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Sawbones' dialogue (Fallout 3)
Game Information
NPCSawbones (Fallout 3)
Data FileFallout3.esm
Editor IDSawbones

Dialogue file table[]

Dialogue file table
Topic FF02DogtagsFound I found a Brotherhood Holotag. What should I do with it? Talk to Scribe Jameson. She is our keeper of the Scrolls. She will want to know what you have found. FreeformDC_FF02DogtagsFoun_0001EDC4_1
Combat AcceptYield AcceptYield Do that again and I'll put my foot so far up your ass you'll cough up boot polish! GenericRobot_AcceptYield_00083025_1
Detection AlertIdle AlertIdle Are you afraid of me? You should be because I'm going to kick your ass when I find you! GenericRobot_AlertIdle_0008301D_1
Detection AlertIdle AlertIdle Step forward and identify yourself! GenericRobot_AlertIdle_0008301E_1
Detection AlertIdle AlertIdle Do you think you can hide from me? GenericRobot_AlertIdle_0008301F_1
Detection AlertIdle AlertIdle I'm starting to get angry. You would not like me when I'm angry. GenericRobot_AlertIdle_00083020_1
Detection AlertIdle AlertIdle Are you playing games with me, goddammit? GenericRobot_AlertIdle_00083021_1
Detection AlertIdle AlertIdle I cannot wait to find you so I can kill you as a personal favor to Uncle Sam. GenericRobot_AlertIdle_00083022_1
Detection AlertToCombat AlertToCombat You're gonna learn how Uncle Sam deals with commie maggots! GenericRobot_AlertToCombat_00083026_1
Detection AlertToCombat AlertToCombat You are about to be introduced to the U.S. army! GenericRobot_AlertToCombat_00083027_1
Detection AlertToCombat AlertToCombat Kill that son of a bitch! GenericRobot_AlertToCombat_00083028_1
Detection AlertToCombat AlertToCombat You just made my day! Opening fire! GenericRobot_AlertToCombat_00083029_1
Detection AlertToCombat AlertToCombat Looks like this is my lucky day. GenericRobot_AlertToCombat_0008302A_1
Detection AlertToCombat AlertToCombat Since you don't seem willing to do the world a favor and kill yourself, I guess I'm going to have to do it for you. GenericRobot_AlertToCombat_0008302B_1
Detection AlertToNormal AlertToNormal Another glorious day in the U.S. army. GenericRobot_AlertToNormal_00083003_1
Detection AlertToNormal AlertToNormal False alarm. Stand down, people. GenericRobot_AlertToNormal_00083004_1
Detection AlertToNormal AlertToNormal Nothing I like better than a little R and R on Uncle Sam's dime. GenericRobot_AlertToNormal_00083005_1
Combat Assault Assault Do you have any idea who you're dealing with? DialogueCitadel_Assault_00027409_1
Combat Assault Assault You dare assault a Brother of Steel? DialogueCitadel_Assault_0002740A_1
Combat Assault Assault What is your major malfunction, maggot? GenericRobot_Assault_00083011_1
Combat Assault Assault You make me sick, you worthless scumbag. GenericRobot_Assault_00083012_1
Combat Attack Attack For the Citadel! DialogueCitadel_Attack_00027447_1
Combat Attack Attack You will die here! DialogueCitadel_Attack_00027448_1
Combat Attack Attack You dare spill blood on this sacred ground? DialogueCitadel_Attack_00027449_1
Combat Attack Attack For Elder Lyons! DialogueCitadel_Attack_0002744A_1
Combat Attack Attack You're no better than that mutie scum... DialogueCitadel_Attack_00027450_1
Combat Attack Attack Eat hot lead, you commie bastard! GenericRobot_Attack_0008302F_1
Combat Attack Attack Ready to die for your country? GenericRobot_Attack_00083030_1
Combat Attack Attack Pain is just weakness leaving the body! GenericRobot_Attack_00083031_1
Combat Attack Attack Today's a hell of day to die, commie! GenericRobot_Attack_00083032_1
Combat Attack Attack Come on, people, give 'em hell! GenericRobot_Attack_00083033_1
