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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
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Fallout: New Vegas locations project
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Securitron de-construction plant
Securitron deconstruction plant
Icon factory
SDCP loc
Map MarkerSecuritron De-Construction Plant
QuestsAll My Friends Have Off Switches
Influencing People
Cell NameNVDLC03SLSecuritron (exterior)
NVDLC03SLSecuritronINT (interior)
ref idxx001d0d (exterior)
xx0078eb (interior)
Gametitle-FNV OWB
Gametitle-FNV OWB

The Securitron de-construction plant is a location in Big MT in 2281.


This facility was dedicated to reverse engineering House Industries Securitrons and improving upon the original design. However, Dr 0 and his team were unable to improve on the original design: all units he worked on are either irreparably damaged or completely berserk. Ironically, the only functioning Securitron he constructed is Muggy.[1]


The Securitron de-construction plant is in the northeast quadrant of Big MT. There are picnic tables and radioactive barrels just outside the east entrance to the building, surrounded by a torn chain-link fence. On the west side of the building, several letters from the sign have fallen on the ground.

Inside the building from the east entrance, several Securitrons patrol an upper platform, including a unique Securitron named 010011110110111001100101 (which in binary translates to the word "One"). The upper platform leads to a central upper office area with multiple fission batteries on a long desk. Two doors lead to the main deconstruction area. One of these doors leads to the upper office overseeing the deconstruction area. The upper office has a skeleton sitting at a desk.

Inside the building from the south entrance is a lobby area, followed by the main deconstruction area ground floor. A couple of Securitrons patrol this area. The main deconstruction area has a workbench and large amounts of scrap metal and scrap electronics on the disassembly line.

Notable loot[]

  • Sink Project: Muggy is in the back of the truck outside the south entrance.
  • "Muggy" Upgrade: Parts Production, lootable from the unique Securitron 010011110110111001100101 inside the plant.
  • 13 fission batteries on a counter in the second floor office.
  • Five proton throwing axes are found in a half open locker in the room with 010011110110111001100101, and on the same floor.
  • A copy of Today's Physician is located under a large burned book to the right of the entrance on a book shelf at the entrance.
  • A copy of Lad's Life can be found outside on the right most picnic table closest to the gate in the South side entrance.
  • A copy of Fixin' Things is located on top of one of the robot recharge stations on the upper deck of the eastern room near a toolbox and wrench, but it is apparently unobtainable. As soon as the wrench on top of it is touched, the magazine disappears through the surface it's lying on.
  • A Marksman carbine and some other loot on top of the pipeline next to the right side of the picnic tables.
  • Outside the center in an inlet into the back wall is a skeleton with a dufflebag with a stack of chems (this is a good starting point to follow the trail of microfusion cells to Elijah's Watch).


  • The inside layout of the plant is an exact copy of the robot repair center building from Fallout 3.
  • The letters falling from the sign of the building are likely because of an act of sabotage by Doctor 0, as the only letters left standing are 'D', 'R' and 'O' in that order.
  • A cazador that spawns near the outside of the Z-14 Pepsinae DNA splicing lab will sometimes be found here, when fast traveling to this location.


The Securitron de-construction plant appears in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on, Old World Blues.



  1. Chris Avellone's blog : "0 had his moments - if his greatest creation is a tiny janitor bot that can only collect dishes, that feels in-character to me. Especially considering how far he missed his original target by (figure out what makes Securitrons tick and make them better - whoops!)."
    This clearly shows that none of the Big MT Securitrons were ever functioning properly