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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
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Mentioned-only character
Robert Anderson
Biography and appearance
AffiliationWest Tek
United States Army
RoleChief Scientist
Mentioned inFallout
Fallout 3

I killed a man today. I was interrogating Chief Scientist Anderson and he was giving me the full details of their inhuman experiments. He said his orders came from the Gov't., but I didn't buy it. He started screaming about how he was following orders, how he was a military man, and I just shot him. I tell myself it was to keep him from causing a full mutiny among the men, but I'm not so sure.

— Oct.13 2077

Research Assistant Robert Anderson was a soldier and the chief scientist at Mariposa Military Base, and was the head of the Forced Evolutionary Virus human testing.


In January 2077, the F.E.V. project was moved from West Tek to Mariposa and tested on human subjects. The vats were giant tanks filled with liquid F.E.V. As part of the research project, human subjects were dipped inside them and then examined to learn how to control and harness the process. The experiments on humans were kept secret even from Colonel Robert Spindel and his soldiers, who were to monitor the F.E.V. experiments.

On October 10, Spindel's soldiers discovered to their horror, that the scientists at Mariposa were using military prisoners as test subjects in their experiments with the Forced Evolutionary Virus. Morale in the base broke down, and Spindel suffered a mental breakdown, eventually committing suicide 5 days later. Roger Maxson, Spindel's second-in-command, assumed leadership.

Maxson captured Anderson and interrogated him, learning about the extent of his crew's actions. Anderson said that his orders came from the government, but Maxson didn't believe him. He started screaming about how he was following orders, how he was a military man, but Maxson shot him, and the other scientists soon followed.[1]

Appearances in games[]

Robert Anderson is mentioned in Fallout and Fallout 3.

