The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Seagrave's Incriminating Letter
Icon holotape
QuestsCouncil Seat
Editor IDRCSeagraveLetter
Base ID000a6f75

Seagrave's Incriminating Letter is a holodisk in Fallout 3. It is located in Seagrave Holmes' room under his bed in Rivet City and is used in the unmarked quest Council Seat.



You've turned us down twice now, Holmes. This is my last appeal. We used to be friends. We used to do business together. All I want is to sell our product in Rivet City. I'm sure the city could use slaves to help with the rebuilding. Paradise Falls has slaves to sell, at a good price. You used to sell me wastelanders you captured, before you got all full of yourself. You aren't as pure as you pretend. Help me and we can both make a nice profit.

Eulogy Jones
