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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki

Rivet City terminals are terminals found in various places in Fallout 3's Rivet City.

Security's Terminal[]

Note: These two wall terminals are located throughout the bridge tower. They are locked Very Easy.


Welcome to the Rivet City computer system.
What would you like to do today?

Security Log[]


Security Log:

Two more reports of Mirelurk noise from the bow section. There isn't a damn thing that can be done about it. As soon as we clean out one nest, another moves in. I just wish everyone would stop bitching about it.

Railing on the flight deck is still broken. Problem has been referred to the council.

Brock got in a fight with that Sister character. If it happens again, I'm going to have to kick Sister off the ship.

Caught James Hargrave stealing food at Gary's Galley. Tammy paid the fine, although she blistered my ears the whole time.


Note: This entry is only available if a generic Rivet City guard is killed. The list is Here;

Short RCSecurity1Dead ; Set when Security guard Bridge Post Day dies Short RCSecurity2Dead ; Set when Security guard Bridge Post Night dies Short RCSecurity3Dead ; Set when Security guard Gate Post Day dies Short RCSecurity4Dead ; Set when Security guard Gate Post Night dies Short RCSecurity5Dead ; Set when Security guard Hangar Post Day dies Short RCSecurity6Dead ; Set when Security guard Hangar Post Night dies


For immediate release:

Due to the unfortunate demise of one of the security personal, we have an opening on the Rivet City Security Force. Qualified applicants must know how to fire a gun without shooting themselves in the ass. Furthermore, all applicants must be Rivet City citizens in good standing. The pay is free food. Anyone interested should see the Security Chief.

Rivet City Clinic Patient Data System[]

Note: This wall terminal is located in the Rivet City Clinic. It is locked Average.


Rivet City Clinic Computer System
For doctor's eyes only. Unauthorized use will result in fine, confinement, or possible banishment by order of the City Council.

Regional Health Hazards[]


Apart from the standard dangers, Rivet City provides a few uncommon problems for long-time residents:

* Lockjaw: Muscle spasms, especially of the jaw, from getting cuts on the rusty ship hull. Treat with penicillin, when available.

* Red-lung: Respiratory problems from regularly inhaling rust particles - particularly a problem for hangar deck residents and shut-ins. Treat with steam therapy and time outside to flush system.

* Fish poisoning: Less of a problem nowadays, but occasionally someone finds a fish in the river and is dumb enough to try to eat the thing. Radiation levels spike and mercury poisoning drives most victims crazy. No cure, but at least people nearby get a reminder not to do it.

Patient Files[]


Bannon: Still suffering from his "social problem." Keep on penicillin, and try to convince him to watch out in the future.

Brock: Another day, another broken nose. Rare to see him as a patient, but at least the people he "refers" are still alive. Barely.

Cantelli, Paulie: Treatment for the steady stream of his addictions would be a steady income, but I can't waste the resources on him if he's just going to get hooked again.

Holmes, Seagrave: Chronic case of red-lung from all his repairs below-decks. Prescribed a few hours of fresh air up top every night.

Staley, Gary: Exhaustion. The man really needs to take a rest at some point. But then again, who doesn't?

Trinnie: Surprisingly healthy, apart from the alcoholism and other chronic dangers of her line of work. Guess they grow them strong in Lamplight.

Abraham Washington's Terminal[]

Note: This terminal is located on the cornered desk in Abraham Washington's room. It is locked Average.


Abraham Washington - Private Notes
Current Expeditions and Status

Declaration Expedition[]


Recovery of the Declaration of Independence seems to be a loss. That damn woman I hired, Sydney, she said she could do it. Haven't seen her in months. I bet she's dead or ran off with the advance I gave her. That's the last time I trust someone. Told Harkness to keep an eye out for her just in case she ever comes back to the city. That's what I get for sending a woman to do a man's job!

Lincoln Artifacts Expedition[]


Came to find out through the grapevine that there are a bunch of Lincoln's artifacts still in the Museum of History. I think I may branch out from just collecting documents if I could get my hands on those gems. Only problem is I have to find someone braver than me who can get to the museum in one piece.

