protocols: Warning.[]
Warning: In the event Vault security is disabled by any means and the private terminal in the Vault is accessed, the Vault will enter a lockdown state. At this time, the elevator will return to the Suites and cannot be accessed again. As requested by Mr. Sinclair, there is no manual or terminal override once the elevator is locked. Once initiated, it cannot be undone.
> Accessing Log...
Disengage Vault Security Protocols[]
Elevator Will Depart Shortly Upon Security Shutdown
Note: Accessing this command .
> Disengaging vault security...
Note: Accessing this command .
> Vault Security Active...
Engage Vault Security Protocols[]
![]() | Section needed (I cannot verify what this command does) This section is needed but has not been written yet. You can help The Vault by writing it. |
> Activating vault security...
Vault Door Terminal[]
Note: This wall terminal is located next to the door of the vault, on the northeast side.
Sierra Madre Security Network
Vault Door Control[]
Only the trustworthy may enter my Vault.
Unlock Door to Vault[]
Note: Accessing this command unlocks and opens the door to the vault.
> Unlocking vault's seals...
Vault Turret Terminal[]
Note: This wall terminal is located on the southwest side of the door of the vault. It is locked Very Hard
Sierra Madre Security Network
Reprogram Turret Defenses.[]
Note: Accessing this command . This notice is displayed if .
> Access Denied. Security System Lockdown...
Note: This notice is displayed if .
> Sentry Turrets Reprogrammed...
Note: This notice is displayed if .
> Unable to Reprogram Turret Defenses...
Vault Security Terminal[]
Note: This wall terminal is located on the southeast side of the door of the vault.
Sierra Madre Security Network
Disengage Vault Security Protocols[]
Note: Accessing this command .
> Disengaging vault security...
![]() | The following is based on Fallout New Vegas cut content and has not been confirmed by canon sources. |
Engage Vault Security Protocols[]
Note: Accessing this command .
> Activating vault security...
![]() | End of information based on Fallout New Vegas cut content. |
Vault Control Terminal[]
Note: This terminal is located on the desk inside the Sierra Madre vault.
Vera Keyes.[]
> Holodisk Extracted. File not found...
Important! Vera, read...
To Vera.[]
Vera, if you're reading this, my fears have come to pass, and this is an apology.
I hope you realized what my last words meant to you. If so, they have led you here, and this place will keep you safe. I know what they meant for me, and I fear they have trapped me here.
I have extracted the previous entry after our conversation tonight. It can't have been easy for you, and I am sorry for all I've put you through in silence. I know while you do not love me, you did not mean any malice in what you did.
I knew about your plans to rob the casino with Dean before you told me. Hearing it from you didn't make it any easier. For what it's worth, I am glad you told me yourself, and I understood the tapes he had in his possession.
I do not think either one of you realized what your addiction stemmed from, however, and that is the tragedy in this. I suspect the world would not have believed you, regardless, so I respect your desire to keep it from others.
When first building this Villa, this casino, I meant it for you. As the world seemed to race headlong toward war, it became part of my desire to protect you. The loans, the funding I poured into the casino's construction...
I knew it would not matter when war came for us. It was my means of creating a shelter, a defense if the world was bombarded in radiation and bombs.
When Dean revealed his plans inadvertently through our introduction, I realized what had happened, and how I had been tricked. For a time, my thoughts were dark. I changed the casino vault from a shelter to a trap, as I knew the first one to enter would be Dean. He would die down here, and it would have been by his own hand.
I fear, however, that I overstepped myself, and the only safe place in the casino is the Vault. I have tried to rewire the systems, change the protocols, and I cannot. I will do one last check on the pipes by the edge of the outside platform and see if anything can be done. I fear it is useless.
If you come down here, do not access my personal accounts entry.
It contains only a message for Dean, and it will seal the door and you will have no way out - even the elevator is designed to automatically return when the door is closed, and it will lock in place.
There should be enough in the Vault to sustain you until help arrives. I have ensured that there is enough medical supplies down here to keep you comfortable.
The holograms should defend the casino from any attackers, and the hologram beacon in the Villa will broadcast an emergency signal so that others know you are here.
When danger has passed, rescue will come.
I hope you were able to read this, and know that I loved you.
Frederick Sinclair
> Accessing log...
Sinclair's Personal Accounts.[]
Warning : Private Access Only
Open Personal Logs?
If you're reading this, this is goodbye. You will have many years to read this message. Why you have smiled in my face and held a dagger to me, I do not know. You were rich, respected... even admired, loved by many. When you finally pass away down here, either by your own hand or starvation, know that your greed has led you here, for no reason I can understand.
You have made a habit in using others for your own ends. Now, the Sierra Madre is your reward. Whether you used blackmail or force - or even played to Vera's greed, it will not help down here in the Vault. Greed has led you here. I hope it leaves you as empty as you left me.
The door has sealed, the elevator has left. Even Vera's voice will not unlock it. Know that on the night of the Gala Event I shall raise my glass and whisper, "Fortunato."
In pace requiescat,
Frederick Sinclair
> Accessing log...
> Returning to Previous Menu...
Security Enabled - Terminal Locked.[]
Note: This notice is displayed when the vault security is active.
> Error. Vault Security Enabled...