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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
San Francisco
Fo2 San Francisco Arch
Map MarkerSan Francisco
Part ofNew California
Steel Palace
Golden Gate
Shi-town docks
PMV Valdez
BuildingsBrotherhood of Steel bunker
Steel Palace
Tanker vagrants
LeadersKen Lee (Shi)
AHS-9 (Hubologists)
A. Ron Meyers (Vagrants)
DoctorsDr. Fung
MerchantsLao Chou
Mai Da Chiang
QuestsThe tanker needs fuel.
The navigation computer needs the NavComp part to work.
You need to use a FOB to access the navigation computer.

San Francisco was hit hard by nukes, but it didn't kill the city. Instead it just mutated it into something a bit weirder. You'll have to make your way past an oddly revived Chinatown, post-nuke punks, and a bizarre group of cultists called Hubologists. Hmm, maybe San Francisco hasn't changed all that much.

Fallout 2 Official Strategies & Secrets

San Francisco is a city in New California. After the Great War, its population consists mostly of the Shi, who are the descendants of the crew of a Chinese submarine that crashed there, and of the members of a religious cult known as the Hubologists.


Even pre-War, San Fransisco was considered a "weird" city.[1] It was also evidently hit hard during the Great War, as much of the city is a ruin. The city was re-founded after the war by Chinese submariners that drifted into the San Francisco harbor after their submarine, the Shi-huang-ti, suffered system failure from the atomic war. The Shi climbed out and began rebuilding the city with what few survivors they had, scrapping their beached submarine to create their Steel Palace.[2][3]

Over the next 150 years, San Francisco rose into a hub of technology. The Shi descendants are currently working on a project that will change the world, while the local cult, the Hubologists, are also working on a project, though their's is more centered on leaving this world rather than changing it.[4] In addition to these opposing factions, it is said that two opposing fighters in San Francisco, the Dragon, who loves others, and Lo Pan, who loves himself, will determine the future of martial arts.[4] Another useful Shi is Lao Chou who seems to know everything that's happening in San Francisco.

The PMV Valdez can be found here, an aged oil tanker left sitting at the docks. Tanker vagrants have since come to call it home, but the tanker has a darker past. Some say the creatures within it, (wanamingos, floaters, and centaurs), were placed there by the Enclave to prevent the tanker from being used to get to their oil rig headquarters.[4] This is supported by the fact that essential components needed to make use of the ship have been relocated to Navarro and Vault 13. However, it is apparent that these steps were not enough, as the Chosen One later collects the parts and uses the tanker to get to Control station Enclave.

The Shi eventually went into an uneasy trading relationship with the tanker vagrants after the destruction of the Hubologists, and the two groups went on to make San Francisco a major fishing and trading center.[5]

Gray paragraphs are based on Van Buren and were not confirmed by primary sources However, shortly after the destruction of Control station Enclave, Enclave survivors from the Navarro base and elsewhere turned the majority of their remaining nuclear arsenal against the port city, wiping it off the map under the assumption that the inhabitants had been the ones who nuked the oil rig and assassinated the President of the Enclave.[6]


San Francisco can be found seven squares east and twenty-four squares south of Arroyo.

PMV Valdez
Control station Enclave
Shi-town Docks
Chinatown Golden Gate
Steel Palace


FO2 SanFransisco Chinatown
Main article: Chinatown

Also called Shi-town, Chinatown was once a suburb of the great city and has been adopted by the descendants of the Shi-huang-ti crew, who have lived in the red brick houses ever since. In 2241, it's the heart of the city and a focal point for Shi internal struggles.

Notable establishments in the district include Red 888 Guns weapons shop, Lao Chou's Flying Dragon 8 general store, Dr Fung's clinic and the gyms of Dragon and Lo Pan as well as passages to the Golden Gate, Shi-town docks and the Steel Palace. Off the radar is a pre-War military station, currently controlled by the Brotherhood of Steel, manned by a single soldier - Matthew.

