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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
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LocationNew Vegas Strip
Big MT
Securitron vault
Legate's Camp
Hoover Dam
VariantsSecuritron Mark I
Securitron Mark II
Berserk units
Damaged units
Dialogue FileSecuritron's dialogue
Gametitle-FNVGametitle-FNV OWB
Gametitle-FNVGametitle-FNV OWB

You've done the right thing, citizen. Reporting struggles, scuffles, and tussles is the civic duty of every man, woman, and child.

— PDQ-88b Securitron

The RobCo PDQ-88b Securitron model 2060-B is a security robot created and mass-produced by House Industries via its child company RobCo Industries and H&H Tool Company. All known units carry the H&H Tools Company manufacturer's plate.

A number of Securitron units were also acquired by Big MT for reverse-engineering, though they failed to improve on the original.



The PDQ-88b Securitron is a fairly large, monowheel robot with a titanium alloy housing, resistant to shrapnel and small arms fire, with a screen capable of displaying a wide array of images, from static images to pre-war commercials. The PDQ-88b Securitron is heavily-armed. Its left arm contains its primary weapon, a Glastinghouse, Inc. X-25 Gatling laser for medium range engagements. For close-range suppression and crowd control, the Securitron mounts a 9mm machinegun in its right arm. However, these are only secondary weapons: concealed compartments on its shoulders contain M-235 missile launchers for long range and surface-to-air engagements, and a rapid-fire G-28 grenade launching system for close range engagements. The robots also have onboard auto-repair systems to repair any damage sustained from combat. Thus armed, a Securitron can handle nearly any combat situation.

The PDQ-88b Securitron supports two operating systems: Mk I and Mk II. The Mk I operating system lacks drivers for the auto-repair systems and shoulder-mounted weapons, limiting the robot's arsenal to the built-in X-25 Gatling laser and the 9mm cannon. The Mk II operating system enables the M-235 missile launchers, the rapid-fire G-28 grenade launching system and the auto-repair system. As estimated by Mr. House and Yes Man, the combat effectiveness of each Securitron unit is improved by 235% by the upgrade. [1][2]

A large number of PDQ-88b Securitron units was acquired by the Big MT company for reverse engineering (fueled by Dr 0's bitter hatred of Robert House), with the aim of creating a superior model. However, these efforts were ineffective: the only functional unit created by Doctor 0 was Muggy, a miniature, cookware-obsessed robot. Other Securitrons, while benefitting from increased accuracy, firepower and more efficient self-repair routines provided by Big MT firmware (Mk I through VI), are either berserk or irreparably damaged due to critical errors in Dr 0's operating systems.[3]

A final feature of the Securitron is the housed printer inside their chassis, able to receive broadcasts and print leaflets, such as obituaries, should such an occasion occur. [4]

Gameplay attributes[]

Securitrons in the Mojave Wasteland are the hands and eyes of Mr. House. Notably, they patrol the New Vegas Strip and guard its north entrance. Like all robots, Securitrons cannot be pick-pocketed, and attempting to do so will just trigger the Securitron to say one of their quotes. The player may upgrade the units to the Mark II operating system through the use of the platinum chip.

The dysfunctional units in Big MT are all hostile to the player, with the exception of Muggy.

House Industries[]

These are the models created by House Industries, the original creator of the PDQ-88b Securitron, with the help of RobCo Industries. After the Great War, the only known Securitrons are controlled by Mr. House and can be upgraded via the platinum chip.

Mark I[]


The Securitron Mk I can only use the X-25 Gatling laser and the 9mm cannon, and it can not use its auto-repair systems. The unit's face is that of a policeman.

Name (Base ID)StatisticsBehaviorAbilitiesItems
Securitron Mk I
LevelIcon level
Experience pointsIcon XP
DetectionIcon eye
Health pointsIcon heart
Damage thresholdIcon shield gold
Damage resistanceIcon shield silver
FistIcon fist
Aggressive: Will attack enemies on sight.Icon requiredIcon optionalIcon optional
ConfidenceIcon confidence
Foolhardy: Will never flee or avoid anyone.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon requiredIcon required
GroupIcon group
Helps friends: Will help friends and allies.Icon requiredIcon required
AttackIcon attack
Melee (20 DamageIcon damage)
AttackIcon attack
Grenade launcher (10 DamageIcon damage)
AttackIcon attack
Submachine gun (19 DamageIcon damage)
AbilityIcon ability
RadiationIcon radiation Radiation resistance 100%
AbilityIcon ability
PoisonIcon poison Poison resistance 100%

*Possibly due to developer oversight, the Securitron Mk I's on the Strip have a DT of 0. The Securitrons in Freeside and inside the Lucky 38 have the normal DT of 20.