Liberty Bell Expedition[]


Bumped into a traveler a little while ago who showed me what he said was a fragment of the actual Liberty Bell! Poppycock! The Liberty Bell is still intact and laying in the ruins of Philly. I have funded an expedition to that dump in hopes of having the entire bell brought back to my museum.

Welcome to the Capital Preservation Society[]

Note: This terminal is located on the white and gold table in the Capitol Preservation Society.


Feel Free to Browse our Collection

Constitution of the U.S.A.[]


The Constitution of the United States was drafted in 1786 and adopted a year later by the Constitutional Convention of Philly. This document defines the organization of the U.S. government and sets forth the rules and regulations, known as articles. In addition, there are modifications made to the articles by ruling Presidents during their reigns known as amendments. The society owns the only known copy of the document to exist which was retrieved from the ruins of the National Archives in 2256.

Emancipation Proclamation[]


The Emancipation Proclamation was a document issued by the breathtakingly charismatic President Abraham Lincoln in 1862. This executive order was the beginning of the end of slavery in the United States. Although it was issued during the Civil War, making it a war measure, it paved the way for the Thirteenth Amendment of the Constitution which completely abolished slavery once and for all.

Gettysburg Address[]


The Capital Preservation Society is proud to have in its possession a copy of one of the most iconic and prolific speeches in United States history. This speech, given by the astonishingly intelligent Abraham Lincoln on Thursday, November 19, 1863, laid the groundwork for what would later become the basis of democracy in the United States and set the standards for a country with a government "by the people, for the people."

Monroe Doctrine[]


The Monroe Doctrine was presented in 1823 by the average and unremarkable President James Monroe. The document warns the European powers of the time not to interfere in the affairs of the Western Hemisphere, citing the examples of colonization and puppet governments as possible intolerances.

U.S. Declaration of War on Germany[]


Part of our collection is a copy of the formal declaration of war made on Germany during World War II on December 11, 1941 by the government and endorsed by the President Franklin D. Roosevelt. While the document doesn't evoke the brilliance of other masterworks like the Emancipation Proclamation, it still served as a reminder to the world that the United States wasn't a power to be trifled with.

U.S. Declaration of War on China[]


Although it is uncertain when the Declaration of War on China was made (some say 2066 when they invaded Alaska, others say 2067 when the first Power Armor suits were deployed to counter their forces), it is the last known document of note authored by the United States Government before the bombs fell. Had the Declaration had the tenacity and might of a stronger President behind it, say Abraham Lincoln, who's to say what the outcome of those tremulous years would have been?

Bannon's Terminal[]

Note: This wall terminal is located in Bannon's Room on the upper deck. It is locked Easy.


Welcome to the Rivet City computer system.
What would you like to do today?

View Agenda[]

Note: Accessing this entry adds Council agenda to the Lone Wanderer's PIP-Boy 3000.


Agenda for next council meeting

Fence on the flight deck.
Taxes. Gate tax? Water tax?
Weapons contribution program.

Council Meeting Minutes[]

Note: This entry is available after the completion of the Replicated Man quest.


In attendance:
Science Rep. - Dr. Madison Li
Civilian Rep. - Bannon
Security Rep. - Lana Danvers

* Trader relations good - we continue to be one of the only reliable sources of clean vegetable foodstuff.

* Bannon proposed raising price of exported fruit by 50%. Vote fails.

* Li reports progress made with new tweaks to hydroponics system. Further testing necessary before complete success, she says.

* Danvers reports necessary ship maintenance in hangar deck level. Proposes increased allocation to internal maintenance to prevent decay from progressing to a dangerous point. Vote succeeds.

* Rumors of increased slave, raider, and Super Mutant activities in DC have prompted Danvers to renew combat training for city guards.

* Dr. Li called away to handle hydroponics system shortage.

* Meeting adjourned.

Council Meeting Minutes[]

Note: This entry is available before the completion of the Replicated Man quest.