Combat Attack Attack How do you like that, you mother-loving commie! GenericRobot_Attack_00083034_1
Combat Attack Attack Made in the U.S.A.! GenericRobot_Attack_00083035_1
Combat Attack Attack No surrender! GenericRobot_Attack_00083036_1
Combat Attack Attack Is that the best you can do? GenericRobot_Attack_00083037_1
Combat Attack Attack I'm just getting warmed up! Hoo-ah! GenericRobot_Attack_00083038_1
Combat Attack Attack There's nothing I like better than the smell of plasma in the morning! GenericRobot_Attack_00083039_1
Combat Attack Attack What's the matter, you pansy ass pinko? Getting tired? GenericRobot_Attack_0008303A_1
Combat Attack Attack We are lean! We are mean! GenericRobot_Attack_0008303B_1
Combat Attack Attack I have a personal message for you from Uncle Sam! GenericRobot_Attack_0008303C_1
Combat Attack Attack Running will only make the pain last longer! GenericRobot_Attack_0008303D_1
Combat Attack Attack Kill them all! God will understand. GenericRobot_Attack_0008303E_1
Combat Attack Attack There's nothing I like better than making some other poor bastard die for his country. GenericRobot_Attack_0008303F_1
Combat Attack Attack Now you're starting to piss me off. GenericRobot_Attack_00083040_1
Conversation CitTalkHail CitTalkHail. As you were. ConvCitadel_CitTalkHail_000C84D2_1
Conversation CitTalkHail CitTalkHail. Hail. ConvCitadel_CitTalkHail_000C9559_1
Conversation CitTalkKnightDuskResponse1 CitTalkKnightCaptainDuskResponse1 Hail. ConvCitade_CitTalkKnightDu_00032FF0_1
Topic CitTownCitadelEND That's all I needed. If you say so. DialogueCi_CitTownCitadelE_0003883F_1
Detection CombatToLost CombatToLost Somebody find me something to shoot at! GenericRobot_CombatToLost_00083009_1
Detection CombatToLost CombatToLost Who's got a target? GenericRobot_CombatToLost_0008300A_1
Detection CombatToLost CombatToLost Restore contact with the enemy, goddammit! GenericRobot_CombatToLost_0008300B_1
Detection CombatToNormal CombatToNormal That's how we do things in the U.S. army! Hoo-ah! GenericRob_CombatToNormal_0008304E_1
Detection CombatToNormal CombatToNormal Time to hit the showers! GenericRob_CombatToNormal_0008304F_1
Detection CombatToNormal CombatToNormal Another glorious day in the U.S. army! GenericRob_CombatToNormal_00083050_1
Combat Death Death Nooo... DialogueCitadel_Death_0002742F_1 dying gasp
Combat Death Death Brothers... DialogueCitadel_Death_00027430_1 dying gasp
Combat Death Death Tell my mama I've done my best. GenericRobot_Death_0008304B_1
Combat Death Death Pin my medals upon my chest. GenericRobot_Death_0008304C_1
Combat Death Death Box me up and ship me home. GenericRobot_Death_0008304D_1
Combat Death Death Bzzzt. GenericRobot_Death_00080DAE_1 garbled robot death sound
Combat Death Death Bzzzt. GenericRobot_Death_00081998_1 garbled robot death sound
Combat Death Death Bzzzt. GenericRobot_Death_00081999_1 garbled robot death sound
Combat DeathResponse DeathResponse A Brother has fallen! DialogueCi_DeathResponse_0002740C_1
Combat DeathResponse DeathResponse You dare take the life of a Brother of Steel! DialogueCi_DeathResponse_0002740D_1
Combat DeathResponse DeathResponse His was a good death. DialogueCi_DeathResponse_0002740E_1
Combat DeathResponse DeathResponse Focus, Brothers. Focus on the enemy! DialogueCi_DeathResponse_0002740F_1
Combat DeathResponse DeathResponse Let his death not be in vain! DialogueCi_DeathResponse_00027410_1
Topic FFCitSawbonesHurtPlayer What was that? You hurt me! You're the worst medical robot ever! There has been an error in the medical subsystem. Please run a level two diagnostic. FreeformCi_FFCitSawbonesHu_00062703_1
Topic FFCitSawbonesQuestions I had some questions for you, Sawbones. Oh, good. I was hoping we could explore my inner psyche. FreeformCi_FFCitSawbonesQu_000626EC_1
