The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Master of the Mojave
Fallout: New Vegas locations project
This article is within the scope of the Fallout: New Vegas locations project. This project is dedicated to standardizing Fallout: New Vegas location articles. If you want to participate, please check the project page.
Icon disambig
This page is about the ruined store that appears in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Dead Money, located inside Sierra Madre. For the ruined store that appears in Fallout: New Vegas, located inside Freeside, New Vegas, see Ruined store.
Ruined store
Ruined store
Icon building
Part ofPuesta del Sol
Cell NameNVDLC01WTSouth
ref idxx008fc5
Ruined store loc
Gametitle-FNV DM
Gametitle-FNV DM

The ruined store is a location located in the Sierra Madres' Puesta del Sol south.


The ruined store is a safe haven from The Cloud. There are two floors to the ruined store the upper level has exits to both Puesta del Sol North and Puesta del Sol South. In the lower store area there is a door with a very hard lock.


  • There is a queen sized bed. Do not sleep in it if you're playing in Hardcore mode, it will start the calculation of your sleep requirement.
  • There is a journal on a bookshelf that you can see when you enter.


The ruined store appears in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on, Dead Money.