Steel Palace[]

Fo2 Steel Palace of the Shi
Main article: Steel Palace

The Steel Palace is the main base of the Shi, Chinese inhabitants of San Francisco. It is a small, reinforced structure allegedly constructed out of metal salvaged from the Shi-huang-ti submarine they arrived in during the nuclear firestorm of 2077. Inside, protected by heavily armed guards (H&K G11s and M72 Gauss rifles are common), lies the Emperor mainframe (also a relic from the submarine) that records and analyzes the factions history, advising Ken Lee. In addition, biological, chemical and physical research labs are present in the complex, giving the Shi a substantial edge in the technological race in the wasteland.

Shi Town Docks[]

F02 SanFransisco Docks
Main article: Shi-town docks

The docks support a population of slags as well as Shi children. It is not a terribly healthy place to live, judging by the rust-brown color of the water surrounding the ancient and corroding PMV Valdez.

Golden Gate[]

Fo2 San Francisco Shuttle
Main article: Golden Gate

A pre-War cult, the Hubologists, have built their headquarters on the south end of the ruins of the Golden Gate Bridge, but have had trouble maintaining the bridge because of their technological ineptitude. Despite this, they have procured a space shuttle from a nearby launch base and set it up on the tarmac in front of the bridge.


The Shi[]

Main article: Shi

The Shi are the descendants of Chinese submarine crewmen that were beached in San Francisco shortly after the Great War. By 2242, the Shi became a major research and development house, one that stayed out of wasteland politics. They are ruled over by an emperor, but his head adviser actually handles Shi affairs.


Main article: Hubologists

The Hubologists are a cult from before the war that promotes the idea that humans are plagued by the spirits, or 'neurodynes', of the dead. Through a 'cleansing' process offered at Hubology centers called 'alignment', members can remove these negative influences and gain greater powers.

PMV Valdez vagrants[]

Main article: Tanker vagrants

These vagrants are a diverse collective of solitary wanderers, social outcasts and survivalists from across the wasteland that immigrated to San Francisco for the tolerance and respect for secrecy there. They eventually occupied the deck of the abandoned tanker, forcing the creatures that inhabited it to remain in the holds.

Brotherhood of Steel[]

Main article: Brotherhood of Steel

The Brotherhood of Steel has a large outpost in San Francisco, although it is outwardly indiscernible from other Brotherhood outposts. Its distinguishing feature is an extensive basement stocked with Brotherhood technology and armaments. The Brotherhood maintains a low profile in San Francisco, though whether it is intentional or a byproduct of waning influence is not known.

Relationships with other settlements[]

It is well known city in the south, which trades fish to other cities in the wasteland.[7]

During 2241, the New California Republic had no influence in San Francisco, and the Shi are quite happy to keep it that way and the Hubologists don’t concern themselves with such things. Little information exists on what has happened to San Francisco since the events of Fallout 2, and there is no mention of it in Fallout: New Vegas.

There are few foreigners in San Francisco and newcomers are easily noticed. Due to its location in between the military base, Navarro, and a desolate expanse of wasteland, it is logical to assume that few (but well-armed) caravans traverse these paths. Remnants of the Master's army, Enclave patrols, press gangs, Hubologists, and mutated animals plague the surrounding area making it inaccessible to weak or crudely armed travelers.

Related quests[]


  • The Enclave flew over San Francisco from the north and out to sea.[8]


San Francisco appears only in Fallout 2 and is mentioned in Fallout 4 briefly with the Golden Gate Bridge being seen in a memory of Conrad Kellogg and also mentioned in Fallout 76.[9]

Behind the scenes[]

  • San Francisco was going to have been completely destroyed in Fallout: New Vegas with a line of dialogue mentioning its destruction. However, Bethesda asked Obsidian to remove this line of dialogue from Fallout: New Vegas as it would've conflicted with the backstory of Conrad Kellog and to keep the area as an option for future games.[10]