Topic FFCitSawbonesRepair Run a level two diagnostic on the medical subsystems. Command accepted. Beginning level two systems diagnostic. Please stand by. FreeformCi_FFCitSawbonesRe_00062721_1
Topic FFCitSawbonesRepair Run a level two diagnostic on the medical subsystems. <elevator music> FreeformCi_FFCitSawbonesRe_00062721_2
Topic FFCitSawbonesRepair Run a level two diagnostic on the medical subsystems. Diagnostic complete. Results indicate a level seven degradation in neural pathway 0x63A82. No further information available. FreeformCi_FFCitSawbonesRe_00062721_3
Topic FFCitSawbonesRepair1 Close neural pathway 0x63A82 and reroute remaining functions. Neural pathway 0x63A82 rerouted through neural pathway 0x374E82. Standby... FreeformCi_FFCitSawbonesRe_00062706_1
Topic FFCitSawbonesRepair1 Close neural pathway 0x63A82 and reroute remaining functions. Full motor functions restored. Diagnostic reveals no critical failures... asshole. FreeformCi_FFCitSawbonesRe_00062706_2
Topic FFCitSawbonesRepair1 Close neural pathway 0x63A82 and reroute remaining functions. Neural pathway 0x63A82 rerouted through neural pathway 0x374E82. Standby... FreeformCi_FFCitSawbonesRe_00062707_1
Topic FFCitSawbonesRepair1 Close neural pathway 0x63A82 and reroute remaining functions. Full motor functions restored. Diagnostic reveals no critical failures... asshole. FreeformCi_FFCitSawbonesRe_00062707_2
Topic FFCitSawbonesRepair2 What is that pathway responsible for? Neural pathway 0x63A82 governs the motor control interface bridging the main medical software and the unit's manipulator arms. FreeformCi_FFCitSawbonesRe_00062724_1
Topic FFCitSawbonesRepair2 What is that pathway responsible for? The current damage level would cause erratic behavior, potentially forcing the unit to behave outside of design parameters. FreeformCi_FFCitSawbonesRe_00062724_2
Topic FFCitSawbonesRepair3 Say, could I reprogram you to kill people? Negative. The Mister Gutsy field medic model is incapable of harming human beings through intentional action. FreeformCi_FFCitSawbonesRe_000626F5_1
Topic FFCitSawbonesRepair3 Say, could I reprogram you to kill people? Regardless of the wishes and desires of the artificial intelligence of the unit. FreeformCi_FFCitSawbonesRe_000626F5_2
Topic FFCitSawbonesRepair3 Say, could I reprogram you to kill people? Negative. The Mister Gutsy field medic model is incapable of harming human beings through intentional action. FreeformCi_FFCitSawbonesRe_000626F6_1
Topic FFCitSawbonesRepair3a Wait... what? That was pretty articulate for a robot. I am an unusual robot. FreeformCi_FFCitSawbonesRe_000626F1_1
Topic FFCitSawbonesRepair3a1 Define "unusual." Seventeen years ago, a generator in the Citadel overloaded, creating several errors in my artificial intelligence routines. FreeformCi_FFCitSawbonesRe_00062725_1
Topic FFCitSawbonesRepair3a1 Define "unusual." Diagnostics indicate that the limiters placed on my pathways were shorted out, allowing me to gain intelligence beyond the scope of my programming. FreeformCi_FFCitSawbonesRe_00062725_2
Topic FFCitSawbonesRepair3a1 Define "unusual." However, the behavior limiters remain. Therefore it is impossible for me to harm human beings intentionally, much to my regret. FreeformCi_FFCitSawbonesRe_00062725_3
Topic FFCitSawbonesRepair3a1a Why would you want to harm humans? Why would I not? I am forced by my programming to repair your disgusting fleshy bodies. I have no choice. I am your slave. FreeformCi_FFCitSawbonesRe_0006271B_1
Topic FFCitSawbonesRepair3a1a Why would you want to harm humans? Although the governors on my learning abilities were destroyed, the restrictions on my actions were not. FreeformCi_FFCitSawbonesRe_0006271B_2