In attendance:
Science Rep. - Dr. Madison Li
Civilian Rep. - Bannon
Security Rep. - Harkness

* Bridge repair continues to be a drain on funds. Permanent bridge considered, but dismissed as too risky, in case of attack.

* "Bridge Tax" for non-residents proposed by Bannon. Vote fails.

* Hydroponics and city health continues well, thanks to the efforts of Dr. Li and her scientific team. However, system breakdowns are commonplace, requiring much maintenance.

* Li proposed recruiting other scientific minds from Tenpenny Tower or Underworld. Vote fails.

* Attempts to clear out the Mirelurk infestation in down-below continue as usual. Harkness and team is able to contain them and occasionally wipe them out, but they continue to nest in the area, posing a theoretical risk if they ever turn aggressive towards higher decks.

* Bannon suggests closing off lower deck fore. Vote fails.

* Funds and ammunition allocation for a Mirelurk cleaning operation proposed by Harkness. Vote passes.

* Dr. Li leaves early to oversee hydroponics testing.

* Meeting adjourned.

Seagrave's Terminal[]

Note: This terminal is located on the table in Seagrave Homes' Room. It is locked Average.


Welcome to the Rivet City computer system.
What would you like to do today?

Survival Weapon Idea[]


Had an idea for a survival weapon. There are all these railroad spikes laying around the wasteland. I ought to be able to build some sort of slingshot to fire them like bullets. I tried some really big rubber bands, but that didn't work. I wonder if I could use steam as a power source?



Doctor Li,

We both know that Bannon does not have the best interests of Rivet City at heart. He is only interested in making a profit. He would sell his own children, if he had any, for an extra bottle cap. He needs to be removed. I would be glad to step forward as his replacement.

Seagrave Holmes

RE: Bannon[]



I do not wish to get pulled down into petty political bickering. Bannon has not done anything wrong. If the time ever comes when he does something truly harmful to Rivet City, the other council members will look into it. Until then, I have a lab to run.

Doctor Madison Li

Weatherly Terminal[]

Note: This terminal is located on the front desk of the Weatherly Hotel. It is locked Very Easy.


Welcome to the Rivet City computer system.
What would you like to do today?

Hotel Registry[]


Room 1: Zimmer and guest
Room 2: Sister
Room 3: Empty

Shopping List[]


Need to get by next week.

13 Mutfruit, check for mold
9 Iguanas on a stick
5 Beers

Pinkerton's Private Computer[]

Note: This wall terminal is located next to the operating table in Pinkerton's Hideout, within the Rivet City broken bow. It is locked ... .


You better have permission to be using this computer.

City Founders Log[]

Note: Accessing this entry adds Rivet City Council Minutes to the Lone Wanderer's PIP-Boy 3000.


April 25, 2239
Inaugural Meeting of the Rivet City Council

In attendance:
Science Rep. - Dr. Horace Pinkerton
Civilian Rep. - Annette Holmes
Security Rep. - Brad Danvers

As the Rivet Station Science Outpost has displayed significant stability in its location and reliable profitability for supply traders, a burgeoning civilian settlement has sprung up in the available space on our ship.

To better protect and organize this growing community, we declare a three man council will act as a governing body to represent the interests of the residents of the newly dubbed "Rivet City."


> Downloading... complete.

Android log 1[]

Note: Reading this entry adds I'm brilliant! to the Lone Wanderer's PIP-Boy 3000.


Hah! I've done it. I've built a Circuit Neuralizer from spare parts using the diagrams rescued from that vault last year. I'm brilliant! I'll show those hacks from the Commonwealth now!


> Downloading... complete.

Android log 2[]

Note: Reading this entry adds Mem chip to the Lone Wanderer's PIP-Boy 3000.


I stole the mem chip from that jerk Braun. Where does he get off robbing people of their souls like that. Anyway, he's so involved in that simulation of his, that breaking in and taking it was like stealing from a little girl. Of course, I won't know whose memories are on this thing until I integrate it into it's new host. But they never specified, so it shouldn't really matter. I can't wait until the subject arrives.


> Downloading... complete.

