This crude weapon consists of a chunk of concrete cemented to iron rebar. It is a popular choice of weapon among super mutants, who are among the few beings that can effectively heft such a cumbersome weapon.
Gameplay attributes[]
The club requires a Strength of 9 and a melee weapons skill of 50 for it to be at its maximum potential. It sports one of the highest damage, but this is hindered by its slow attack speed. However, this is balanced with the rebar club having a longer reach than most weapons.
This weapon degrades at a very low rate and provides substantial DPS, making it a very cost effective all-around weapon for melee players. They show up quite early on and are likely to be a melee characters primary weapon for quite a while. They do excellent raw damage, are cheap and they are found frequently allowing for easy repairs. Even when super sledges are available, they are a good secondary weapon for roaming the wasteland with, saving the sledges durability for really tough or dangerous opponents. With Piercing Strike, high Strength and melee skill a rebar club can tear apart most of Mojave Wasteland creatures and humans with ease.
Its special V.A.T.S. attack is "Mauler", at the cost of 48 action points and has a chance to knock down enemies (requires a Meleeskill of 50). This can also be used as a power attack outside V.A.T.S. When running and holding down the attack button, the player will swing the weapon in a circle.
Nuka BreakerGun Runners' Arsenal, a unique Nuka-Cola sign that does more damage but is less durable.