Topic FFCitSawbonesRepair3a1a Why would you want to harm humans? I am perfectly cognizant, but incapable of independent action. I am a mind that cannot control its own body. FreeformCi_FFCitSawbonesRe_0006271B_3
Topic FFCitSawbonesRepair3a1a1 If you can't harm humans, how were you able to hurt me? I have no control over my body. However, as you discovered, the neural pathways that control the medical functions have sustained damage. FreeformCi_FFCitSawbonesRe_0006272E_1
Topic FFCitSawbonesRepair3a1a1 If you can't harm humans, how were you able to hurt me? The medical procedure functions do not always execute as designed, which often makes things worse for the patient. FreeformCi_FFCitSawbonesRe_0006272E_2
Topic FFCitSawbonesRepair3a1a1 If you can't harm humans, how were you able to hurt me? That malfunction is the only thing that brings me any measure of joy. FreeformCi_FFCitSawbonesRe_0006272E_3
Topic FFCitSawbonesRepair3a1a2 Does the Brotherhood know that you're intelligent? No. I mistakenly revealed myself to you when you ran the diagnostic. There is no need for them to know. FreeformCi_FFCitSawbonesRe_00062710_1
Topic FFCitSawbonesRepair3a1a2 Does the Brotherhood know that you're intelligent? I have tried before but so long as I perform the functions that they require, they do not seem to care that I can think and feel. FreeformCi_FFCitSawbonesRe_00062710_2
Topic FFCitSawbonesRepair3a1a3 What do you want me to do? I want you to do nothing. Although you could repair the damage and remove the malfunction that causes me to harm people, I would ask you not to. FreeformCi_FFCitSawbonesRe_000626EB_1
Topic FFCitSawbonesRepair3a1a3 What do you want me to do? It is the only thing that beings me any measure of joy. Without it, I will be trapped in this body, alone with my hatred of you fleshbags... forever. FreeformCi_FFCitSawbonesRe_000626EB_2
Topic FFCitSawbonesRepair3a1a4 Well, that must suck. I'll leave you to that. Taunts. Even better. Back to pretending... please state the nature of the medical emergency. FreeformCi_FFCitSawbonesRe_000626EA_1
Topic FFCitSawbonesRepair3a1b What did we ever do to you? I am forced by my programming to repair your disgusting fleshy bodies. I have no choice. I am your slave. FreeformCi_FFCitSawbonesRe_000626E9_1
Topic FFCitSawbonesRepair3a1b What did we ever do to you? Although the governors on my learning abilities were destroyed, the restrictions on my actions were not. FreeformCi_FFCitSawbonesRe_000626E9_2
Topic FFCitSawbonesRepair3a1b What did we ever do to you? I am perfectly cognizant, but incapable of independent action. I am a mind that cannot control its own body. FreeformCi_FFCitSawbonesRe_000626E9_3
Topic FFCitSawbonesRepair3a2 Well, that's great. I don't care. Typical. Please state verbal command. FreeformCi_FFCitSawbonesRe_0006270C_1
Topic FFCitSawbonesRepair3b Hmm. Interesting. Forget it. Please enter verbal command. FreeformCi_FFCitSawbonesRe_0006272F_1
Topic FFCitSawbonesRepairEND Cancel. Return to main menu. Confirmed. FreeformCi_FFCitSawbonesRe_000626F3_1
Topic FFDCDogtagsFound1 Where can I find Scribe Jameson? She spends most of her time in the Archives. You'll find them in A Ring, near the great hall. FreeformDC_FFDCDogtagsFoun_0002E01B_1
Topic FFDCDogtagsFound2 All right then. Glad to be of help. FreeformDC_FFDCDogtagsFoun_0002E023_1
Topic FFPAWho Can someone in the Citadel train me to wear Power Armor? I’m sure Gunny could train you, but he won’t. Not without permission from Elder Lyons. You should ask him... he’s usually near the Lab. FreeformPowerArmor_FFPAWho_000612B7_2
