The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
ModifiesChance to repair broken computers, water pumps, etc
Governed ByIntelligence
Initial Value20% + Intelligence
Related PerksMr. Fixit
Related TraitsGifted
Fallout 2, Fallout Tactics
ModifiesChance to repair broken computers, water pumps, etc
Governed ByIntelligence
Initial Value3 × Intelligence
Related PerksMr. Fixit
Related TraitsGifted
Fallout 3
ModifiesAbility to repair items, various misc. in-world events
Governed ByIntelligence
Initial Value2 + (Intelligence * 2) + (Luck / 2)
Related PerksGun Nut
Fallout: New Vegas
ModifiesAbility to break down an item to repair another of the same type as well as computers, radios, etc.
Governed ByIntelligence
Initial Value(2 + (Intelligence x 2) + ceil (Luck / 2)
Related PerksHand Loader, Jury Rigging
Related TraitsGood Natured
Van Buren, J.E. Sawyer's Fallout RPG
Governed ByIntelligence

The practical application of the Science skill, for fixing of broken equipment, machinery and electronics.

— In-game description

Repair is a Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout 3, Fallout Tactics and Fallout: New Vegas skill. In Van Buren and J.E. Sawyer's Fallout Role-Playing Game it was renamed to mechanics.


The initial skill is determined as follows:

20% + Intelligence

Example: A starting Intelligence of 5.

20% + 5 = 25%


  • Repair the water pump in Necropolis
  • Fix the generator on the sixth level of The Glow
  • Assemble the T-51b power armor in Lost Hills
  • Disable forcefields in Mariposa
  • Repair the Mr Handy at Mariposa

Ways to increase[]

Fallout 2 and Fallout Tactics[]

The initial skill is determined as follows:

3 × Intelligence

Example: A starting Intelligence of 5.

3 × + 5 = 15%


  • Fix the well in Arroyo
  • Fix the generator in Toxic Caves (55%)
  • Fix the car without Smitty (110%)
  • Fix the Auto-Doc in Vault City Courtyard clinic
  • Fix the rattling vent in Vault 8
  • Fix the Gecko reactor manually
  • Install the K-9 motivator
  • Reset combination on Bishop's safe to assassinate him (76%)
  • Destroy the stills in New Reno
  • Disable forcefields in Sierra Army Depot
  • Disable entrance forcefield in NCR
  • Fix the generator in NCR if Jack blows up
  • Fix the generator in Vault 15
  • Fix the generator in Mariposa
  • Disable forcefields in San Francisco
  • Disable the electrified floor in the Control station Enclave maze
  • Get the super secret easter egg in the above maze

Ways to increase[]

Fallout 3[]

Bobblehead Repair

"Why go down with the ship when you can try to fix it?"

Example: A starting Intelligence of 5 and Luck of 5.

Repair is used to fix damaged equipment, this is done by having 2 of the same armor or weapon, the user sacrifices parts from one item to bring up the condition of the other. However, the items don't need to be exactly the same, just similar (brass knuckles will repair spiked knuckles, etc.). Repair also determines the starting condition of custom equipment.

Maximum condition[]

The Repair skill level controls the maximum condition the equipment can be repaired to. This is equal to

Example: A Repair skill of 50.

In other words, every 5 points in Repair raises the maximum condition by 3%. For example with skill level of 10 allows items to be repaired up to 46%, skill level of 15 allows repair up to 49% and so on. This is important because weapons and armor in poor condition are not as efficient and their value is decreased. Low quality weapons have less accuracy and damage, which reduces effective range and often causes more ammunition to be used to kill enemies when using ranged weapons or more hits when using melee weapons. Ranged weapons in low condition are also more likely to jam, which lengthens the reload animation. Armor in low condition has a lower damage resistance (DR) rating. If the condition of a weapon or armor/clothing is completely neglected, the item will break, making the item unusable until it is repaired (armor and clothing will remain on a character after it breaks, but can not be put back on if taken off).

Repair efficiency[]

Furthermore, repairs become more efficient. The final condition of the item being repaired is equal to

Where is equal to the % of the highest of the two items and is equal to the % of the lowest of the two items, and is the item being repaired, all of which are a 0-100 value.

Example, combining a minigun with a condition of 20% into a minigun with a condition of 10%, by a player with 10 points in Repair.


The same repair performed by a player with 50 points in Repair will give.


Other than determining the item type, it doesn't matter if you repair item A with item B or the other way around. The formula also works when the two items have different item HP even if one of them is unique — the item condition percentages are taken into account, not HP.

