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Master of the Mojave
Fallout: New Vegas locations project
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Icon disambig
This page is about the casino section located inside the Sierra Madre Casino. For the Sierra Madre Resort & Casino, see Sierra Madre Resort & Casino.
Sierra Madre casino
Sierra Madre casino
Icon section
Part ofSierra Madre Resort & Casino
Connects toCantina Madrid
Sierra Madre Lobby
QuestsBig Winner, Sierra Madre
Cell NameNVDLC01Casino
ref idxx0011a0
TerminalsHologram Control (casino floor)
Security Office Terminal
Hologram Control (security offices)
Security Management Control Terminal
Security Office Terminal
Cashier's Terminal
SM Casino loc
Gametitle-FNV DM
Gametitle-FNV DM

This is the past you're walking through. Few have ever seen it. No one else ever will. I worked hard to get here, it'll give me what I need before I leave. And it'll always welcome me back. Now... look for a way to wake this ghost up, remind it it's got guests.

— Father Elijah

The Sierra Madre Resort & Casino[1] is a location in the Sierra Madre in 2281.


The main floor of the casino has the gaming tables and machines, cashier counter, electrical closet, and a Sierra Madre vending machine in the center of the room. Stairs near the entrance lead to the second floor lounge area with a bar. Behind the bar is a corridor with a stairway to the third floor straight ahead, and the personnel and security offices to the right (west). On the third floor there's the locked entrance to the Cantina Madrid kitchen, another security office with a hologram control terminal for the office guard, a medical office with an auto-doc, and through that, a small set of stairs down to a door.

The casino floor has three exits: the main double-doors to the hotel lobby, another upstairs on the second floor southwest past the offices (that leads to the west end of the second floor Lobby), and the third exit is behind the medical office on the third floor and down a few steps (that leads to the east end of the second floor lobby). There are three security holograms patrolling the inside of the casino: one near the entrance and the bar stairs, another in the second floor office area, and a third by the electrical closet and cashier counter.

Once the power is activated, the security holograms disappear and hologram dealers become visible behind the blackjack tables and roulette wheels, making the Casino games available to play. A cashier hologram appears behind the cashier's window that exchanges pre-War money for Sierra Madre chips.



  • The Sierra Madre Casino offers blackjack, roulette, and slots. Only four of the slot machines are functional, however. Blackjack tables can be found in a separate room across from the vending machine.

Unlike the casinos in the New Vegas Strip, the maximum bet for roulette is 100 chips and only 25 chips for the slots. However, you still have a maximum bet of 200 on the blackjack table.

Rewards and ban[]

As the player earns chips, the casino offers increasing comps and gifts:

Winning 10,000+ chips will result in a permanent ban on playing games in the casino. Receiving a Complimentary Voucher (worth 1000 chips) unlocks the means to redeem the vouchers at vending machines. This must be done if you want to be able to redeem the vouchers you'll receive at the Abandoned Brotherhood of Steel bunker upon completion of the add-on.

Notable loot[]

  • A Guns and Bullets is on the floor behind the cashier's desk.
  • A Tumblers Today is behind the bar on the second floor; it's located on top of a tool cabinet in the south east room with the auto-doc.
  • Vending machine code for wine - Top shelf of wooden case, behind the bar on the second level of the Sierra Madre Casino Floor.
  • Vending machine code for scotch - On a metal shelf in the third floor security office.
  • Vending machine code for vodka - On a counter top behind a very easy locked door on the second level of the Casino Floor.


  • Spread out along the top of the support beams are few handfuls of Sierra Madre chips.
  • Unlike the casinos in New Vegas or Primm, the hologram cashier pays out in pre-War money instead of caps, but still 1:1. As pre-War money is worth 10 caps each, this makes the jackpot far higher than any other casino's, at 100,000 caps.


The Sierra Madre Casino appears only in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on, Dead Money.


  • PCIcon pc Xbox 360Icon xbox360 After winning 5,000 chips at the casino you will receive a park stroller outfit that gives you a +1 Agility boost. If you return the park stroller outfit while it's equipped at one of the vending machines, the Agility boost remains. This can also be done with other casual wear (such as the one found in Vera's room backstage). The glitch allow multiple Agility stacks.
  • PCIcon pc Using the Pip-Boy while in the casino sometimes causes the game to crash.
  • Xbox 360Icon xbox360 It is possible to become stuck between the Nuka-Cola chairs and the slot machines when sitting down and then getting back up again. If this cannot be solved by simply jumping, moving around considerably can cause the player to randomly find themselves free at the lobby entrance.
  • The door to the switch room inside the casino floor says "open door to electrical closet" even when already open.