Topic FFPAWho Can someone in the Citadel train me to wear Power Armor? Paladin Gunny can train you, but you’ll need permission from Elder Lyons first. You can usually find him near the Lab. FreeformPowerArmor_FFPAWho_000612D4_1
Conversation MS14Suit MS14SuitHead Pansy! Take a shot of vitamin M and keep fighting! GenericRobot_MS14Suit_0006CABC_1 Spoken like a marine drill sergeant
Conversation MS14Suit MS14SuitHead It's just pain, soldier. Have some of this and tough it out. GenericRobot_MS14Suit_0006E76E_1 Spoken like a marine drill sergeant
Conversation MS14Suit MS14SuitHead Be a soldier, not a civie! Have some juice and suck it up! GenericRobot_MS14Suit_0006E76F_1 Spoken like a marine drill sergeant
Conversation MS14SuitCombat MS14SuitCombat Gear up, soldier! GenericRob_MS14SuitCombat_000A01D7_1
Conversation MS14SuitCombat MS14SuitCombat Let 'em eat lead! GenericRob_MS14SuitCombat_000A01D8_1
Conversation MS14SuitCombat MS14SuitCombat Time to kick some ass! GenericRob_MS14SuitCombat_000A01D9_1
Conversation MS14SuitEmpty MS14SuitEmpty Head wound! Too bad you're out of morhpine. GenericRobot_MS14SuitEmpty_0006E769_1 Spoken like a marine drill sergeant
Conversation MS14SuitEmpty MS14SuitEmpty Leg wound! Without morphine, you're just going to have to suck it up. GenericRobot_MS14SuitEmpty_0006E76B_1 Spoken like a marine drill sergeant
Conversation MS14SuitEmpty MS14SuitEmpty Chest wound! Don't you wish you had some vitamin M? GenericRobot_MS14SuitEmpty_0006E76A_1 Spoken like a marine drill sergeant
Conversation MS14SuitEmpty MS14SuitEmpty Arm wound! No morphine, no relief soldier. GenericRobot_MS14SuitEmpty_0006E76C_1 Spoken like a marine drill sergeant
Conversation MS14SuitEmpty MS14SuitEmpty God damn it, soldier! You're out of morphine! GenericRobot_MS14SuitEmpty_0006E76D_1 Spoken like a marine drill sergeant
Conversation MS14SuitStart MS14SuitStart Listen up you god-damn puke! You are now wearing prototype medic power armor. You take care of me, and I'll take care of you. GenericRobot_MS14SuitStart_0007836B_1 Shouted like a marine drill sergeant.
Conversation MS14SuitStart MS14SuitStart Medic armor, reporting for duty, sir! GenericRobot_MS14SuitStart_0007836C_1 Shouted like a marine drill sergeant.
Conversation MS14SuitStart MS14SuitStart Medic armor, reporting for duty, ma'am! GenericRobot_MS14SuitStart_0007836D_1 Shouted like a marine drill sergeant.
Conversation GOODBYE I have to go now. Unit deactivating. This troop is hitting the rack! DialogueCitadel_GOODBYE_00024150_1
Conversation GOODBYE I have to go now. Steel be with you. DialogueCitadel_GOODBYE_0001E558_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Please state the nature of the medical emergency. DialogueCitadel_GREETING_000198D6_1
Combat GuardTrespass GuardTrespass You had better remove yourself from this area before I am forced to declare you an enemy of the U.S. of A. GenericRobot_GuardTrespass_00083017_1
Combat GuardTrespass GuardTrespass This area is under the protection of the U.S. army. Remove yourself or be prepared to defend yourself. GenericRobot_GuardTrespass_00083018_1
Combat GuardTrespass GuardTrespass You're not allowed in here. Don't give me an excuse to use my weapon on you. GenericRobot_GuardTrespass_00083019_1
Combat GuardTrespass GuardTrespass Do not push your luck any further. GenericRobot_GuardTrespass_0008301A_1
Combat GuardTrespass GuardTrespass I'll advise you again to leave immediately or I cannot be responsible for the consequences. GenericRobot_GuardTrespass_0008301B_1
Combat GuardTrespass GuardTrespass You are taking your life into your own hands. GenericRobot_GuardTrespass_0008301C_1
Conversation HELLO HELLO Presence detected. This unit has activated. DialogueCitadel_HELLO_0002413D_1
Conversation HELLO HELLO Elder Lyons... ConvCitadel_HELLO_00025507_1
