Attacks on detection Aggression: Unaggressive: Will not initiate combat. Assistance: Helps allies: Will help allies. Confidence: Foolhardy: Will never flee or avoid anyone.
One of the more elegant creations of RobCo Industries, the EyeBot is a hovering robot designed for a variety of purposes.[1] Ostensibly, it was designed for giving consumers instant access to radio and television on the go, using a sophisticated antenna array to deliver the latest news bulletins and presidential addresses (among other things) even in subterranean areas, like subways. However, it was also outfitted with advanced facial and auditory recognition technology, making it a useful tool for surveillance and security.[2] Although the design was compact and quite sophisticated, there was still room for expansion: The Enclave attempted to create a line of superior Duraframe EyeBots at Adams Air Force Base, but eventually scrapped the program, leaving one survivor.[3] The automated bases of Hopeville and Ashton later reproduced these robots in number, creating dedicated repair and medical variants, showcasing the potential still remaining in the humble EyeBot.[4]
Servomech eyebots are a heavily modified variant upgraded with an additional faceplate and antenna by the Mechanist. They are encountered across the Commonwealth, delivering the Mechanist's message of peace and protection. Once killed, they drop a copy of her tape.
↑Tour guide: "Ready for the REPCONN tour, Rocketeers? Courtesy of the fine folks at RobCo, I'll be your guide today on the path of... Scientific. Discovery. In the lead-lined case behind me is a spent radioactive rod from of our old reactors. No need to stand too close, let's move along, shall we? Look here - a row of multi-colored plasma fuels! Careful, they may look safe to drink, but your stomach is the last place they should be. Why the difference in cylinder size? Refining our production methods has resulted in higher yields of fuel over time, that's why! To my right you can see a sample of some old "safety barrels" REPCONN once used to store radioactive waste. Perfectly safe. On my left is an example of a mountain of REPCONN safety barrels some legislators claim are poisoning our environment. Ridiculous. Behind me is our most recent rocket project, which we're keeping under our hats... until "launch," if you'll pardon the expression. And in front of me is a model - not actual size - of the launch dome we are using to send our rockets screeeeaming into orbit. Now these colorful fellows behind me are REPCONN's earliest... experiments in flight. Feel free to read the plaques and learn, Rocketeers! Now for the highlight of our tour! Due to a generous donation from RobCo, this next exhibit showcases the wondrous world of - robots! Around you are the incredible Eyebot, the fearsome Sentry Bot, and the always-helpful Mr. Handy. That helpfulness runs through our whole line!This is the final stop on our tour. This model of our solar system is a small example of where the partnership between RobCo and REPCONN hopes to go.See those little rockets zipping about? They are manned by robots, tirelessly looking for resources to mine on planets beyond our own.And that's it for our tour today, Rocketeers - RobCo and its tiny partner REPCONN thank you! Any further questions, please, feel free to ask." (Tour guide's dialogue)
↑REPCONN headquarters placard: ""The 'I' in 'Eyebot.'"" "RobCo's always had an eye for robotics, and this little fellow is no different! This robotic marvel can not only recognize your face and voice with advanced facial and auditory recognition technology, it can also broadcast video and audio as well! Think of it - all the sights and sounds of your radio and TV in your living room at home blasted directly at you on the street, subway, bathroom, or wherever you may be! Never fear, you'll never miss a news bulletin or presidential address again, no matter where you are!"
"Exhibit Brought to You By Your Friends at RobCo."