A unique power fist belonging to Salt-Upon-Wounds. Its name is appropriate since the fist inflicts -3 HP over 10 seconds after every hit, as if salt is being rubbed upon an enemy's wounds. It also has the effect of making them dizzy for a few seconds. This weapon is an improved holdout weapon, meaning it can be concealed if the players Sneak skill is 50 or greater.
It can be found in the footlocker the player will be in front of, after completing Honest Hearts story and receiving either the "May my Hand Forget its Skill" or "O Daughter of Babylon" achievement/trophy.
It may also be found if the player loots Salt-Upon-Wounds before the ending sequence.
Equipping this weapon with a set of T-51b power armor will clip so that it will look crafted into the armor. The color makes it blend with the T-51b very well, which is quite a considerable but unintentional addition.
By killing Salt-Upon-Wounds, dropping his power fist and taking it again from the footlocker, one can return to the location where they dropped the weapon and obtain two copies.
Xbox 360 Sometimes when you equip it, it will not have the graffiti and feathers on it, so it will appear as a regular power fist.