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Sandra Kundanika
Biography and appearance
AffiliationPitt raiders
LocationThe Pitt Uptown Haven
FamilyIshmael Ashur (husband)
Marie (daughter)
Dialogue FileSandra Kundanika's dialogue
QuestsFree Labor
Toys for Tots
Base IDxx000f21Ref IDxx000f24
Gametitle-FO3 TP
Gametitle-FO3 TP

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to take care of one last test before Marie's nap-time.

Sandra Kundanika is the scientist of The Pitt in 2277.


A denizen of the wasteland, this mysterious wastelander is one of the few Raiders with a solid education. She deliberately approached the Pitt because she saw it as a strong up-and-coming force in the wasteland. Ashur recognized her intelligence immediately and offered to support her work: finding a cure for the Troglodyte Degeneration Contagion (TDC).[1]

Sandra's friendly demeanor hides a fierce intelligence and absolute conviction. Sandra has no illusions about the cutthroat nature of the Pitt’s raiders. In fact, she shares a good deal of their ruthlessness, although she prefers to avoid direct violence, if possible. She wholeheartedly supports Ashur's plans to build an army and unite the Wasteland.[1]

Her relationship with Ishmael Ashur is a result of the time the two spent with each other. As two of the most educated people in The Pitt, they spent long hours together. A professional relationship eventually turned intimate and their daughter Marie was born.[2] She spends all her time raiding and studying her unique immunity. Her daughter was born with both a natural resistance to radiation and an immunity to TDC. As a mother she loves being able to spend all day with her daughter and as a scientist she is proud to work on the cure that will benefit the denizens of the entire city.[3][4]

She fully believes that her daughter is the key to stopping not only the TDC but also every sort of mutation as well. Truly Marie's immunities are nothing short of a miracle.[5][6][7] She takes particular care not to harm her, noting that Marie is uncannily healthy, and that she is the safest child in their wasteland.[8][9]


Sandra is married to Ishmael Ashur. Together they have a daughter, Marie.

Daily schedule[]

She spends her day in the back of the Haven's top floor researching a cure for TDC.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

This character starts quests.
Perk empathy synthesizer
This character is involved in quests.


Effects of player actions[]

  • If you take Marie, Sandra will threaten you, but may not immediately turn hostile.
  • If you side with Werhner, she will be waiting alongside Ashur in the Haven courtyard to fight you.
  • She is polite and well spoken at first, however if Marie is taken she will become extremely hostile and hurl a variety of creative threats and violent insults at you, e.g. "I'll cut off your fingers and give them to Marie as pacifiers" or, I'll string you up and keep you alive until Marie is old enough to shoot at you herself!"

Other interactions[]

  • Killing her or stealing from her results in bad karma.


Icon armored vault suit
Scientist outfit
Assault carbine icon
Scoped .44 Magnum
Icon briefcase
Carried items
Cure Research
Icon male severed head
Drops on death


  • Sandra is of Indian descent and is representative of the large population of Indians in the greater Pittsburgh area.
  • Kundanika translated from Hindi means either golden or flower.

Notable quotes[]

  • "Yes, you'd think that, wouldn't you? But that's because you're an idiot who thinks he can get away with kidnapping Ashur's daughter. Our raiders will tear you apart, and when they're done, Marie will be playing with your bones as a rattle." (After the Lone Wanderer chooses to joke about how they're kidnapping her child from her crib.)


Sandra Kundanika appears only in the Fallout 3 add-on The Pitt.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p. 94: "Sandra Kundanika
    Sandra is one of the few Raiders with a solid education, and she deliberately approached the Pitt because she saw it as a strong up-and-coming force in the Wasteland. Ashur recognized her intelligence immediately and offered to support her work. Sandra's friendly demeanor hides a fierce intelligence and absolute conviction. Sandra has no illusions about the cutthroat nature of the Pitt's raiders. In fact, she shares a good deal of their ruthlessness, although she prefers to avoid direct violence, if possible. She wholeheartedly supports Ashur's plans to build an army and unite the Wasteland."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  2. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.84: "Marie
    Cute, innocent, and unusually quiet, Marie is less than a year old and in perfect health. The offspring of Ashur and Sandra, her conception occurred after Sandra set up her laboratory in a wing of Ashur's palace. As two of the most educated people in The Pitt, they spent long hours together. Over time, they have come to honestly care for each other, and the safe birth of their child is considered nothing short of a miracle—one they intend to use for the benefit of their city."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  3. The Lone Wanderer: "Tell me about The Pitt."
    Sandra Kundanika: "I'm not the one to ask, really. Between Marie and the research, I hardly have any free time anymore. You know how stressful it is, raising a kid and studying her at the same time? But that's what has to be done, for the future of The Pitt."
    (Sandra Kundanika's dialogue)
  4. The Lone Wanderer: "I've got a bad feeling this isn't just "bring your daughter to work day"..."
    Sandra Kundanika: "Don't be silly! It's the best of both worlds! As a mother, I love that I can spend all day with my daughter. And as a scientist, it's great to work on something that will benefit the city!"
    (Sandra Kundanika's dialogue)
  5. The Lone Wanderer: "Wait, you mean she has a natural and transferable immunity of some sort?"
    Sandra Kundanika: "Well, this is a nice surprise. Apparently, you and Ashur are the only other people who know anything about science in this place. Yes, it seems that our daughter was born with a naturally acquired immunity to any form of mutation. It's nothing short of a miracle, honestly. I'm still trying to figure out why, but she may just hold the key to stopping The Pitt's Trog problem. Hell, maybe other types of mutations, too!"
    (Sandra Kundanika's dialogue)
  6. The Lone Wanderer: "What are you talking about? That's a baby, not a vaccine."
    Sandra Kundanika: "Believe it or not, she's both. My daughter appears to have a naturally acquired immunity to any form of mutation. Basically, she won't turn into one of the Trogs. Or a Ghoul, or anything else. And by studying her, we can keep that from happening to others, too."
    (Sandra Kundanika's dialogue)
  7. The Lone Wanderer: "You're kidding me. A baby can't be the cure!"
    Sandra Kundanika: "No really. It's nothing short of a miracle, but Ashur and I couldn't be happier. Our daughter was born with an immunity to The Pitt's mutations. What's more, Marie's miracle should lead us to a vaccine for others. And maybe even protection from other effects of radiation."
    (Sandra Kundanika's dialogue)
  8. The Lone Wanderer: "Aren't you worried about hurting Marie?"
    Sandra Kundanika: "Oh, no, these tests are perfectly safe. In fact, between the crib and her uncanny health, she's probably the safest child in the world! Ashur and I would never risk her health, and if that means it takes longer to develop a full cure, then, well... everyone else can wait."
    (Sandra Kundanika's dialogue)
  9. The Lone Wanderer: "You're using your own child as an experiment? You monster!"
    Sandra Kundanika: "No, no, nothing like that. Calm down, these are just observational tests, and perfectly safe for Marie. Ashur and I would never risk her health, and if that means it takes longer to develop a full cure, then, well... everyone else can wait."
    (Sandra Kundanika's dialogue)