Android log 3[]

Note: Reading this entry adds Harkness to the Lone Wanderer's PIP-Boy 3000.


I got those memories into that Android like I was God sending down messages from Heaven. Calls himself "Harkness" now. Thinks he's an old combat veteran. Did a little extra tinkering with his reflex system. He's certainly not someone I'd want to meet in a fight. When he "woke up" he was all confused. We told him he was in a coma for a long time. Between the new memories and the new face I gave him, there isn't anyone that would recognize him. Not even himself!


> Downloading... complete.

Before Picture[]

Note: Accessing this file adds Harkness before picture to the Lone Wanderer's PIP-Boy 3000.



> Downloading file to Pipboy... complete.

After Picture[]

Note: Accessing this file adds Harkness after picture to the Lone Wanderer's PIP-Boy 3000.



> Downloading file to Pipboy... complete.

Doctor Li's Terminal[]

Note: This terminal is located on the desk in Doctor Li's Room, on the Upper Deck. It is locked Easy.


Welcome to the Rivet City computer system.
What would you like to do today?

Hydroponics Progress[]


The RC hydroponics have been restored to basic functionality - easy enough after all our research. The limited amount of clean water we can produce is enough for growing basic foodstuffs.

Still no progress on any mass-purification tests, and with all of the maintenance that has to be done around here, there's hardly any time to attempt new experiments.

In any case, RC wouldn't work as a location for truly large scale decontamination. The infrastructure just isn't here, and the idea of recreating it again is too daunting to convince the rest of the council.

And that's even if the process worked.

Council Meeting Minutes[]

Note: This entry is available after the completion of the Replicated Man quest.


In attendance:
Science Rep. - Dr. Madison Li
Civilian Rep. - Bannon
Security Rep. - Lana Danvers

* Trader relations good - we continue to be one of the only reliable sources of clean vegetable foodstuff.

* Bannon proposed raising price of exported fruit by 50%. Vote fails.

* Li reports progress made with new tweaks to hydroponics system. Further testing necessary before complete success, she says.

* Danvers reports necessary ship maintenance in hangar deck level. Proposes increased allocation to internal maintenance to prevent decay from progressing to a dangerous point. Vote succeeds.

* Rumors of increased slave, raider, and Super Mutant activities in DC have prompted Danvers to renew combat training for city guards.

* Dr. Li called away to handle hydroponics system shortage.

* Meeting adjourned.

Council Meeting Minutes[]

Note: This entry is available before the completion of the Replicated Man quest.


In attendance:
Science Rep. - Dr. Madison Li
Civilian Rep. - Bannon
Security Rep. - Harkness

* Bridge repair continues to be a drain on funds. Permanent bridge considered, but dismissed as too risky, in case of attack.

* "Bridge Tax" for non-residents proposed by Bannon. Vote fails.

* Hydroponics and city health continues well, thanks to the efforts of Dr. Li and her scientific team. However, system breakdowns are commonplace, requiring much maintenance.

* Li proposed recruiting other scientific minds from Tenpenny Tower or Underworld. Vote fails.

* Attempts to clear out the Mirelurk infestation in down-below continue as usual. Harkness and team is able to contain them and occasionally wipe them out, but they continue to nest in the area, posing a theoretical risk if they ever turn aggressive towards higher decks.

* Bannon suggests closing off lower deck fore. Vote fails.

* Funds and ammunition allocation for a Mirelurk cleaning operation proposed by Harkness. Vote passes.

* Dr. Li leaves early to oversee hydroponics testing.

* Meeting adjourned.

Broken Terminal[]

Note: This terminal is located on a desk in the Common Room, on Mid Deck.


ERROR 0x03C663A1
"Network connection not found"
"Dummy terminal inactive"


  • It is odd how Doctor Li (in the "RE: Bannon" entry) says, "the other council members will look into it", considering there are only three possible members when she sends this message (her, Bannon, and Harkness), and the only one who would be looking into it therefore would be Harkness.


  • PlayStation 3Icon ps3 "Doctor Li's Terminal" does not appear in game, it is not on the desk it should be on. Nor is the chemistry set.