The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
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VB DD05 npc Sharon
Image used as concept design for Sharon in the Van Buren design document
Biography and appearance
AffiliationScorpion's Bite
LocationTwin Mothers
QuestsBetray Sharon
Trisha's accident
SPECIALStrength: ?
Perception: ?
Endurance: ?
Charisma: ?
Intelligence: ?
Agility: ?
Luck: ?
Gametitle-VBThe following is based on Van Buren and has not been confirmed by canon sources.

Sharon is a member of Scorpion's Bite in 2253.


Sharon is a cruel and mean spirited woman. She is very domineering and revels in the suffering of others. She wants nothing more than a position of power in which she can sit back and have her slaves take care of her. She cares nothing for people except for what they can do to serve her and her needs.

Sharon follows the Scorpion's Bite clan because, so far, they have proven to be very profitable with very little output from her personally. Sure, she's had to cap a few people and she's been involved in a scrap or two, but for the most part it's been a breeze. Burk, the clan leader, seems competent and that can only lead to more profits.

Currently Sharon is trying to convince Burk to take over the Twin Mothers village. It's obvious that the natives have it made and that their protector is out of commission. She believes that they should strike while the time is right and just move in. However, Burk constantly rebukes her and won't explain why. She thinks it has something to do with the whore, Trisha, that Burk is shacking up with.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

General Services Quests
Companion: No
Merchant: No
Doctor: No
Starts quests: Yes
Involved in quests: Yes

She wants Trisha dead and wants the player to make her have a fatal accident. If the player snitches to Burk about this, she will be killed by him.


Sharon does not appear nor is mentioned in any published games. She was going to appear in Van Buren, the canceled Fallout 3 by Black Isle Studios.

