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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Red Menace
Hologram RedMenace 20151205 17-57-16
Editor IDRedMenace_HolotapeGame
Base ID000e5082

Red Menace is a Pip-Boy game tape in Fallout 4.


Published in 2075 by Vault-Tec Game Studios, Red Menace is a simple platform game playable on any device with a compatible holotape reader, such as the Pip-Boy 3000 Mark IV. The main goal of the game is to guide Vault Boy up a series of platforms to rescue Vault Girl while dodging atom bombs that the Red Menace throws from above.

The game features three stages, at heights of 25, 50, and 75 meters, with each adding additional challenges such as conveyor belts and pegs that must be knocked out in order to destabilize the platform. There is a single type of Power Up, which temporarily gives Vault Boy a suit of Power Armor to protect himself. While this is active, he cannot climb ladders.

At the end of the third stage, the Red Menace falls, and is impaled rather gruesomely by a piece of debris. After this, the game loops back to the first stage, this time at a height of 100 meters.


  • The game can be played on the terminal in the Vault 111 recreation room, and can also be ejected for future play at another terminal or through the Pip-Boy.


  • The Red Menace can also be seen in an issue of the Capitol Post seen in the Fallout 3 E3 trailer, dated 2066, which predates the copyright date of the game. Therefore, the Red Menace is likely a common caricature of the Communist forces.
  • During the Fallout 4 demonstration at E3, the copyright date was listed as 2053 (see image below). In the release game, this has been changed to 2075, for unknown reasons.
  • The high scores listed on the terminal are ten of the most common Creation Engine console commands.

Behind the scenes[]

Red Menace was heavily inspired by Nintendo's Donkey Kong.

