The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
LocationVault-Tec Warehouse
Secret Vault
FOBoSLogoThe following is based on Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel and has not been confirmed by canon sources.

Shop-Tec is a Vault-Tec robotic system implemented in the company's Secret Vault. It consists of a network of terminals which is designed as a shopping interface for the vault dwellers. The system was adapted to accept caps as currency.

Shop-Tec terminals appear like big, arcade-like boxes. When activated, they reveal a CD-ROM-like pod which is actually a holo-projector. The Vault Boy 3D holographic image appears on this pod and interacts with a customer. Even though terminals use the Vault Boy as visual representation, its voice is female.

During the attack on the Vault by Attis' army and eradication of nearly every human, Shop-Tec analyzed the situation and collected or created various weapons and items which could be needed by survivors to fight super mutants or other wasteland threats. Consequently, Shop-Tec comes in handy when the Initiate of the Brotherhood of Steel comes to the Vault to fight the super mutants.

It's known that Initiate has found a broken, yet repairable Shop-Tec terminal which he later repaired, after finding some spare parts. Through this terminal it is revealed that Shop-Tec could educate itself and probably uses some words it heard from its customers, must notably the word "fuck".


  • Welcome to Shop-Tec computerized trading system, an advanced experimental vending machine to help you get the equipment that you'll need for daily post-apocalyptic living!


  • There are two version of Shop-Tec with different inventories, one may be encountered in the general areas and the other with the best equipment in the most dangerous areas.
  • All the terminals are somehow connected with each other of the same version, probably by the set of specially designed tubes, as their inventory is quite the same.
  • Shop-Tec terminal was voiced by B. J. Ward.


Shop-Tec terminals appears only in Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel.
