The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Fallout 3 locations project
Fallout 3 locations project
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Ritual site
Ritual Site
Icon ruins
Ritual Site loc
World map: Point Lookout
Map MarkerRitual Site
QuestsThe Dark Heart of Blackhall
Cell NameDLC04RitualSiteBasement
ref idxx00b045
Gametitle-FO3 PL
Gametitle-FO3 PL

The ritual site is a deep, dark and dank worship area in Point Lookout. The local swampfolk sacrifice unwary travelers, and keep a vessel full of blood surrounding the Krivbeknih. The mood is implied to be satanic by Marcella, and is none of your business according to Obadiah Blackhall.


The ritual site is a subterranean complex used for worship by the swampfolk. The entrance to the ritual site will be labeled burned-out basement by the Pip-Boy when you are in the complex, and will be called by its 'basement' name on the entry door. The entry to the cavern will be blocked by wooden planks until you obtain the quest The Dark Heart of Blackhall. Following a straight path through the cavern will lead you to a small pit, where you will find a small bubbling gas pit surrounded by skeletons and a safe which contains moonshine and a Stealth Boy. At the very bottom is the ritual chamber where the Krivbeknih can be found, as well a unique weapon called the ritual knife. Be warned, taking the Krivbeknih or the ritual knife will cause several angry swampfolk to spawn behind you. While exploring, the player can hear the same eerie whispers heard in the virulent underchambers in the Dunwich Building.

Notable loot[]

  • The Krivbeknih in the northwest chamber.
  • Ritual knife in the northwest chamber.
  • Stealth Boy in the open safe in the southern part of the east section.
  • Moonshine in the same safe as the Stealth Boy.
  • Nuka-Cola Quantum in an open coffin in a nook in the northern part of the east section.
  • A very small damaged garden gnome and very small wild punga fruit in a small tunnel, with a skeleton at the table.


The Ritual Site appears in the Fallout 3 add-on Point Lookout.