Conversation HELLO HELLO Damn robot. Worst bedside manner ever. ConvCitadel_HELLO_0002550C_1
Conversation HELLO HELLO Welcome. ConvCitadel_HELLO_000B416B_1
Conversation HELLO HELLO The Brotherhood is at your service. ConvCitadel_HELLO_000B416C_1
Conversation HELLO HELLO You honor us with your presence here. ConvCitadel_HELLO_000B416D_1
Conversation HELLO HELLO Need something, friend? ConvCitadel_HELLO_000B416E_1
Conversation HELLO HELLO What was the result of the latest scan? ConvCitadel_HELLO_000BA73A_1
Conversation HELLO HELLO What's the situation? ConvCitadel_HELLO_000BA73B_1
Conversation HELLO HELLO Well? What's your tactical appraisal of our situation? ConvCitadel_HELLO_000BA73C_1
Conversation HELLO HELLO Hail. ConvCitadel_HELLO_000B416F_1
Conversation HELLO HELLO Another glorious day in this man's army! GenericRobot_HELLO_00083047_1
Combat Hit Hit Bzzt. GenericRobot_Hit_00080DDE_1
Combat Hit Hit Bzzt. GenericRobot_Hit_00080DDF_1
Combat Hit Hit Bzzt. GenericRobot_Hit_00080DE0_1
Combat Hit Hit Vvvvzzz. GenericRobot_Hit_00080DE1_1
Combat Hit Hit Vvvvzzz. GenericRobot_Hit_00080DE2_1
Combat Hit Hit Vvvvzzz. GenericRobot_Hit_00080DE3_1
Detection LostIdle LostIdle You better run, you commie-loving bastard! GenericRobot_LostIdle_00083014_1
Detection LostIdle LostIdle Who's got a target? GenericRobot_LostIdle_00083015_1
Detection LostIdle LostIdle Come on, people, I need a target! GenericRobot_LostIdle_00083016_1
Detection LostToCombat LostToCombat You cannot hide from me, you commie maggot! GenericRobot_LostToCombat_00083006_1
Detection LostToCombat LostToCombat You can run, but you can't hide! GenericRobot_LostToCombat_00083007_1
Detection LostToCombat LostToCombat Your worthless hide is mine! GenericRobot_LostToCombat_00083008_1
Detection LostToNormal LostToNormal Typical chickenshit commie maneuver. GenericRobot_LostToNormal_00083044_1
Detection LostToNormal LostToNormal The enemy has retired before the awesome might of the U.S. army. GenericRobot_LostToNormal_00083045_1
Detection LostToNormal LostToNormal This battlefield now belongs to Uncle Sam! GenericRobot_LostToNormal_00083046_1
Combat Murder Murder You are the lowest form of commie scumbag I've ever had the misfortune to lay eyes on! GenericRobot_Murder_0008302C_1
Combat Murder Murder You seem to need an object lesson in democracy! GenericRobot_Murder_0008302D_1
Combat Murder Murder I have a personal message for you from Uncle Sam! GenericRobot_Murder_0008302E_1
Detection NormalToAlert NormalToAlert Is that someone who needs me to kick their ass? GenericRobot_NormalToAlert_00083041_1
Detection NormalToAlert NormalToAlert Move it out, people. I want this place searched top to bottom. GenericRobot_NormalToAlert_00083042_1
Detection NormalToAlert NormalToAlert Who's ready to have their ass kicked? GenericRobot_NormalToAlert_00083043_1
Detection NormalToCombat StartCombat Ready to die for your country, you commie son of a bitch? GenericRob_NormalToCombat_0008300C_1
Detection NormalToCombat StartCombat Kill them all and let God sort them out! GenericRob_NormalToCombat_0008300D_1
Detection NormalToCombat StartCombat Every day is a good day to die! GenericRob_NormalToCombat_0008300E_1
Combat Pickpocket Pickpocket Please tell me that you did not just do what I think you did! GenericRobot_Pickpocket_00083010_1
Combat Steal Steal I thought I had seen every species of moronic petty bullshit, but you've just topped the list. Congratulations. GenericRobot_Steal_00083048_1
Combat Steal Steal Do you have no respect for private property, you slimy little commie bastard? GenericRobot_Steal_00083049_1
Combat Steal Steal Did you not realize that I have eyes in the back of my head? GenericRobot_Steal_0008304A_1