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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
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Biography and appearance
RaceHuman, African American
Height1.1 → 6' 4" (1.93 m)
AffiliationCaesar's Legion
LocationCottonwood Cove
Dialogue FileSeverus' dialogue
QuestsArizona Scavenger
SPECIALStrength: 6
Perception: 5
Endurance: 6
Charisma: 4
Intelligence: 4
Agility: 5
Luck: 5
Derived StatsHit Points: 160
Tag SkillsMelee Weapons: 80
Guns: 78
Unarmed: 80
Editor IDNVCCSeverus
Base ID0012b513Ref ID0012fcb2
ActorGregory Alan Williams

Decanus Severus is the Legion's quartermaster at Cottonwood Cove in Fallout: New Vegas.


Originally the leader of his own contubernium assigned to the Cove, Severus transitioned to the role of quartermaster when centurion Aurelius of Phoenix arrived in the cove.[1] Beyond taking care of the stocks of equipment at the Cove and dealing with any captured gear, Severus also coordinates Legion patrols. The biggest problem is not the fact that the NCR avoids engagement with Legion raiding parties, particularly after the fall of Camp Searchlight, but the land mines the Army liberally peppers over the countryside to curtail Legion operations. The Legions has yet to develop a reliable method of disarming them.[2][3]

The name impressed on him by Caesar is a popular historical name, bore by several emperors and notable persons in the history of Rome.[4]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Perk empathy synthesizer
This character is involved in quests.


  • Arizona Scavenger: After talking to Aurelius of Phoenix, the player can exchange NCR dogtags with Severus, either for 10 caps per tag and Legion fame or for equipment (which requires Barter 35 in dialogue with the Centurion). The optimal way to gain fame is to turn the tags in for caps, one at a time. 100 is enough to become Idolized.
    • The exchange rates are as follows. Note that asking to redeem for weapons and/or armor immediately removes five dogtags from the player's inventory, while food and ammunition have far less value than the 10 caps normally offered. All choices add fame as well.

Other interactions[]

  • The player can also gain fame with Severus by two ways:
    • With 50 Explosives, they can teach the decanus how to disarm frag mines, by pressing the blinking yellow light.
    • With the powder charge schematics from NCRCF, found in cell block B, the player can show the Legion how to make more of them.


Icon armored vault suit
Prime decanus helmet
Legion prime armor
Assault carbine icon
.44 Magnum revolver
Machete gladius
Icon briefcase
Carried items
Icon male severed head
Drops on death


  • Decanus Severus is notably taller than the Courier being tall.

Notable quotes[]

  • "Trade with Canyon Runner if you like. Make trouble and things won't go well for you."


  • The dialogue option "Do you see much action against the NCR?" clears the dialogue flag that disables the 50 Explosives skill check, enabling infinite experience and fame with the Legion.


Severus appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.


  1. The Courier: "What is your role here?"
    Severus: "I'm an officer of the Legion, of the rank Decanus. When we encamped, I commanded a contubernium of eight Legionaries. So I command what's left. Under the wise leadership of Centurion Aurelius, of course."
    (Severus' dialogue)
  2. The Courier: "Do you see much action against the NCR?"
    Severus: "As much as their cowardice will allow. The Profligates avoid open battle, but on good days we find one of their patrols. Their landmines have caused us more trouble than their marksmanship - which is lacking."
    (Severus' dialogue)
  3. The Courier: "What is this place?"
    Severus: "A Legion outpost. What's it look like? We crossed the river when the Profligates fled from Searchlight. From here we stage raiding parties and process captures."
    (Severus' dialogue)
  4. See here.