**Despite what YesMan and Mr. House say, the Mk I units actually have access to the Machine Gun & Grenade launcher, similar to the Damaged models.

Mark II[]


Through the use of the platinum chip, the Courier may upgrade the Securitrons of Mr. House or Yes Man at The Fort and around the New Vegas Strip to the Mark II operating system. The Securitron Mk II can use all the weapon available as the X-25 Gatling laser, the 9mm sub machine gun, the M-235 missile launchers, the rapid-fire G-28 grenade launching system and can also use the auto-repair systems. Its armor is increased and the unit's face is that of an American Army infantryman.

Name (Base ID)StatisticsBehaviorAbilitiesItems
Securitron Mk II (New Vegas Strip)
LevelIcon level
Experience pointsIcon XP
DetectionIcon eye
Health pointsIcon heart
Damage thresholdIcon shield gold
Damage resistanceIcon shield silver
FistIcon fist
Unaggressive: Will not initiate combat.Icon optionalIcon optionalIcon optional
ConfidenceIcon confidence
Brave: Will avoid/flee from threats only if severely outmatched.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon requiredIcon optional
GroupIcon group
Helps allies: Will help allies.Icon requiredIcon optional
AttackIcon attack
Melee (20 DamageIcon damage)
AttackIcon attack
Laser (15 DamageIcon damage)
AttackIcon attack
Shoulder missiles (10 DamageIcon damage)
AbilityIcon ability
RadiationIcon radiation Radiation resistance 100%
AbilityIcon ability
PoisonIcon poison Poison resistance 100%
Name (Base ID)StatisticsBehaviorAbilitiesItems
Securitron Mk II (Battle of Hoover Dam)
LevelIcon level
Experience pointsIcon XP
DetectionIcon eye
Health pointsIcon heart
Damage thresholdIcon shield gold
Damage resistanceIcon shield silver
FistIcon fist
Aggressive: Will attack enemies on sight.Icon requiredIcon optionalIcon optional
ConfidenceIcon confidence
Foolhardy: Will never flee or avoid anyone.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon requiredIcon required
GroupIcon group
Helps friends: Will help friends and allies.Icon requiredIcon required
AttackIcon attack
Melee (20 DamageIcon damage)
AttackIcon attack
Laser (15 DamageIcon damage)
AttackIcon attack
Shoulder missiles (10 DamageIcon damage)
AbilityIcon ability
RadiationIcon radiation Radiation resistance 100%
AbilityIcon ability
PoisonIcon poison Poison resistance 100%

*Despite what YesMan and Mr. House say, the Mk II units actually have access to the Gatling Laser & Shoulder Missiles, much like the Berserk models.

Big MT copies[]

Securitrons of Big MT are units acquired by the company for reverse engineering by Doctor 0 and his robotics team. Fueled by bitter hatred of the successful billionaire, 0 attempted to create a better, more powerful Securitron. However, while he was able to create an operating system that offered increased firepower, accuracy and more efficient self-repair routines, the Big MT OS was totally unstable, rendering Securitrons upgraded with this software either damaged or, in worst case scenarios, berserk.[3]

The only actual functioning Securitron copy made by Doctor 0 is Muggy, who is, well, not quite the upgrade 0 envisioned.[3]

Berserk units[]


The unit's face of the berserk PDQ-88b Securitron is a distorted face, similar to the "angry moon" public domain clip art. The berserk model has the ability to use the rocket launchers in its shoulders and the laser in its arm, but not the grenade launcher or machine gun.