Ways to increase Repair[]


Interactions that require Repair skill[]

  • 30 Repair is necessary to fix the water valves in Megaton during the unmarked quest "Treatment".
  • 35 Repair is required in the Anchorage War Memorial before, during or after The Wasteland Survival Guide to fix a broken door, if he/she has the door's component. Without the component, a Repair skill of 95 is required.
  • 40 Repair is needed during Rescue from Paradise to gain an option to free the children.
  • 40 Repair is needed to fix a broken robot during a random encounter. If you repair it, the scavenger will give you two energy cells. With a speech check, you can convince him to give you 100 caps and the energy cells.
  • 45 Repair is needed to disarm rigged combat shotguns.
  • 60 Repair is needed to disable the turret power generator during Stealing Independence.
  • 85 Repair is required to disarm laser tripwire emitters in Raven Rock during The American Dream.
  • A Repair skill check is made when disarming microfusion cells wired to a trapped toilet. It does not specify what the minimum Repair skill is.
  • After using the artillery switch in Takoma Industrial a few times, it will short-circuit. Players with a high Repair skill can repair the switch and continue using it.
  • Downloadable content also includes Repair checks on some items, most notably Point Lookout in the Chinese Intelligence Bunker (44 required to shut off radiation).

Non-player characters who repair[]

Name Location Repair skill
Bannon Potomac Attire 15 or 16
Crazy Wolfgang Caravan merchant 15~50~75 (see here for more details)
Crow Caravan merchant 15~40~65 (see here for more details)
Donovan Statesman Hotel/Ranger Compound 12 or 13
Durga Citadel 17 or 18
Ernest Roe Canterbury Commons 17
Friday (The Pitt) Downtown 12 or 13
Haley (Point Lookout) Haley's Hardware 100
Hoff Caravan merchant 15~40~65 (see here for more details)
Ken Ewers Arefu 15 or 16
Knick Knack Little Lamplight 15
Lucky Harith Caravan merchant 15~45~70 (see here for more details)
Moira Brown Craterside Supply/Underworld 24~54 (see here for more details)
Olin (Anchorage) Outcast Outpost 24
Panada (Point Lookout) House of Wares 19
Pappy Big Town 14
Peabody Citadel 19
Pronto Lock and Load 19
Shrapnel Flak 'N Shrapnel's 15 or 16
Smiling Jack Evergreen Mills Bazaar 15 or 16
Somah (Mothership Zeta) Mothership Zeta 100
Winthrop Underworld 24


  • Repair is used to disarm certain traps (bear traps, pressure plates, etc.).

Fallout: New Vegas[]

In Fallout: New Vegas, items can now be repaired to 100% regardless of the player's current skill. However, Repair still governs the effectiveness of repairing one item with another. A higher Repair skill unlocks crafting recipes for different types of ammunition and other gear at reloading benches and workbenches, most notably the Weapon repair kit with 50 skill. High repair also allows the player to repair mechanical or electronic world objects (elevators, doors, computers, etc.).

Ways to increase Repair[]


Perks that require Repair skill[]

Perk Requirement Level Additional Requirements
In Shining Armor Dead MoneyGametitle-FNV DM 20 2 Science 70
Junk Rounds Dead MoneyGametitle-FNV DM 45 2 Luck 6
Light Touch Dead MoneyGametitle-FNV DM 45 2 Agility 6
Hand Loader 70 6
Jury Rigging 90 14
Mad Bomber Gun Runners' ArsenalGametitle-FNV GRA 45 6 Explosives 45

Interactions that require Repair skill[]

Non-player characters Who Repair[]

Name Location Repair skill
Dale Barton Fortification Hill 30
Samuel Kerr 188 Trading Post 40
Calamity Jacobstown 60
Old Lady Gibson Gibson Scrap Yard 65
Mick Mick & Ralph's 75
Joshua Graham Zion Canyon 100
Paladin Sato Brotherhood of Steel safehouse 100
Raul Tejada Black Mountain / Raul's Shack 100
Major Knight Mojave Outpost 100
Sink Central Intelligence Unit The Sink/Big MT 100


  • Non-player characters who repair charge caps equal to 2 * the % damage repaired * the value of the item repaired. This cost is not affected by Barter skill or discounts from reputation.
  • Non-player character's will not repair items of apparel, such as Benny's suit, that have no DT.

Notable Repair skilled non-player characters[]


  • Smitty, blacksmith of the Adytum district of the Boneyard.

Fallout 2[]

  • Vic, pre-War stuff trader and possible companion of the Chosen One.

Fallout 3[]

  • Haley, founder and owner of Haley's Hardware.
  • Somah, former Paradise Falls slaver.

Fallout: New Vegas[]

Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel[]

  • Ching Tsun, weapons engineer of Secret Vault.
  • Giese, former robot engineer of Secret Vault and repairer of Los.
  • Vault Dweller, founder of Arroyo, former paladin of the Brotherhood of Steel, adventurer and player character in Fallout.