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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Ranger station Delta
FNV Ranger Station Delta
FNV Ranger Station Delta Int 1
FNV Ranger Station Delta Int 2
Icon military
Ranger Station Delta loc
Map MarkerRanger Station Delta
FactionsNew California Republic
New California Republic Rangers
QuestsReturn to Sender
Cell NameRSDelta
ref id000dde4d

Ranger station Delta is a location in Fallout: New Vegas, south-east of Boulder City and north-east of Camp Forlorn Hope.


Erected on the remains of a ruined farmstead, this Ranger station[1] is positioned to watch the Colorado River for Legion infiltration teams that are sent over in rafts.[2]


The station appears to be little more than a couple of tents and an outhouse around an old, burned down building, identifiable from the distance thanks to the radio mast erected on the cliff above. However, there is also a cellar door - locked Average and marked owned, so it can only be opened with impunity if the player is out of the Rangers' vision radius - leading to the intact cellar. The cellar itself contains a reloading bench, a situation map, and plenty of supplies, including a gun cabinet and several ammunition boxes.

Ranger Pason, station chief, patrols from the homestead towards the lookout point on the cliffs above the Colorado, down the path that meanders east through the cliffside.

Southeast from the camp is a cliff that leads down to the Colorado. The player can jump down safely to ground level and swim across to a lakelurk cove, which contains three egg clutches and some minor loot, including explosive crates with grenades, mines, and bricks of C4 (leveled loot).


Notable loot[]

Related quests[]

Behind the scenes[]

  • There's something peculiar here involving Ranger Pason and an oddly positioned robobrain overlooking Hoover Dam. Pason never mentions the robot, but it has the name CrRobobrainRangerGBRM2kX and has an ai package called DeltaPasonGBRM2KXPatrol that clearly links it to Pason. In the robot's inventory is an object called 'GBRM2KX Memory Chip,' which due to its attached script can actually satisfy the requirement of having "eyewitness" proof of there being no super mutants in the area for the 'Return to Sender' quest. This is all well and good, but there is no supplied reason WHY this is the case in the game. People have noted it allows you to complete the quest if Pason is dead, but so does just picking up the note he has from his corpse - why bother duplicating an extremely easy objective in the first place, especially in such an obscure manner? It seems to me there was originally going to be some kind of quest that linked Pason and the robot together that was cut. Looking at Pason's dialogue lines this also seems the case - although his final lines are a mish mash of early and later added dialogue from two quests squashed together, they only fill up topics 0, 2, 7, and 9 of whatever was once was there/was planned. That's a whopping amount of dialogue to get the axe, so perhaps it was dialogue relating to some kind of quest to recover the memory chip from a dangerous robobrain gone rogue?[3]
  • Interestingly the memory chip item was originally just another clipboard item like the ones found at the other ranger stations - its editor id is actually VMSRSDeltaClipboard and it appears as a clipboard in the player's inventory! It looks like someone changed their mind on having just another boring fetch quest to get an item and started working on something involving the robot but then changed their minds again (probably due to lack of time) and just ended up leaving a load of things relating to it in the game.[4]


Ranger station Delta appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.


  1. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.376-377: "[3.36] Ranger Station Delta
    This Ranger Station was erected on the remains of a ruined farmstead, which is still visible. Ranger Pason is looking for Legion crossing the river. You can ask him, or Scheffer what they're doing, and what the Rangers do. Outside is a Campfire, and a rather grim outhouse, but the real reason for visiting is the cellar under the house ruins. Pick open the lock [Average], and search the pool-table for a well-hidden Magazine!"
    (Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition Tour of the Mojave Wasteland)
  2. The Courier: "What are you doing out here?"
    Pason: "Keeping watch on the river and looking for anyone trying to cross it. The Legion likes to send infiltration teams over on rafts."
    (Pason's dialogue)
  3. Spare Us the Cutter by moburma
  4. Spare Us the Cutter by moburma
NCR Ranger stations