Name (Base ID)StatisticsBehaviorAbilitiesItems
Berserk Securitron Mk I
LevelIcon level
Experience pointsIcon XP
DetectionIcon eye
Health pointsIcon heart
Damage thresholdIcon shield gold
Damage resistanceIcon shield silver
FistIcon fist
Aggressive: Will attack enemies on sight.Icon requiredIcon optionalIcon optional
ConfidenceIcon confidence
Foolhardy: Will never flee or avoid anyone.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon requiredIcon required
GroupIcon group
Helps allies: Will help allies.Icon requiredIcon optional
AttackIcon attack
Melee (20 DamageIcon damage)
AttackIcon attack
Laser (15 DamageIcon damage)
AttackIcon attack
Shoulder missiles (10 DamageIcon damage)
Berserk Securitron Mk II
LevelIcon level
Experience pointsIcon XP
DetectionIcon eye
Health pointsIcon heart
Damage thresholdIcon shield gold
Damage resistanceIcon shield silver
FistIcon fist
Aggressive: Will attack enemies on sight.Icon requiredIcon optionalIcon optional
ConfidenceIcon confidence
Foolhardy: Will never flee or avoid anyone.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon requiredIcon required
GroupIcon group
Helps allies: Will help allies.Icon requiredIcon optional
AttackIcon attack
Melee (20 DamageIcon damage)
AttackIcon attack
Laser (15 DamageIcon damage)
AttackIcon attack
Shoulder missiles (10 DamageIcon damage)
Berserk Securitron Mk III
LevelIcon level
Experience pointsIcon XP
DetectionIcon eye
Health pointsIcon heart
Damage thresholdIcon shield gold
Damage resistanceIcon shield silver
FistIcon fist
Aggressive: Will attack enemies on sight.Icon requiredIcon optionalIcon optional
ConfidenceIcon confidence
Foolhardy: Will never flee or avoid anyone.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon requiredIcon required
GroupIcon group
Helps allies: Will help allies.Icon requiredIcon optional
AttackIcon attack
Melee (20 DamageIcon damage)
AttackIcon attack
Laser (15 DamageIcon damage)
AttackIcon attack
Shoulder missiles (10 DamageIcon damage)
Berserk Securitron Mk IV
LevelIcon level
Experience pointsIcon XP
DetectionIcon eye
Health pointsIcon heart
Damage thresholdIcon shield gold
Damage resistanceIcon shield silver
FistIcon fist
Aggressive: Will attack enemies on sight.Icon requiredIcon optionalIcon optional
ConfidenceIcon confidence
Foolhardy: Will never flee or avoid anyone.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon requiredIcon required
GroupIcon group
Helps allies: Will help allies.Icon requiredIcon optional
AttackIcon attack
Melee (20 DamageIcon damage)
AttackIcon attack
Laser (15 DamageIcon damage)
AttackIcon attack
Shoulder missiles (10 DamageIcon damage)
Berserk Securitron Mk V
LevelIcon level
Experience pointsIcon XP
DetectionIcon eye
Health pointsIcon heart
Damage thresholdIcon shield gold
Damage resistanceIcon shield silver
FistIcon fist
Aggressive: Will attack enemies on sight.Icon requiredIcon optionalIcon optional
ConfidenceIcon confidence
Foolhardy: Will never flee or avoid anyone.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon requiredIcon required
GroupIcon group
Helps allies: Will help allies.Icon requiredIcon optional
AttackIcon attack
Melee (20 DamageIcon damage)
AttackIcon attack
Laser (15 DamageIcon damage)
AttackIcon attack
Shoulder missiles (10 DamageIcon damage)
Berserk Securitron Mk VI
LevelIcon level
Experience pointsIcon XP
DetectionIcon eye
Health pointsIcon heart
Damage thresholdIcon shield gold
Damage resistanceIcon shield silver
FistIcon fist
Aggressive: Will attack enemies on sight.Icon requiredIcon optionalIcon optional
ConfidenceIcon confidence
Foolhardy: Will never flee or avoid anyone.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon requiredIcon required
GroupIcon group
Helps allies: Will help allies.Icon requiredIcon optional
AttackIcon attack
Melee (20 DamageIcon damage)
AttackIcon attack
Laser (15 DamageIcon damage)
AttackIcon attack
Shoulder missiles (10 DamageIcon damage)

Damaged units[]


The unit's face of the damaged PDQ-88b Securitron is the berserk one's face reversed and crossed out. It can use the grenade launcher and machine gun, but not the other weapons.

