The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Master of the Mojave
Fallout: New Vegas locations project
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Red Gate
Red Gate
Icon landmark
The Red Gate 002
Map MarkerRed Gate
Cell NameNVDLC02SecRRDocks (closest)
ref idxx00686d
Gametitle-FNV HH
Gametitle-FNV HH

Red Gate is a location in the Zion Canyon. It is located north-northwest of the Red Rapids Docks.


Located on top of some rock formation overlooking the river, the area contains the remains of Randall Dean Clark, known as "The Father" to the Sorrows, and his pack which contains miscellaneous loot, along with the Survivalist's rifle and the Year: 2124 holotape.

At first, it may seem impossible to reach the place to get the rifle. If you just keep going around the rock formation, you can reach it. A way up can be found to the northwest of Red Gate; red dirt goes halfway up, and a steep rock slope is just barely climbable the rest of the way. Clark's remains can be found against a rock formation facing west-northwest (his gaze looks directly at Bighorn Bluff if viewed on the world map), obscured behind two evergreen trees.

Notable loot[]



Red Gate appears in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Honest Hearts.


  • PCIcon pc PlayStation 3Icon ps3 Xbox 360Icon xbox360 The map marker for Red Gate may not appear on your mini map.