The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Red Okie Centuria
Veteran helmet
Notable LocationsFour States Commonwealth
Plains Commonwealth
Relations and associations
ParentCaesar's Legion
Related EntitiesPainted Rock

Word is that the Legion's old timers have shown up, Caesar's veterans from the Red Okie Centuria and what was the Painted Rock tribe. They're the best of the best and the baddest of the bad. Short of a centurion or praetorian, they don't come any tougher. You come across a pack of them, weigh your options carefully.

Hanlon, Fallout: New Vegas

Red Okie Centuria is one of the most elite combat units in Caesar's Legion, composed of elder legionaries who survived Caesar's relentless campaigning. These veterans make up a single centuria (80 warriors) and are kept in reserve to be deployed to tip the scales of pivotal battles or campaign. Short of centurions, the Red Okies together with the remnants of the Painted Rock tribe represent the toughest and most capable warriors in Caesar's service. For this reason, they were committed to the Mojave theater during the NCR-Legion War, to aid in the Second Battle of Hoover Dam around 2281.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

  • Judging by the name, Red Okies may come from the fringes of Oklahoma. Okie is a demonym for denizens of the state, while the color might refer to the iron-rich soil commonly found in the state.


The Red Okie Centuria only appears in Fallout: New Vegas.


  1. The Courier: "What's the Legion been up to?"
    Hanlon: "Word is that the Legion's old timers have shown up, Caesar's veterans from the Red Okie Centuria and what was the Painted Rock tribe. They're the best of the best and the baddest of the bad. Short of a centurion or praetorian, they don't come any tougher. You come across a pack of them, weigh your options carefully."
    (Hanlon's dialogue)