Name (Base ID)StatisticsBehaviorAbilitiesItems
Damaged Securitron Mk I
LevelIcon level
Experience pointsIcon XP
DetectionIcon eye
Health pointsIcon heart
Damage thresholdIcon shield gold
Damage resistanceIcon shield silver
FistIcon fist
Aggressive: Will attack enemies on sight.Icon requiredIcon optionalIcon optional
ConfidenceIcon confidence
Foolhardy: Will never flee or avoid anyone.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon requiredIcon required
GroupIcon group
Helps allies: Will help allies.Icon requiredIcon optional
AttackIcon attack
Melee (20 DamageIcon damage)
AttackIcon attack
Grenade launcher (10 DamageIcon damage)
AttackIcon attack
Submachine gun (19 DamageIcon damage)
Damaged Securitron Mk II
LevelIcon level
Experience pointsIcon XP
DetectionIcon eye
Health pointsIcon heart
Damage thresholdIcon shield gold
Damage resistanceIcon shield silver
FistIcon fist
Aggressive: Will attack enemies on sight.Icon requiredIcon optionalIcon optional
ConfidenceIcon confidence
Foolhardy: Will never flee or avoid anyone.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon requiredIcon required
GroupIcon group
Helps allies: Will help allies.Icon requiredIcon optional
AttackIcon attack
Melee (20 DamageIcon damage)
AttackIcon attack
Grenade launcher (10 DamageIcon damage)
AttackIcon attack
Submachine gun (19 DamageIcon damage)
Damaged Securitron Mk III
LevelIcon level
Experience pointsIcon XP
DetectionIcon eye
Health pointsIcon heart
Damage thresholdIcon shield gold
Damage resistanceIcon shield silver
FistIcon fist
Aggressive: Will attack enemies on sight.Icon requiredIcon optionalIcon optional
ConfidenceIcon confidence
Foolhardy: Will never flee or avoid anyone.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon requiredIcon required
GroupIcon group
Helps allies: Will help allies.Icon requiredIcon optional
AttackIcon attack
Melee (20 DamageIcon damage)
AttackIcon attack
Grenade launcher (10 DamageIcon damage)
AttackIcon attack
Submachine gun (19 DamageIcon damage)
Damaged Securitron Mk IV
LevelIcon level
Experience pointsIcon XP
DetectionIcon eye
Health pointsIcon heart
Damage thresholdIcon shield gold
Damage resistanceIcon shield silver
FistIcon fist
Aggressive: Will attack enemies on sight.Icon requiredIcon optionalIcon optional
ConfidenceIcon confidence
Foolhardy: Will never flee or avoid anyone.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon requiredIcon required
GroupIcon group
Helps allies: Will help allies.Icon requiredIcon optional
AttackIcon attack
Melee (20 DamageIcon damage)
AttackIcon attack
Grenade launcher (10 DamageIcon damage)
AttackIcon attack
Submachine gun (19 DamageIcon damage)
Damaged Securitron Mk V
LevelIcon level
Experience pointsIcon XP
DetectionIcon eye
Health pointsIcon heart
Damage thresholdIcon shield gold
Damage resistanceIcon shield silver
FistIcon fist
Aggressive: Will attack enemies on sight.Icon requiredIcon optionalIcon optional
ConfidenceIcon confidence
Foolhardy: Will never flee or avoid anyone.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon requiredIcon required
GroupIcon group
Helps allies: Will help allies.Icon requiredIcon optional
AttackIcon attack
Melee (20 DamageIcon damage)
AttackIcon attack
Grenade launcher (10 DamageIcon damage)
AttackIcon attack
Submachine gun (19 DamageIcon damage)
Damaged Securitron Mk VI
LevelIcon level
Experience pointsIcon XP
DetectionIcon eye
Health pointsIcon heart
Damage thresholdIcon shield gold
Damage resistanceIcon shield silver
FistIcon fist
Aggressive: Will attack enemies on sight.Icon requiredIcon optionalIcon optional
ConfidenceIcon confidence
Foolhardy: Will never flee or avoid anyone.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon requiredIcon required
GroupIcon group
Helps allies: Will help allies.Icon requiredIcon optional
AttackIcon attack
Melee (20 DamageIcon damage)
AttackIcon attack
Grenade launcher (10 DamageIcon damage)
AttackIcon attack
Submachine gun (19 DamageIcon damage)