  1. Fallout 2 Official Strategies & Secrets p.218: "You're here to find a ship that you can use to travel to the distant Enclave. That's the only way you'll ever be able to rescue your Tribe. You'll leave more than your heart here if you're not careful. San Francisco was hit hard by nukes, but it didn't kill the city. Instead it just mutated it into something a bit weirder. You'll have to make your way past an oddly revived Chinatown, post-nuke punks, and a bizarre group of cultists called Hubologists. Hmm, maybe San Francisco hasn't changed all that much."
  2. The Chosen One: "{175}{}{Tell me about this place.}"
    Fung: "{178}{}{You have come to the right person. Would you like long history or short?}"
    The Chosen One: "{180}{}{Short.}"
    Fung: "{182}{}{Our people landed here on the submarine Shih-huang-ti, when the missiles exploded over the world. With the aid of a cult, we, the Shi, rebuilt San Francisco. That is the short version.}"
    The Chosen One: "{183}{}{How about the long version?}"
    Fung: "{186}{}{The long version is this: We are here because our people are the descendants of the crew of a nuclear submarine, called the Shih-huang-ti. When the missiles fell in the Great Deluge, the systems aboard the submarine failed and we drifted in the dark for many days.}"
    Fung: "{188}{}{At last, we drifted ashore. We found ourselves near the ruins of San Francisco. Most of the city was devastated in the war. We had to recreate society based on the few survivors who had crept back to the city.}"
    Fung: "{190}{}{We rebuilt with what we could find, and we have scientists and technology the world must envy. We are rebuilding civilization, but not as that horrid Master creature did.}"
  3. The Chosen One: "{128}{}{What's the history of the place?}"
    Ken Lee: "{149}{}{We were the survivors from the wreck of a submarine. When we ran aground, we stripped the metal from the submarine to create the Palace. Some do not believe this.}"
    The Chosen One: "{150}{}{Hm. It sounds almost as if you're berating someone.}"
    Ken Lee: "{178}{}{Berating someone? Any fool who had done their research can see that the very basis of Shi-town is the wreckage of this submarine. It seems fruitless to argue with those who would say there is no submarine.}"
    The Chosen One: "{179}{}{That's very even-tempered of you.}"
    Ken Lee: "{180}{}{It certainly is. And I deal with these people on a daily basis. Alas!}"
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 The Chosen One: "{123}{}{Tell me about the place.}"
    Mai Da Chiang: "{125}{}{We have lived here for years, but we did not always live here. Dr. Fung knows the complete history. I'll bet what you're looking for is what we do now.}"
    The Chosen One: "{126}{}{Yep.}"
    Mai Da Chiang: "{128}{}{Now, we are mainly fishermen and scientists. Our fishermen catch fish. Our scientists are working on a project that they say will change the world.}"
    The Chosen One: "{129}{}{Change the world how?}"
    Mai Da Chiang: "{133}{}{I do not know. They keep their secrets to themselves.}"
    The Chosen One: "{134}{}{I see. What else is happening in town?}"
    Mai Da Chiang: "{137}{}{We have two rivals of martial arts in town. They are Lo Pan, a lover of self, and the Dragon, who loves others. It is said that whoever wins will determine the future of martial arts.}"
    The Chosen One: "{138}{}{I see. Anything else in town?}"
    Mai Da Chiang: "{141}{}{There is a gang of vagrants who have moved onto the Poseidon Oil tanker on the wharf. There were monsters living inside it, but the vagrants have sealed them into the lower hull. Though they are outsiders, we are grateful to the drifters for this task.}"
  5. Fallout Bible 5: "The punks on the tanker also survived, and they had a great view of the Poseidon oil rig exploding. They eventually into an uneasy trading relationship with the Shi after the destruction of the Hubologists, and the two groups went on to make San Francisco a major fishing and trading center."
  6. Chris Avellone: In the 1st iteration of Van Buren, history was the Enclave nuked the hell out of San Francisco, assuming that the destruction of the oil rig was caused by attackers from that city (and also a way to clean the slate there).[1]
  7. Fallout Bible 6: 5. Why such a large city like San Francisco is not so well known as Vault City? The people there didn't seem to isolate like VC citizens. I also don't understand why San Fran was avoided by caravans though there was a lot of good stuff to buy.
    "It is actually well known (at least in the South), you just don't see the caravans from San Francisco. San Francisco trades fish to other cities in the wasteland. Mmmm, fish."
  8. The Chosen One: "{128}{}{I hear some flying machines brought a load of villagers down this way.}"
    Lao Chou: "{157}{}{They did not. They came from the north and flew over us, heading out over the sea.}"
  9. Anne's Holotape
  10. The History of Bethesda Game Studios - Elder Scrolls / Fallout Documentary @1:09:42
San Francisco