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Master of the Mojave
Fallout: New Vegas locations project
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Scorpion burrow
Scorpion Burrow
Icon unmarked
Scorpion Burrow loc
Map MarkerNone (nearest: Crescent Canyon West)
Cell NameSLscorpionBurrowINT
ref id001520d9

Scorpion burrow is an unmarked location in the Mojave Wasteland. It is south of the Nipton Road Pit Stop, in the Dry lake bed. Go past the crashed airplane, and head to the area with grass and rocks. There is a large mix of radscorpions of all sizes in the vicinity.


Aside from the obvious threat of multiple giant radscorpions, a pack of nightstalkers roams nearby. The two creature types normally attack each other, but if the Courier is detected, they'll attack the Courier instead.

The entrance looks like the Ant Mound. Inside is a large single-room cavern containing several radscorpions, a radscorpion queen, and five lootable dead bodies of various factions.

Notable loot[]

There are 3 dead wastelanders, a dead prospector, and dead Jackal gang member who can be looted for low level items. There is a small amount of Sierra Madre chips (around 2-10) located on one of the corpses if the Dead Money add-on is installed.


  • Upon returning to the burrow after installing Dead Money and having previously cleared it out, the prospector at the entrance will be alive as well as the Jackal Gang member, at the back of the chamber, who is non-hostile.
  • Sometimes, Oliver Swanick can be seen entering the burrow, and can be found dead upon exit.
  • Radscorpions can follow you into the burrow, so watch behind you if you just storm in.


The scorpion burrow appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.