Notable PDQ-88b Securitrons[]


  • The Securitrons in the Las Vegas Boulevard Station will still be Mk I, regardless of any upgrades.
  • With a Science skill of 80 or greater, the player can input the following code when attempting to enter the New Vegas Strip: 1C 3C R34 M. This is "leetspeak" for ice cream. Ice cream is also the code word used to identify third floor access at REPCONN headquarters.
  • When deactivated via Robotics Expert perk they will still move but cannot be interacted with. This is an issue present with many of the other robots in the game.
  • Securitrons outside the Strip gate in Freeside can be disabled via the Robotics Expert perk. They will usually contain some 9mm ammunition, a piece of scrap metal and a Vegas Gate key. They will also respawn, given enough time, and this can be done again for more XP and loot. This can also be done via a sneak kill.
  • Sometimes in one of the Freeside alleyways, a Securitron Mk II can be spotted next to a dead hooker. When you get close to it, it promptly wheels away.
  • Outside of the Ultra-Luxe, three female NCR Troopers are dancing in the water fountain, two in their underwear and the other wearing sexy sleepwear. Two Securitrons will be telling them to leave, while getting more and more hostile, then two male NCR MP's will arrive and eventually disperse the women.
  • Two Securitrons can occasionally be seen outside of New Vegas Boulevard Station, puzzled by a piece of graffiti on the wall. They fire their Gatling lasers at it in attempt to clean it off, although this is futile and nothing actually comes off.
  • Securitrons seem to have police sirens in the opening cinematic. In game, they do not have any sirens.
  • Father Elijah incorrectly identifies Big MT as the facility where the Securitrons were developed. It is also possible this was, at one point, where the developers intended the Securitrons to be developed and simply forgot to change the dialogue files, much like Veronica's mentioning of Marilyn.
  • Occasionally, the Securitrons at the New Vegas Strip gate will use their grenade launchers to kill the squatter that runs to the gate when you approach for the first time instead of their machineguns.
  • Possibly due to developer oversight, the Securitron Mk I's on the Strip have a DT of 0. The Securitrons in Freeside and inside the Lucky 38 have the normal DT of 20.
  • Some robotic parts are brown-colored, possibly rusted because of 200 years of operation.
  • The Securitrons by the Strip will shoot the NCR Ranger or trooper if they are following you.
  • Mk I Securitrons are also found in Big MT, in the garbage pile of the waste disintegration platform, and within Dr 0's home within Higgs Village.

Notable quotes[]

  • "Please, do not stand in the fountains."
  • "Strip secure."
  • "Move along."
  • "Self-control is a virtue."
  • "Please obey all weapon laws."
  • "Trespassers will be shot!"

Behind the scenes[]

Working on the Securitron was a grand adventure. He was one of the main characters and part of the main narrative of the game. The player spent quite a bit of time hanging out around the Securitron. The Securitron creature had just over 80 animations and 5 weapon types. It was fun trying to figure out where he was hiding all 5 weapon types, and how to get him to equip and reload them. I had a blast working with the character artist who molded him. We worked out how to switch screens, switch weapons, and blow off his body parts. With the advice of one of the other animators we got him to vibrate a bit all the time that way it looks like some type of car engine was working somewhere beneath his exterior. I used a lot of little tricks I've collect over the years to make this implausible character look plausible. Good times. :D

Shon Stewart
  • Kevin Manning created the Securitron model.[5]
  • If the Courier has taken the Wild Wasteland trait, Securitrons may say "Your move, creep!" This is a reference to RoboCop, who uses the same line. Likewise, if the player chooses to frame Heck Gunderson for his son's murder during the "Beyond the Beef" Quest, the Securitron will say "Dead or alive, you're coming with me" before shooting him dead.
  • When in combat, Securitrons will occasionally say "Exterminate!" This is a reference to the Daleks from Doctor Who.
  • The berserk Securitrons in Old World Blues have a face similar to a piece of clip art known as "Angry Moon". This piece of clip art was taken from the cover of sheet music to the song "Stingy" by J. Fred Helf and Ed. Gardenier published in 1904.[1]



