The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
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This page is about sentry bots as they appear in Fallout 2. For other sentry bots that appear in the Fallout series of games, see sentry bot.

Sentry bot
LocationNew California
Basic Stats

Strength: 9
Perception: 8
Endurance: 8
Charisma: 1
Intelligence: 5
Agility: 9
Luck: 5


Big Guns: 87%
Energy Weapons: 107%
Unarmed: 39%
Melee Weapons: 49%

Hit Points: 120
Armor Class: 34
Action Points: 9
Unarmed Damage: 0
Melee Damage: 4
Carry Weight: 250
Critical Chance: 5
Sequence: 16
Damage resistance/damage threshold

Normal: 50%/13

Laser: 90%/19

Fire: 70%/14

Plasma: 50%/13


EMP: 0%/0

Explosive: 60%/20

Immune to radiation and poison

Avenger minigun

Robo missile launcher (10-30 damage, 6 shots, 30 range)

Sentry bots are bipedal assault robots encountered in Fallout 2.


The following section is transcluded from Sentry bot. To modify, please edit the source page.

An early sentry bot model, also referred to as security robot. Walking on two legs and clad in heavy armor, it carries a pair of weapons: A minigun on the left and a specially-designed multiple missile launcher on its right arm. Vision is provided by the head unit, with a single, central red eye. This old design has been largely retired by the Great War, as its height - well over two meters - and instability resulting from its center of gravity and two legs limited its performance in the field. It's a rare sight in the wasteland, with the only known facilities to use this elderly model being the Sierra Army Depot and the Enclave oil rig.


Although these models are antiquated, they represent a significant danger in the wasteland if armed with a rocket launcher or minigun. The robotic missile launcher can easily knock down the Chosen One's party, and deal severe damage to all of its members. The minigun can be even more devastating, especially up close; fortunately, most robots are armed with either one weapon or the other, if any at all. This is particularly noticeable in the Sierra Army Depot or the oil rig, where few of the robots are actually provided with the right weapons.
