Various forms of religions exist in the post-apocalyptic Fallout world.
Religions in the Fallout world[]
Enduring pre-war religions[]
All the major pre-War religions and belief systems are still mostly active after the Great War. Christianity still exists, and has scattered into more splinter groups, such as the Catholicism-derived Saint Monica's Church as seen in Rivet City, and the Abbey of the Road, a Christian monastery somewhere west of the Commonwealth. The Mormon church still exists as well. There are some pre-War religious movements like the Hubologists that are even more active than before the War but in smaller groups as seen Nuka-World DLC. In some areas of West Virginia, such as Point Pleasant, the Cult of the Mothman tried to survive the aftermath of the Great War but were wiped out by the Scorched. Followers of Dharma also exist; such as Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs - Aradesh is a prime example.
New post-war religions[]
Many new religions also came into being. Just before the War, and soon after it, many doomsday cults were created, one of which eventually became the Children of the Cathedral who were situated near Los Angeles. The Children of Atom worship a dieity know as Atom and His Glow. They also have a warped view of nuclear weapons, viewing them as a sort of deliverance, but are usually a mostly peaceful group. Some of the post-War factions might also be considered quasi-religious even if they do not worship any deity, such as the Followers of the Apocalypse and the Brotherhood of Steel.
Tribal religions[]
There are also as many tribal religions - some worship fragments of forgotten knowledge about the world before the War; some, like Arroyo or Sulik's tribe, worship their ancestors, and many others deify the Nature, or particular plants or animals (like the Vipers or the Hangdogs). Some natives of the Pitt worship Ishmael Ashur, Lord of The Pitt. The residents of Oasis in the Capital Wasteland seem to have developed a religious system around the love of nature. Caesar's Legion, composed of reconditioned tribals, believes in the divinity of Caesar as the son of Mars. [1]
List of religions by game[]
These lists are generated automatically based on the articles in the respective categories.
Fallout 2[]
Fallout 3[]
Fallout: New Vegas[]
Fallout 4 []
Fallout 76[]
Fallout Tactics[]
Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel[]
Van Buren[]
See also[]
- ↑ Fallout Bible 6: "One from Killian:"
"Belief system. From the looks of FO/FO2 everything seems pretty non denom but there are still allusions to xianity. Any generally accepted idealogy in the wastes? I'm assuming it would be monotheistic? Any interesting tribal religions you'd care to elaborate more on? How about clearing up some of Hakunin's gibberish? (side question: Where's the name Hakunin from? Not any relation to Bakunin I hope though I guess Hakunin looks a bit like Bakunin post-scurvy)"
"All the basic belief Pre-War systems are probably still out there, but they haven't been addressed in any Fallout game out of fear of riling the masses - the Hubologists is probably the closest we ever got, and even they are an amazing coincidence to a contemporary religion. As a result, there's probably not much point on speculating on them except to say they probably survived in some fashion. Individual designers may end up resurrecting other religions if necessary to create controversy and screaming matches in the newspapers and message boards."
"In my opinion, the entire spectrum of Christianity still exists, and has scattered into even more splinter groups. Mormonism still exists, since it was hard to nuke all of Utah, and Mormons are pretty hardy folk."
"Father Tully in New Reno wasn't really a priest, obviously, and Jo in Modoc was a "minister" of sorts, but neither one was a representative of a real world religion. In the original documentation, Tully was supposed to be from the Abbey, but they drove him out after he accidentally set fire to one of their libraries."
"There are no tribal religions anywhere in the documentation except for the Vipers above, so anything I added would just be speculation. There are some out there – as much as Arroyo had a whole ancestor-worship thing going on, there are probably radscorpion / sun / sand / volcano / storm / chem / spore plant/ radiation-worshippers out there."
"Hakunin's Gibberish: Don't know where his name comes from. If Hakunin was part of the original F2 design, Tim Cain might know. I'll ask him at some point. His gibberish is probably due to a constant barrage of mind-altering chemicals he's been taking in his role as shaman. He's pretty whacked."
"Game logic reasons, however, dictate that because Hakunin's text was written by Mark O' Green, that he speaks the way he does because Mark has a talent and passion for inventing cool ways of speaking for NPCs (Set's lingo, for example, Bonenose's whole Jamaican dealio), and he does it because it's fun. Let's give it up for Mark O' Green, people."
"Oh, and there are plenty of cults in the wasteland. Watch out for them, because usually they don't like you and what you're thinking."