  • PCIcon pc PlayStation 3Icon ps3 Xbox 360Icon xbox360 While inside The Strip, if you kill a Securitron with a head shot and destroying its TV monitor, the screen will still be present but the surrounding edges around the screen shows that the screen was destroyed.
  • PCIcon pc Xbox 360Icon xbox360 One of the Securitron gatekeepers (top right) will be missing from its post when fast-traveling or just heading regularly to the Strip's gate. It can be found in an alleyway to the east of the gate, seemingly stuck between a light post, a dumpster, and the wall of the building to the north. Pushing it from this spot will cause it to roll back to its post. What causes this is unknown, but it may be that the robot spawns in the said position.
  • Xbox 360Icon xbox360 The Securitrons may sometimes keep swapping weapons without even attacking the enemy.
  • The Securitron's, both Mk I and Mk II, pathfinding skills and ability to engage the enemy is so that they often get stuck in their location or refuse to move and shoot at hostile targets.
  • Sometimes, companions will attempt to talk with a Securitron, even though Securitrons have no greeting dialogue. For example, it will reply: "Please, do not stand in the fountains" when greeted hello (or similar). Occasionally, your companion will stay there indefinitely until you talk to the Securitron and your companion.
  • PCIcon pc When passing the Science check with the Securitron gatekeeper, and talking to it again saying goodbye, the Securitrons might turn hostile while attempting to enter the Strip.
  • Even if the Securitrons on the Strip are not fully upgraded, it is possible that they will still use their grenade launchers against you.
  • PlayStation 3Icon ps3 It is possible that opening Mr. House's Antechamber may only cause a couple of his Securitrons in his penthouse to become hostile, even after destroying some of them.


PDQ-88b Securitrons appear in Fallout: New Vegas and the add-on Old World Blues.


  1. The Courier: "Why didn't you intervene sooner when Benny ambushed me?"
    Robert House: "Why didn't Victor intervene sooner, you mean? Goodsprings is a bit too far away for me to reliably control a Securitron agent by remote. I can send and receive packets of data, at best. Victor's combat algorithms determined the proper course of action. Benny and his thugs were more than a match for a lone Securitron. When he alerted me, I instructed him to approach the site after Benny and the others had departed."
    (Robert House's dialogue)
  2. Robert House: "Step closer to the demonstration area, if you would... I expect you're well familiar with my Securitrons by now. The titanium alloy housing that protects its electronic core deflects small arms and shrapnel easily enough... Its X-25 gatling laser, produced to spec by Glastinghouse, Inc., is deadly against soft targets at medium range... And for close-range suppression or crowd control, the Securitron is armed with a 9mm submachinegun. All of this, you probably already knew... What you did not know is that these are the Securitrons' secondary weapons. All this time, my Securitrons have had to get by running the Mark I operating system, which lacked software drivers for their primary weapons! Today, with the delivery of the Platinum Chip, all that changes. Behold, for the first time, Securitrons running the Mark II OS! The M-235 Missile Launcher gives the Securitron the ability to engage ground and air targets at significantly longer ranges... And a rapid-fire G-28 grenade launching system ensures the Securitron is deadly in close-range engagements. The software upgrade also includes drivers for the Securitrons' highly sophisticated onboard auto-repair systems. All together, the Mark II software upgrade confers a 235% increase in combat effectiveness per unit. The city of New Vegas finally has soldiers worthy of protecting it! Return to the penthouse now. We have much to discuss..."
    (Robert House's dialogue)
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Chris Avellone's blog : 0 had his moments - if his greatest creation is a tiny janitor bot that can only collect dishes, that feels in-character to me. Especially considering how far he missed his original target by (figure out what makes Securitrons tick and make them better - whoops!). This clearly shows that none of the Big MT Securitrons were ever functioning properly
  4. Robert House: "If this statement is being broadcast, I am deceased. Please approach a Securitron and take one of the printed obituaries. I, Robert Edwin House, am deceased. Please approach a Securitron and take one of the printed obituaries."
    (Robert House's dialogue)
  5. Shon Stewart