The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Scout the northern wastes
Quest data
LocationMariposa Military Base
Given ByJohn Maxson
RewardWeapon issuance
3 crack assault Paladins
Related quests
Destroy the source of the Mutants.

Scout the northern wastes is an unmarked quest in Fallout, given by High Elder John Maxson of the Brotherhood of Steel.

Quick Walkthrough[]

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Initial reports from scouts, as well as the location of the mutant body that Vree recovered, indicates that there's a massive source of super mutants brewing in the northern wasteland. The Elders of the Brotherhood of Steel want the player to verify the rumors.

To complete the quest, the player needs to head northwest of the bunker on the world map. After a few days of travel, the military base will show up. Entering the location is considered scouting.

When the existence of the base is revealed to High Elder Maxson, he convenes with the remaining Elders and the player may attempt to convince the Elders that he requires Brotherhood assistance in storming it.


Unusually, the reward is given to the player at the start of the quest. Once Maxson gives the quest, the player needs to ask for an additional weapon. He will then redirect them to Mathia, who will allow the player one of the following:

Stroken BoS Emblem